Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2149 pursuing you

Are you and sparrow boat serious?

This question has been asked recently. In addition to outsiders, sparrow Fang himself is asking.

Kangqin's heart has an answer.

In front of her cousin, she did not hide: "yes, I like him."

This time, there is no hesitation.

Wei Xinrong: "..." The mouth base asks such a sentence, in the heart finally comfortable?

Wei Xinrong hated that he could not hit himself with one mouth.

"You..." He hesitated. "You think about it?"

"Think about it."

Wei Xinrong felt lost inexplicably, just a little, not to the point of pain: "congratulations."

Then he said, "no, I'm going to have a young master in charge of my family as my brother-in-law. I'll see if I don't break Shen Yinghao's leg! Ben is going to be walking sideways in Singapore! "

Kang Qinxin: "..." She came home, went upstairs, took a bath and lay down.

What she said in front of Wei Xinrong was not to say casually, nor to avoid Ye Xiu.

Her feelings for sparrow boat are generated by subtle influence. Otherwise, she would not have been so nervous or even a little expecting when he was near last time.

Just like it. It's nothing. She's always in love.

So thinking, the next day Si quefang called her and asked her to have morning tea, and she went.

The two met at the tea restaurant, not British, but Hong Kong.

"Try this."

He took a shrimp dumpling to Kang Qinxin.

Kangqin said thank you.

Sparrow Fang asked her, "do you want to go back to my old house with me to meet my parents?

When can I have a moment? "

Kangqin's heart raised her eyes slightly, and a shrimp dumpling was stuffed in her mouth.

Sparrow boat thought she was going to escape.

Can't imagine, Kang Qin's heart is exceptionally honest.

She slowly finished eating the shrimp dumplings, and considered: "time you arrange, I can at any time.

Just... " The sparrow boat was stunned.

He did not expect such a smooth, a little unexpected, at the same time, his heart flashed a little joy.

He smiled and spoke very well. He didn't pretend to be cold. "Just what?"

"Sparrow boat, don't you regret it?"

Her eyes were black and focused on him.

She finally stopped calling him "Er Shao" or "quefang", but took his surname with her.

Si quefang often heard that his mother called his father "Si Xingfu" with her first name and surname. It was inexplicably felt that this kind of appellation was abnormal intimacy, which was a little ambiguous.

"No, I have tried my best to pursue you for so long. What do I regret?"

"That's settled," said the sparrow boat. "Don't go back. I'll fix the time."

Kangqin frowns slightly.

"What's the matter?" he said suddenly

"When did you pursue me?

You are usually very busy. "

Kangqin said.

Sparrow boat: "you want me to pick you up at your bank every day with flowers, and invite you to have coffee and dinner. That's the pursuit?"

Kang Qinxin: "..." Sparrow boat considered: "it's not that bad."

Kang Qinxin: "..." After the morning tea, the two of them came out of the restaurant. The sparrow boat got up first and stood still.

Kangqinxin went to the gate of the box. He suddenly grabbed her arm and tried hard to encircle her in his arms.

He is quick, Kangqin heart has not realized what, his lips have fallen on her lips.

He just pecked at her lips gently: "cover a chapter, if you repent again, I will lose my temper."

Kang Qinxin thought that he was an old hand in this field, but he just touched her lips so pure.

Her heart fluttered, hot and warm.

She broke free from his arms and stood, "I ask you..." "What?"

"How many girlfriends have you talked about?"

She said, "just be honest, I haven't talked about it.

You know, my uncle... " She can't go on.

As mentioned before by sparrow boat, ye Xiu looks too tight, which is a fact indeed.

Kangqinxin was very close to Yexiu when she was young. She also remembered that when she was a teenager, she was chubby and wanted Yexiu to hold her.

Just unexpectedly, ye Xiu "I didn't either."

The sparrow boat said truthfully, "where can I remember to fall in love when I was fighting in the past?

Later, the post-war reconstruction was very busy.

In the past few years, my father is not much in charge. I have to help elder brother everywhere. I am even busier. "

At this point, he smiled bitterly, "even you said, I didn't pursue you well, I have been busy."

Kangqin nodded.

She and sparrow Fang finished the morning tea, and finally got the confused thoughts clear.

She still goes to the bank.

In the afternoon, the bank was about to leave work, but saw a lot of people around the door, whispering.

Kangqinxin changed his clothes and went to the door. He was surprised to see what everyone was looking at.

When she pushed the crowd away, she immediately understood what everyone was paying attention to.

The sparrow boat's goods changed into a white shirt, brown trousers and a bunch of flowers. Surrounded by several of his adjutants, they stood in front of her bank.

Kang Qinxin: "..." What is this inexplicable sense of shame?

"Is it the master of the Department?"

"Here comes the girl friend."

The sparrow boat didn't notice Kang Qinxin's embarrassment at all. She put the flower in her hand and held it over her shoulder: "go, have dinner."

Kangqin couldn't say a word.

She got into the car of sparrow boat, took a breath for a while, then asked him, "what are you doing?"

"After you."

"Don't do that!"

Her embarrassment disappeared as the eyes of the crowd disappeared. Instead, she was a little pleased and eager to explore in her heart.

Sparrow boat smiles.

"Really, it's awkward."

"I know you're not a pompous person, you can't do superficial Kung Fu," Kang Qin said.

You're good to me, I know. "

"No more after that."

The sparrow boat followed suit and asked her, "where do you want to eat?"

Kang Qinxin: "where do you want to eat?"

"Not in the morning?"

"You let me set a time to go to the old house. I've made a reservation."

Sparrow boat way, "fixed two time, come to ask your meaning."

He came here for this, not for her pleasure.

"I'm free."

Kangqin said.

"How about going to my aunt's restaurant?"

He said, "have you ever been to Jingsu restaurant?"

Kangqin shakes her head.

"Which aunt of yours?"

She didn't understand. In her opinion, the Secretary's family is superior and mysterious.

"Yan family."

Said sparrow Fang.

Kang Qinxin: "is that right?"

"My mom is the adopted daughter of the Yan Family's father. Don't you know about it?"

He asked.

Kang Qinxin: "..." Because the ancestors are not from the south of the Yangtze River, Kang Qinxin always feels that he is coquetting when he hears the name "Muma" from the sparrow boat.

It's so cool that the second young secretary of the company is coquettish Kangqin heart patted the gooseflesh all over his body and shook his head: "I'm not very clear."

Her parents used to be very close to Si's family, but they had no contact for a long time. It was normal for her to be estranged from each other. Since she was born, she had only seen the elder of Si's family several times, and she didn't know their family's situation very well.

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