Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2156 pure hearted division two Shao

The engagement dinner was a great show.

Singapore's rich and new, have seen the Secretary's young grandmother.

It's not known that there's any gossip or engagement.

Now, Kang Qinxin has stepped into the door of the family. Since then, Kang family has played an important role in Singapore.

Lu's brothers and sisters also came to the wedding party.

Lu Yuanxiao's attitude changed greatly and he was extremely respectful.

“…… We're going home. Something's wrong with our family. "

Lulan told Yanqing, "maybe we should sell our industry and immigrate to the United States."

Yan Qing later told Kang Qinxin.

Kangqinxin only knows that the domestic economy has become a foregone conclusion, and no private industry can be guaranteed.

She was very glad that her father's industry in Shanghai was not so smooth and she sold it back to Singapore in advance.

Lu family brothers and sisters, in Kang Qinxin's engagement banquet, hold the tail to be a man.

Kangqinxin did not embarrass them.

At the end of the engagement banquet, both sparrow boat and Kang Qinxin have rest rooms upstairs.

They didn't go back that day.

Late in the evening, Kangqin's heart took off her residual makeup and siquefang came to knock on the door.

“…… Tonight, do you want to sleep together? "

Sparrow boat asked her.

He asked casually, but his eyes were unsteady. He was nervous.

Kangqin is funny.

Ming Ming is not as cold as his brother. Why do you have to pretend that?

Mingming is not sophisticated enough, but also wants to flirt with her. It's just How cute?


Kangqin said.

Sparrow boat a Leng, still thought he would get a scolding, did not expect Kang Qin heart so direct confession.

I remember that when I first met her, she was also a very pretentious little girl.

She has changed a lot.

In other words, after knowing her, I really know her. She is not the same as what she shows.

People may be two-sided, some are obvious, some are not.

Sparrow boat entered Kang Qinxin's room and did nothing. For the first time, they slept together in the same bed. They couldn't sleep, and they couldn't do anything out of the ordinary.

So they just talked.

“…… Your uncle is different from you, isn't he? "

Suddenly, sparrow boat said, "he won't even come to our engagement party this time."

Kangqin's heart is silent. She doesn't know how to answer.

She still didn't want anyone to say that her uncle was bad.

No matter how bad my uncle is, she is the only one who can say it.

"I remember the first time I saw you. You were very big. He still held you in his arms."

Sparrow boat road.

Kang Qinxin wanted to get angry, but he didn't think it was suitable for him, so he forced himself down: "I don't want to say this, OK?"

"I say one last word."

"You said."

Sparrow boat: "you see him more important than me now, I don't mind.

But there is a time limit. If you think he is more important after two years, I will not be happy. "

With that, he approached Kang Chin's heart and kissed her lips.

Their love, after all, is not so sticky as that of ordinary men and women.

Si quefang can even feel that Kang Qinxin wants to be engaged to him and marry him, with a kind of evasive attitude, rather than sincere intention.

But it doesn't matter. The man in charge of the family is always blind and confident. He thinks that time will change Kang Qin's heart. She will love him wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly.

Kangqin's heart hugged his neck.

He knows everything.

When he knows everything, he is willing to marry her. Kangqin's heart is very warm.

So she said a love story, maybe a lie: "I don't think anyone is more important than you. You are going to be my husband, and you are the most important."

Sparrow boat laughed.

Sure enough, everyone will be happy if they listen to good words, even if they know it is not so sincere.

After the engagement, Kang Qinxin returned to Kang's manor the next day to get married at the end of the year. At the same time, she still did her business and managed the bank.

Last night, Kang Shuhong asked Kang Yu to take over the bank instead of Kang Qinxin for the reason that: "my sister is going to be married, and the Secretary's family certainly doesn't want her daughter-in-law to be busy with her mother's business.

Besides, she will be the manager of the family. How can we let her know the secrets of our Kangjia bank?

She will not be with us in the future. "

Kang Yu listened and was unmoved.

Kang Shuhong was so angry that he ran out to play in the middle of the night and came home at dawn.

When he came back, he saw Jiang Yulan sleeping soundly. He pushed her hard: "get up, pour me water!"

Jiang Yulan was pregnant for six months. She was heavy, and she had inexplicable abdominal pain last night. After all, yesterday was a big day for her second sister's engagement.

She struggled to get up.

Kang Shuhong thought she was too slow and kicked her.

He kicked at will, but Jiang Yulan fell to the ground, with colic in her abdomen like a knife cut. Her face was covered with cold sweat, and finally she cried out in pain.

"Elder sister!"

She shrieked.

Kang Huarou just got up, can hear the movement, is paying attention, afraid Kang Shuhong and Jiang Yulan fight.

Hearing the sound, she hurried over.

At this sight, she was shocked and lost color. She found that ginger Magnolia fell on the ground and her pajamas were stained with blood.

Kang Shuhong's wine suddenly woke up.

Si que Fang just sent Kang Qinxin home, and as a result, they saw Kang family carrying Jiang Yulan who was bleeding.

"What's the matter?"

Kang Qin's heart sank.

Kang Huarou held her down: "don't lose your temper, send Yulan to the hospital first."

Jiang Yulan's child is dead.

It's not that Kang Shuhong's kick was broken, but that the child was born with a congenital deficiency, failed to bring up to maturity and became a stillborn child.

The stillborn child naturally fell off. Jiang Yulan didn't notice last night. He got a lot of blood on his bed. He tripped up and fell down with Kang Shuhong's kick. It broke out completely.

She took out the stillborn baby. She didn't have massive bleeding. It's a blessing in misfortune.

The Kang family was covered in dark clouds.

Ye Wu carries the children on her back and secretly wipes her tears. Kang Yu is not in a good mood either. If her son doesn't become an instrument, her grandchildren are still so weak.

He really wanted to recruit a son-in-law. Unfortunately, Si quefang and Shen Junlan both have one side of the family business, and no one can come to his home.

Jiang Yulan wakes up and wants to see Kang Yu and ye Wu.

Kang Qinxin and Kang Huarou also followed into the ward, and Kang Shuhong sat beside them.

He is still swearing: "useless things, a child can not bear, do not strive! We kangjiabai are so kind to you. "

Kangqin is so angry that she wants to beat him. She is pulled by kanghuarou.

Jiang Yulan's face is like gold paper, very haggard.

"Mom and Dad, I can't give anything to Kang's family any more. I can't repay you for your kindness to me.

Let me be selfish and agree to my divorce, will you? "

Jiang Yulan was in tears.

Kang Shuhong was even more furious.

"OK, leave! Leave today! Are there any men who want you besides me?

You yuan family can't open the pot in poverty. Without our Kang family to play the autumn breeze for you, you will all starve to death.

Do you dare to put on Miss Jiang's score and say something about divorce? Do you deserve it?

Tell you, it's not that you want to divorce, it's that I, Kang Shuhong, want to divorce you! "

Kang Shuhong called in doctors and nurses.

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