Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2152 see parents

Kang Qinxin has met the senior of Si family.

But today's identity is really unusual.

Her feelings with sparrow Fang always seem to have something, which makes her still have no sense of reality.

According to the agreement, she waited at home for the sparrow boat to pick it up.

In the past, when she was sent by sparrow boat, she stopped at the door of Kang's house.

This time, he stepped into the manor.

He's dressed formally today: a short sleeved white shirt, dark grey trousers, and neatly combed hair.

If there is a flower in his coat pocket, he can get married.

He went into the door of Kang's house and met Ye Wu and Kang Yu in the living room.

The sparrow boat hurriedly greets.

"Uncle Kang, aunt."

He said so.

Before, he didn't call it that.

Now he will not be the father-in-law and mother-in-law for some time.

All the boys in charge of the family have no choice. They are all outstanding talents.

In particular, the twins of Si's family inherited the good looks of Si Xingfu, who was tall, so they were extraordinary.

"Bird boat, you sit."

Leaf Charm greeted him, let servant tea, "Qin heart is still upstairs, you wait a moment."

The servant quickly brought up the tea.

The sparrow boat picks up and thanks Ye Wu again.

"Qin Xin is not sensible. Your mother is my teacher. She will understand her young age."

Ye Wu said with a smile, "don't have too much hope for her. She is just a child. You should take care of her more."

"Don't worry, auntie. I will."

In front of the adults, the sparrow boat did not put on the shelf of the second youngest in his family, but answered Ye Wu's words.

Kang Yu sat by, didn't say anything, just nodded implicitly.

Kangqin heart went downstairs. When he raised his eyes, his eyes lit up.

Today, she put her hair on a plate and combed her bangs. She has a different kind of decency and politeness, which is quite different from her usual capable appearance.

Sparrow boat stands up.

"Mom and Dad, I'll go first."

Kangqin said.

Si quefang also said goodbye to the Kang family.

When he got on the bus, he whispered to Kangqin, "you are so beautiful today."

Kang Qinxin: "..." Suddenly praise her, she also want to praise back, praise him a good-looking?

She hesitated, and saw that sparrow Fang caught her chin and pecked her on the lip before she could respond.

This is really Forget it, don't boast! "Do you have to?"

Kangqin is very shy, so people can't help but pretend to play.

"All right, I'll leave you alone."

"I can't help it, because you are so beautiful," she said

He didn't praise her much before.

It seems that he who has known him for a long time is not the same person.

But Kangqin is not upset.

She prefers such a sparrow boat, because when he doesn't pretend to be cool, as his sister said, he likes to play and grin.

She had no sense of distance for him.

Kang Qinxin looks back at him and asks him, "why did you always pretend to pull before?"

"No, they're not my girlfriend."

The sparrow boat said truthfully.

Kang Qinxin: "..." It turns out that this is the privilege of a girlfriend, so she can know what he really looks like.

"You want me to treat you like I used to?"

Asked the sparrow boat.

Kang Qinxin: "no way."

As they talked, the car arrived at the old house of Si's house.

Song Hezhen did not follow, standing at the door to meet, saw the car came, and hurriedly opened the door for sparrow boat.

Siquefang gets off, turns to the other side, opens the door for kangqinxin, and asks her to get off.

Kangqin, with three points in mind, followed siquefang all the way to the living room of Sijia.

In the living room, in the first place sat an old man.

Kang Qinxin can see that he is tall and tall. Even when he is old, he has a straight back and no sign of stooping. At first sight, he is a man of iron and blood.

This should be the grandfather of sparrow boat, the famous governor of the Si family.

Next to the governor, there was a gentle woman who Kang Qinxin had seen. His mother took care of the boat.

Mrs. Si has lived in Nanyang for decades. She doesn't know how to maintain her skin. She still hasn't dried it into the wheat skin of Nanyang women. Her skin is white as snow, and her hair is black as waterfall. She looks younger than her real age. She doesn't look like her mother's teacher or her sister.

Kangqinxin's eyes then fell on his father.

Division division division seat is all people, sitting the most casual, expression is also soft and soothing, as if at will can tease others a few words.

As expected, the sparrow boat is very similar to him, with 70% of its five features.

Next to the division seat, there is Sikai, the brother of the sparrow boat.

His face is more similar to that of sparrow boat, but Kang Qinxin can see the difference at a glance. The temperament of the two people is very different.

There is a kind of solemnity and straightness similar to his grandfather's. the back ridge pen sits straight and there is no wrinkle on the upper half of his body. It seems that where it should be straight, he is all straight and does not laugh.

Even if sparrow boat tries hard, it doesn't have his brother's natural indifference.

Even siqiongzhi and siyuzao are there.

When they did not speak, they all looked at the sparrow boat.

The sparrow boat was frightened by this solemn posture and thought, "what are they doing?"

Then, with a stiff head, he said to his grandparents, "Grandpa, this is Qin Xin."

Grandfather nodded a little.

"Qin Xin, your name is grandfather."

The sparrow boat took her hand and said to her.

Kangqin was very clever and called Grandpa.

The superintendent beckoned at her.

"Come here, son."

The governor said.

Kangqin takes a few steps forward.

The chief inspector handed her a red bag: "I'll see you for the first time. Take this.

After that, the bird boat bullies you. Just tell me. "

"Thank you grandfather."

Kangqin said.

When Grandpa spoke, Si yuzao became lively.

"All right, everyone's red envelopes, and then eat.

It's like three auditions. Other girls dare not marry us in the future. "

Said Si yuzao.

Kang Qinxin: "..." No, in such a serious atmosphere, can you talk like this?

She was doubting, and she heard the master's laughter.

"What Qin Xin has seen before is not an outsider, not to mention in the future."

"Move to the restaurant and have a meal," said Xing

Kangqin's heart was greatly relieved.

She felt that the pass was easy, though a little intimidating.

The secretary is very considerate of her.

She peeked at the eye sparrow boat.

The sparrow boat winked at her. It seemed to be very proud, not to mention his usual disguise.

"My God, you can't even learn one tenth of your brother's."

Kangqin heart stomach Fei.

The Secretary opened the table early.

At the dinner table, Gu Qingzhou and Kang Qinxin talked a lot. The implication was that they were very satisfied with the daughter-in-law.

Even the taciturn Sikai talked with Kang Qinxin about the news that the bank had recently made.

Their family members try their best to let Kang Qinxin feel their welcome to her.

"Que Fang will go to visit your parents tomorrow. I will ask your parents another day to discuss the engagement."

Gu Qingzhou said, "isn't it early?

I think you two talked for a long time. "

Kang Qinxin: "..." I didn't talk about it for a long time. It was just a long rumor.

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