Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2162 secret of jade pendant

Half a month later, everyone in the Department knew the Wulong of the trouble.

Everyone is laughing.

Gu Qingzhou couldn't laugh.

Si Xingfu also laughed with him. It's OK. He's scared to death.

Late in the evening, he sat in the bathtub, took care of the boat to wipe his back, and asked him, "if I leave one day, can you take care of yourself like Abba?"

Si Xingqi: "I think too much, so I won't live a pure life like him.

I'm going to marry 18 concubines, all of whom are no more than 20 years old, and make the family colorful. "

Gu Qingzhou slapped him heavily on the back.

The slap was very heavy, obviously angry.

Si Xingfu chuckled.

He hugged her waist and made her full of water: "so, don't go first.

If you leave first, no one can control my nonsense. "

Gu Qingzhou looks into his eyes.

His eyelids have sagged a little over the years.

When I was young, those lawless people were restrained. Now when I look at people, I always seem inexplicably gentle.

Although he is still full of banditry.

"Well, then, no one will go first."

Gu Qingzhou said, "we live to be eighty years old. At that time, I must have lost my hair and my teeth."

Speaking of this, she opened her mouth and pointed to the last tooth. "It's always hurting recently. The dentist said it might be decayed. I need to change a new tooth."

Si Xingfu pinched her chin, looked at it carefully, reached out and pressed it again, and found some signs of loosening.

No matter how old they are, they are also old. After all, their granddaughters can run all over the place and talk like their mother.


Si Xingfu said, "for a pure gold, a talk full of gold, rich and powerful."

Gu Qingzhou imagines the scene, and everyone laughs wildly.

"You're a grandfather, too. Don't be so out of tune."

Gu Qingzhou said, "if you are so old and disrespectful, your children will not respect you."

"No one doesn't respect me now."

Gu Qingzhou: "..." It's true that children are awed by their father and more intimate with their mother.

They talked for a long time.

This day's night wind is particularly gentle, is a storm after a short refreshing.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu took a bath and sat on the balcony chatting.

Both of them are busy every day, because they are busy with the marriage of sparrow boat and the birth of their children. They haven't left Singapore for tourism for nearly three years.

"I want to stay in Hong Kong for a few days."

Gu Qingzhou said, "I haven't seen Huo ye and Wei for a long time."


He said.

After the first year's feast of sparrow Fang's son was finished, there was no need for them to worry.


Gu Qingzhou said, "if you can't, you have to call Mr. Huo the day after tomorrow, so that people won't be surprised."

Si Xingkai: "now we can play, tomorrow we will start."

He thought about it and went to fight.

Huo Yue received a phone call. He was very happy. He heard that his grandson's first year banquet had been held. He asked them to stay.

When the sparrow boat got married and the baby was full moon, Huo Yue came, so he didn't come to the dinner.

“…… Come and live more.

My family has also gone to study in England. I just left a few days ago. My family is very cold and frightening. "

Huo Yue said.

The children have all left home.

In addition to the servants and the two of them, there was only one tin Jiu Ye to accompany them.

Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou live the life of everyone. The family is always full of bustle and bustle. They can't feel the coldness of huoyue and He Wei.

The next day, the two of them set off by plane.

In the evening, He Wei and Huo Yue sat in the latest restaurant for dinner.

At the same table, there are also Taoist Chang Qing and a Mr. Luo.

These years, the Taoist priest of Changqing is still not old, which reminds Gu Qingzhou of Mr. Ning.

They are Taoists with advanced skills. They don't think they have much at ordinary times. If they get along with each other for a long time, they can see that they are unusual.

Mr. Luo is a mixed race. His eyes are light, his nose is high, and he is very handsome.

"Mr. Luo is the son of an old friend of mine."

Huo Yue introduced.

Mr. Luo himself smiled: "it's not his own. I was born by an Englishman who had an affair with a local woman, and then I was thrown away. My father Luo Xiao picked me up."

Si Xingfu still remembers Luo Xiao, the biggest big man before Yue city was controlled by Huo Yue.

That man is very powerful. He is a famous killer.

"Oh, I see."

Si Xingfu smiled, "I'm an acquaintance, though I haven't seen boss Luo with my own eyes."

A few people had a good chat.

But the long green Taoist priest winked at Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou smiled, and as he walked out of the restaurant, they sat down beside the fountain pool at the door of the restaurant.

Changqing Taoist priest handed a jade plate to Gu Qingzhou.

This jade pendant was brought to him by Chen Su Shang last time. I hope he can identify the origin.

Gu Qingzhou has been troubled by this jade pendant for years. I don't know what Mrs. Hirano meant to her before she died.

Chen sushang secretly told her, "my master knows, but he won't say it."

Later, Taoist priest Changqing was forced by Chen sushang and told the truth: "I didn't refuse to say it, but I didn't know it too specifically. I only knew that this jade pendant must be something of Miao area."

When Gu Qingzhou asked Chen sushang to come to Hong Kong, he brought it to the mayor of Changqing. Please ask him to ask someone else.

It took a year and a half to find Mr. Ning.

Mr. Ning has lived for thousands of years. He knows everything in his heart.

“…… Mr. Ning said that in the reign of Emperor Kangxi, for the sake of peace in Miao area, the goddess used the combination of Gu and Shu to practice the jade plate, in exchange for the autonomy of Miao area for 60 years.

The biggest function of this jade pendant is to restrain the witchcraft and witchcraft in Miao area.

With it, you won't be disturbed by magic and witchcraft.

This object has always been the holy thing of the court, owned by successive queens and passed on for hundreds of years.

Later, I didn't know the specific origin of it. I only said that it could turn bad into good. "

Said the Taoist priest Changqing.

Gu Qingzhou: "..." She did not expect that it was not a key or a keepsake, but a single talisman.

A talisman that can turn evil into good.

Every time she thought of Mrs. Hirano, she could only think of her greed and ambition.

At this moment, Gu Qingzhou stroked the jade plate and suddenly realized a little "maternal love". It was weak, easily imperceptible, but very warm.

"It bothered me for twenty or thirty years, but it turned out to be a blessing."

Gu chuckled and said, "the only knot in my life has been solved."

She thanked the Taoist priest.

Changqing Taoist priest waved: "we can do our best."

Gu Qingzhou thought of Mr. Ning again: "is he still like that?

Is he getting old? "

"He's a fairy. The fairy won't be old. He'll always be like that."

Said the Taoist priest Changqing.

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