Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2197 kaifuwai (35)

This Buddha jumped the wall and successfully saved Sikai's impression of Shen Chengrui. She was more tolerant of her previous actions and did not care about it.

In return, he has a steady stream of new dishes.

Shen Chengrui always wanted to stay. He didn't want to show some special dishes so early,.

After all, she needs this high paid job for a long time, for fear that she won't be used if the other party is tired of eating.

Now, as long as time and ingredients allow, Shen Chengrui will cook new dishes for the Secretary from time to time.

I don't want to hide.

Sikai is more and more satisfied, thinking that as long as she doesn't think about herself, it's good to use this little cook all the time. After all, she has strong business ability.

But Shen's life is not peaceful.

She openly refused the school grass in the school and kicked him off the bridge of the nose, injuring people and entering the hospital.

This incident was so widely publicized that the students who were friendly in the past began to alienate her.

And strangers who don't violate the river will point at her when they see her, accuse her of being an angel, and treat her pursuers with such a heavy hand Shen Chengrui is a very free and easy person. She never pays attention to the evaluation and impression of irrelevant people on her.

She has a good mentality, but Jiang Ying worries about her.

Afternoon tea time, school cafe.

Jiang Ying sat opposite Shen Chengrui with juice in her hand and said angrily, "they don't know you. Why are they gossiping?

Nalin Zhan is really a gentlemanly scum. He looks like a human being, but his pursuit of failure will lead to negative moves and spread rumors to hurt you.

You see now the boys see you all around, it's disgusting! "

"Go around and go around. I don't care."

Shen Chengrui's indifferent voice.

Jiang Ying was worried for her: "how can this be done?

What can you do in the future if you are misunderstood like this? "

Shen Chengrui listened to her cry, and smiled and comforted her: "Ah Ying, I'm not in a hurry, so don't worry.

What's more, I come to school to study, and I'm not looking for a partner. What do those men think of me doing? "

"I'll take care of it for you! Lin Zhan is rude to you. Shouldn't he be beaten? How could he go to the police? "

Jiang Ying said angrily, "Song Shanshan dare to find a relationship and want you to go to jail. That couple is too much!"

"How do you know so well?"

Shen Chengrui was surprised first.

I didn't tell her the details because I didn't want my friend to worry about them.

However, before the other party could answer, she suddenly said, "Oh, I see. Is that what the deputy office of Song told you?

By the way, how are you doing with him? "

She has the heart to change the subject.

When it comes to song Xinli, Jiang Ying's cheeks are really red. She doesn't have the heart to pursue Lin Zhan and the male students around her anymore. She looks down and says, "it's very good."

Shen Chengrui approached and asked lightly, "did you find out?"

Jiang Ying took a sip of the juice, whispered "Hmm", then raised her head nervously and told her: "areh, you can keep it secret for me, and you can't let my brother know about it.

Besides, if my brother calls to ask you about it, you need to cover for me! "

She can be happy with her sweetheart. Shen Chengrui is happy for her good friend.

But seeing her flustered look, she joked: "what are you afraid of?

The deputy office of Song Dynasty is not a villain or villain. It has a good family and character. It also plays an important role in the guard department. Even if your brother knows it, he won't object to it. "

"You don't understand how strict my brother is with me."

Jiang Ying immediately shakes her head and denies, "he always thinks that I am still at the age of studying, and marriage is not something I should consider.

My brother has a strong desire for control. Every time I go out and see anyone, he has to ask everything clearly before he agrees to let me go out. "

Shen Chengrui immediately said, "so do you use me as a cover for every date?"

Jiang Ying said "hee hee" and then said: "anyway, you use me as an excuse to work outside. We are each other.

Areh, you are my best friend, but you can't betray me! "

Shen Chengrui certainly won't refuse. He says, "I see."

Shen Chengrui hesitated to tell her cousin's heart when she saw her friend immersed in the joy of love.

After all, people are about to get the results. It's no doubt that it's annoying and embarrassing to talk about Shen Chengke's feelings with Jiang Ying.

But Shen Chengke did not come out of the shadow of lovelorn, even if it was just a single love.

At first, the driver at home went to the school on time to pick up Shen Chengke. He didn't get it. He couldn't find a circle nearby, so he had to go back to the Shen family and ask the old man for help.

This kind of situation has never happened to three good cousins.

Shen Chengke was always very obedient when he was at home. He never disobeyed or worried the elders. In the past, even if there was a temporary activity in the school, he would call to tell the family not to worry.

The Shen family immediately turned up and down, and began to send people to look around for him in case of an accident.

When the Shen family was searching for Wu Guo and hesitated to call the police at the Department of Chinese people's security, Shen Chengke went home drunk.

After he woke up, he explained the situation to his family. After school, he was pulled by his classmates to have a drink and forgot to call home.

The elder grandson of the old man's son is reluctant to teach him a lesson. He said two words without any pain and let it go.

However, within two days, Shen Chengke went home drunk with scars on his face.

He said that he met two hooligans on the road and had a fight with them.

The students who study can't beat the street gangsters naturally, and they are hurt all over.

He hung the lottery. The old man was too upset to blame him. He quickly asked the old lady to help him back to the room to have a rest and asked the family doctor.

Shen Chengke is so abnormal that even Shen Chengrui realizes that it's wrong. He suspects that Jiang Ying's boyfriend may have stimulated him. His father, mother and sister can also detect it.

Shen Chengke has always been a good boy at home. When he was questioned, he said most of the truth.

Originally, this matter has nothing to do with Shen Chengrui.

As a result, the eldest lady led her daughter upstairs and rushed into her room for questioning. She was vicious and radical.

"Shen Chengrui, did you bully your brother like this?


Shen Chengrui stood up from his desk and said: "eldest aunt, third cousin and second brother are worried about this, but you are looking for the wrong person.

Love this kind of thing, you love me to wish, I have no reason to force a Ying to come to associate with him

Jiang Ying's family background is very clear to the Shen family.

Even Shen Chengai, who has always despised Shen Chengrui, will be much more gentle when Jiang Yinglai comes to the manor.

It's just that Jiang Ying protects her sister, knowing that they are not good with each other, so she has been indifferent to Shen Chengai's show of affection.

That is to say, Shen Chengai fails to make friends with Jiang Ying.

But that doesn't mean she hates Jiang Ying.

On the contrary, the yuan family has money. The young Jiang Yuan has only such a baby sister. If anyone can marry her, he will get half of the yuan family's property.

Now I know that Shen Chengke likes Jiang Ying, but Shen Chengrui refuses to help Shen Chengke chase Jiang Ying. The mother and daughter naturally get angry.

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