Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2179 kaifeiwai (17)

Zhang xuanjiao treated her with the same enthusiasm as yesterday, but complained about her late arrival.

It's even more unpleasant to see her at the same table having dinner and rushing to leave. She asked with her head askew: "sister Cheng Rui doesn't stay much. I haven't talked to you yet."

Shen Chengrui coaxes: "Ah Jiao is lovely. My sister has something in the afternoon. I can come back in the evening."

"If you are all busy, no one will play with me."

The pretended tone is lost, but in fact it implies coquetry.

Shen Chengrui can't bear to listen to this, but Si Kaikai has already called the nanny to come in, and told the nanny to take her niece upstairs. She said to him, "Gillian, you can't pester people like this, you will hinder others."

Zhang xuanjiao took off her mouth and said, "sister Cheng Rui is not someone else."

It's warm.

Shen Chengrui subconsciously touched his pocket, but he didn't find any gadgets to coax her. He said, "listen to your uncle. I'll bring you a gift in the evening."

Zhang xuanjiao's drooping little face instantly beamed, full of expectation to promise: "that's what you said, don't break your promise!"

Shen Chengrui said "yes", and also pulled a hook with her.

Secretary Kai Kai looked at this scene, some speechless.

A Jiao is only young. How could she be so childish?

When Zhang xuanjiao left the restaurant with the nanny, the Secretary opened his mouth: "you don't have to flatter her deliberately. It's not in your work scope to amuse her. Yesterday was the exception."

Shen Chengrui looked strange. "I didn't take this as a job. I just didn't want to let Gillian lose it.

Besides, how interesting your niece is. I'd like to accompany her. "

However, the Secretary thinks that the woman is still flattering herself by Gillian.

In the evening, when he went to another museum, Shen Chengrui did bring Zhang xuanjiao a gift. It was not a precious thing. He sold grass dragonflies by roadside craftsmen and two snacks.

Zhang xuanjiao likes it very much. She refuses to let it go even when she has a meal in her hand.

Sikai looked at it inexplicably and said with a straight face: "this kind of thing is not played by three-year-old children in China. Do you still hold it when you are eight years old?

Put it aside and wash your hands and eat. "

His tone was very serious, and he thought so from the bottom of his heart. When he saw the sugar paper and snack bag next to him, he reminded them one after another: "you eat less sugar, and forget how your mother told you to do it?"

Zhang xuanjiao's mother, the eldest miss of Si family, is a famous teacher of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Her family's diet must be healthy first. Such ordinary roadside snacks should not be bought for her.

Zhang xuanjiao nervously gathered the snacks in front of her body for fear of being robbed and said, "I like these things. Uncle, you are so wordy."

Sikai can't really fight with her, so she can only look at Shen Chengrui: "don't bring these things here later."

Shen Chengrui asked, "what's the matter? Do you think roadside snacks are not delicious?"

The secretary is silent.

"You haven't eaten it yet. How do you know if it's delicious?"

Shen Chengrui said and took out a sugar from his pocket. He handed it to him and said, "you can taste it yourself. It's delicious."

“……” Of course, it's impossible for SECCO to take over.

Shen Chengrui took back the sugar, not embarrassed, and continued, "or do you think these snacks are unhealthy?"

The Secretary Kai Kai Kai is serious: "originally.

Besides, Gillian doesn't lack these food for fun. "

Shen Chengrui "tut" a voice, the face does not agree.

Secretary Kai Kai Kai looked sideways: "how?"

Look at her with a face you dare not agree with.

"Do you know why Gillian was almost abducted last time when she was alone?"

Shen Chengrui sat next to Zhang xuanjiao and did not move his chopsticks. "I know your company is a big family, and Ah Jiao comes from a big family.

You usually buy her many expensive imported toys and snacks, but that doesn't mean she's not interested in other things.

No matter how cheap the things on the roadside are, they are all unknown to her. Gillian is curious and inevitably wants to sneak out to play. Otherwise, why don't you think she likes staying at home? "

She said and thought it was very reasonable. She drank a mouthful of water and went on: "you haven't brought any children.

Gillian is the age with the strongest desire for knowledge at this time. The less you let her touch anything, the more she wants to play and try.

Besides, this kind of snack is not nutritious, but she likes it. It's no harm to eat it occasionally. Don't be too rigid. "

Sikai was silenced.

For he was silent, and he hated to argue with others.

In fact, few people around dare to disagree with themselves.

Even if there is, it is absolutely impossible to accuse him of not being so righteous as the man in front of him.

Someone propped up, Zhang xuanjiao straightened her back, and repeated to Si Kaikai in Shen Chengrui's tone: "that's right, uncle, you should not be too rigid!"

Sikai choked so much that he wanted to refute Shen Chengrui's deception, but he was too bitter for words, and finally said, "eat!"

Shen Chengrui's life is very comfortable when he runs around the school and the other department.

As for the phenomenon that she often doesn't go home for dinner, Shen Chengrui's reason for her family is that the school has selected courses, and no one doubts it.

This is the weekend. Shen Chengrui serves grandma in the main building. She doesn't leave until she falls asleep in the afternoon.

As a result, just into the west garden, I saw my little sister came out with tears on her face, all the way East, trying to find her mother.

Shen Chengrui hurriedly called her, "Wei, what's the matter? Is someone bullying you?"

Her first reaction was that Shen Chengai bullied her sister again.

These days, she has tried to avoid Shen Chengai since she left early and returned late, so that she can't make her parents feel embarrassed.

But if Shen Chengai bullies Wei, Shen Chengrui will never bear it.

Shen Chengwei is timid. Seeing her crying more, she doesn't talk when asked, just shakes her head.

Shen Chengrui pulls her back to the building. "Xiaowei, don't be afraid. My sister will help you to get justice."

"No, not third cousin."

Shen Chengwei pulled her back and whispered, "it's six brothers and seven brothers."

Shen Chengrui was shocked. "The twins?"

These two cousins of Sanfang are twelve this year. They are naughty. They like to play tricks on people most. In Shen Chengrui's words, they need to be beaten.

Shen Chengwei, the youngest and best bully in the family, is always teased by the twins, and she dare not resist.

Shen Chengrui entered the building, only to find a mess in the corridor on the second floor. In the west, there were noises of fighting and smashing things, accompanied by familiar voices.

The second cousin lives in the east of the second floor, and the west of the corridor is the twin's room. Now the two rooms are both open, with pillows and vase fragments swinging at the door. It's obvious that there has been a fight.

Shen Chengwei, led by Shen Chengrui, whispered, "four elder sisters, it's five elder sisters who went to find them.

What to do? Let's go tell mom. "

Just then, Shen Chenghong and Shen CHENGMAO pushed Shen Chenghua out of the room. They kicked her under their feet, beat her with feather duster in their hands, and scolded "go away" fiercely.

Shen Chenghua's forehead hit the corner of the table in the room and his clothes were scratched. He couldn't avoid falling out of the door and was extremely embarrassed.

The advantages and disadvantages are obvious. One to two, she can't win.

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