Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2181 kaifuwai (19)

Shen Chenghua saw that his grandfather had moved his mind to punish his own sister. He stood out and said, "I started first. You should punish me.

Anyway, it doesn't matter what six brothers and seven brothers did. My grandfather is reluctant to punish them.

In this case, I don't need to ask again. It's all my fault.

Three aunts, if we must be punished by one of our sisters before we can calm down, come and punish me. Don't touch my sister. "

"Five sisters!"

Shen Chengrui looked at her and was very moved. At the moment, he protected her behind her and knelt down in front of the old man. "The injury on Cheng hongchengmao's body has nothing to do with ah Hua. Instead, ah Hua was beaten like this by them.

Grandfather, if you're fair, you can't punish those who have been beaten, can you? "

"Areh..." Lu Lin is both distressed and powerless. She wants to pull her up, but she is stared back by the old man.

The third wife said, "Dad, listen to me.

Chengrui is turning the corner and says you are unfair.

There are family rules in this state-owned legalist school. She can do something to her cousins today. She is not sure to do anything absurd and unrestrained tomorrow. She has to learn a lesson. "

Shen Chengai then echoed, "that is, four younger sisters are so rude. It's time to teach them a lesson."

"Go and ask the family to come."

The family method is the ruler brought from my hometown. It's a carved ruler with two fingers wide. The back of the ruler is not thick, but it hurts when it's drawn on people.

"Dad, areh and arhua are girls. They can't beat the ruler."

Lu Lin's face was urgent, and she knelt down in front of the old man.

Seeing her like this, the eldest lady and the third lady can see each other's complacency when they look at each other.

"My second brother and sister are wrong. My father's reason for disciplining areh is for her good. Otherwise, such a unruly girl will become a joke in other people's eyes when she goes out of the house."

The eldest lady gloated.

"Three wives follow way:" elder sister-in-law says reasonable, do not hit not long lesson

Shen Chengrui drags his mother and whispers, "Mom, please don't ask."

Lu Lin is usually strong, but this meeting is not important. She just wants to protect her daughter, so she continues to plead with the old man: "Dad, it's her daughter-in-law who doesn't teach her well. You have to punish me. ARI will go to school tomorrow."

The old man's face doesn't move.

The ruler was soon asked out.

At this time, the old lady who didn't have much nap came out.

Lu Lin saw her and immediately got up from the ground to help her. "Wake up mother."

And with the next aunt song made a grateful look.

The old lady looked confused. She saw the two granddaughters in the second room kneeling on the ground and the people in the room. She asked strangely, "what's the matter with family planning?"

Lu Lin immediately replied: "well, Xiao Wei wants to practice tennis after lunch, but Cheng Hong and Cheng Mao don't allow her to play, so she goes out.

When ah Hua knew about it, she ran to talk with her two cousins and was beaten like this by Cheng Hongcheng Mao... " She immediately called Shen Chenghua to come over and let the old lady look at the injury on her face, and continued: "areh's spleen, you are the most aware, in the past is the most short guard.

When she saw that her sisters had been wronged, she was so angry that she taught xiachenghong and CHENGMAO a lesson. Now the old man will punish areh. "

Although she is avoiding the heavy and neglecting the heavy, she is also honest. The third wife is dissatisfied but has no words to refute, so she has to lead her two sons to see the old lady.

The old lady is different from the old man. She always thinks the second room is the most intimate.

Shen Chengrui behaved well in front of her, and immediately refused to let her be punished. "A family of brothers and sisters inevitably have a quarrel.

I'll pay attention to it next time when I bump into it. What does the master do really moves the family rules? Won't the whole family have a share? "

When the old man heard this, he felt reasonable and thought about it.

"Dad, Cheng Rui didn't just bump into Cheng Hong and Cheng Mao. He was so ruthless and had internal injuries.

Chengrui is going to school tomorrow. Don't Chenghong and CHENGMAO want it?

They came to the school in this way. Facing the inquiry of teachers and classmates, could they say that they were beaten by their cousin?

Say that no one will believe you, whose sister did it! "

The third lady wiped her eyes with a handkerchief, and then cried with her arms around her two sons. She was extremely aggrieved.

Shen Chenghong and Shen CHENGMAO are crying and crying.

The old lady frowned. The young daughter-in-law liked to exaggerate most. She didn't give herself face like this, and was even more unhappy with her.

Lu Lin is not a bully either. Following the words of the third wife, she said, "that's what Cheng Hong and Cheng Maoxian didn't do before they became brothers. Only when they bullied Xiao Wei can they have the following things."

"That's enough, don't even say it!"

The old man had a headache when listening to them and glanced at the two grandsons. After all, he lost his heart and said in a deep voice, "Chengrui is the oldest. His younger brothers and sisters are not persuaded to quarrel, but they are still fighting. It's unforgivable! I said today that punishment must be punished. It is useless for anyone to ask for help. "

The old lady's face turned white. The husband and wife had not been so shameless for many years.

Lu Lin has no choice but to look at Shen Chengrui.

Shen Chengrui saw that his mother was so low, and her grandmother could not help but look away, while the eldest aunt and the third aunt were secretly pleased to see themselves punished, and suddenly they were tired of the past.

Seeing that her grandfather was about to hit her with the ruler, Shen Chengrui ducked and stood beside her.

Her action was so unexpected that the old man was really angry after a stupor and shouted: "unbridled! I punish you. How dare you resist? "

Shen Chengrui said: "my grandfather punished me, and I dare not resist."

Shen Chengai didn't see the ruler fall on her, but also lost his voice: "what are you hiding from?"

Shen Chengrui didn't lift his eyelids. He still looked at the old man and said, "Grandpa, you can't punish me."


The old man doubted that he had heard it wrong. What else can he do in the Shen family?

Shen Chengrui smiled and said: "you can't punish me. I'm a member of the company now.

He will be angry if you hurt me. "

A word falls, the hall is silent, all are incredible eyes.

In Singapore, there is no second place for a secretary except for the actual person in charge of the government.

Or the old man is well-informed, not surprised by this sentence.

But he thought that Shen Chengrui was nonsense and scolded: "you can just talk at home. If you dare to go out and make a rumor, you offend the Secretary's family. Let the secretary know that you are making a move with his reputation and see if I can kill you alive!"

He raised the ruler again, but facing the motionless granddaughter, he could not fall down.

Even though it has been determined that her words are false, she is scared by the saying "now is the person of the company".

The Chinese people in Singapore don't know the power of the family. The old man is deeply afraid.

Shen Chengrui turned her eyes and said, "if grandpa doesn't believe me, he will hit me. Anyway, I reminded him.

I'll tell you the truth when the head office asks me where the injury came from. "

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