Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2200 kaifuwai (38)

Shen Chengrui was very obedient and meekly replied, "since my grandfather asked me not to say it, I will not say it."

The eldest lady and Shen Chengai are angry and have stomachache.

The old man saw the wind suddenly changed, his wife and daughter were wronged, and reminded: "Dad, what happened to Cheng Ke..." When the old man heard of his eldest grandson, he felt soft and wavered.

The old lady took the opportunity to say: "yes, Dad, what's the setback for Cheng Ke? He was rejected when he liked girls for the first time. How can he stand such a big blow?

Now he drinks with his classmates every day. Today, he is beaten by a gangster. However, nothing serious has happened. But if it has been like this, what can I do if I lose my life one day... " She sobbed again, covering her eyes.

Shen Chengai also calmed down his emotions. Wen Yan egged on: "that's right, Grandpa, you love your second brother the most. You need to help him.

If my brother likes other girls, we can't help it, but Jiang Ying is a good friend of four younger sisters. We made friends when we first came to Singapore, and also came to our home to be a guest.

They have such a good relationship. If four younger sisters are willing to come forward and talk good words for their brother, it will be easy for them to do so, and their brother will not be so depressed. "

The old man listened and went to see Shen Chengrui again. He seemed to be weighing how to open his mouth.

In fact, tell them that Jiang Ying's boyfriend is the deputy of the escort department, and the Shen family won't dare to daydream any more.

After all, the Song family is not a casual family. It's not good to offend the security department.

It's a pity that Shen Chengrui promised Jiang Ying to keep secret for her. This once and for all method can't be used.

She could see that her grandfather wanted to appear for Shen Chengke.

At this time, Lu Lin said: "it's better to ask her family to help her with such things as chasing girls. Of course, it's only Cheng Ke who can help herself.

After all, other girls look at the boys themselves, not the men's family.

Besides, there are so many students in Jiang Ying. If everyone introduces her brother, I'm afraid it's time to turn his face. "


What's more, the second brother has never confessed to Jiang Ying. I can't find Jiang Ying directly. Tell her that my cousin likes her and wants to pursue her as a girlfriend, right? "

After thinking about it, Shen Chengrui decided to bring the topic back to Shen Chengke.

The second cousin is different from the eldest aunt. He knows the truth. After learning that Jiang Ying has someone she likes, he doesn't bother. He shouldn't force himself to speak good words for him like them.

"Isn't it shameful for my brother to express his love to Jiang Ying and be rejected?"

Shen Chengai is not happy with her statement.

Shen Chengrui said, "there are two possibilities for this kind of thing: acceptance and rejection. There is no way.

If you care about face, give up

At this time, Shen Chengke's weak voice came from the door: "four younger sisters are right. I like Jiang Ying. It's my business to tell her that it's also my business. Whether she accepts it or not is only related to me.

Dad, mom and Xiaoai, don't make her

He had been awakened by the disturbance for a long time, and now his arms were wrapped with bandages and his forehead and face were covered with red potion.

When the old man saw his appearance, he felt hurt. He immediately waved to him, "Chengke is coming. Please come to sit here with grandfather."

Shen Chengke came forward and said with shame, "Grandpa, I'm worried about you. I won't do that in the future."

"Good boy."

The old man's tone was gentle, and he didn't say anything about his eldest grandson's two violations of family rules.

Sure enough, those who are favored will never make mistakes.

Wrong is right.

And Shen Chengke himself said this, there is no reason for others to force Shen Chengrui to help.

But the old lady is always reluctant.

The yuan family has so much money. There are dozens of Shen families at best. The Shen family has so much property. In the future, they will have three rooms and one point, even less.

But if Jiang Ying can marry her son, the dowry will be enough for them to rank among the top rich in Singapore.

She used to hold her son's hand and sighed, "Cheng Ke, mom loves you.

You are the eldest grandson of our Shen family. You are the successor of the Shen family. If you can't even marry the girl you like, isn't it too regrettable? "

The heirs said that the playful third master and the third wife were pale. The grandsons of the Shen family were not the only ones! Shen Chengke is really concerned about himself when he is his mother, but comforts him.

The third wife went over and said, "since the eldest brother and sister-in-law all like Jiang Ying so much, they will come to replace Cheng Corti.

Jiang's parents are gone, so Jiang Ying's family is a big brother and obsessed with shopping malls. Maybe he agrees. "

The old man and the old lady were chatting.

Who doesn't know Jiang Yuan's baby sister?

In a moment, Jiang Ying can call everywhere and find Shen's house by phone.

Such a brother can be indifferent to the marriage of his sister?

Besides, they often see Jiang Yuan's photos in the economic newspaper, but where does Jiang Yuan know who they are?

How can I agree with you?

If Jiang yingneng accepts Shen Chengke first and the Shen family comes to propose marriage, Jiang Yuan may agree that his sister is not Shen Chengke's unmarried.

Isn't it humiliating to come to the door and propose marriage just like this?

Lu Lin saw that the third wife had never been so agreeable as she is now. She immediately came forward and said, "yes, the third brother and sister are right.

Brother and sister-in-law are always capable. What they do tonight always forces Cheng Ke to be a child.

I really want to marry Miss Jiang's family. Would you like to propose marriage? "

These rooms are always like this. For many years, they have been virtuous. The old man didn't want to control them. He waved them to go back to rest.

Naturally, he said, people dare not stay.

The long room didn't get along well, the third room didn't see the second room's bad luck, and because of the last few words, it's not worth the loss.

When the eastern and Western gardens were separated, the eldest lady stared at Shen Chengrui and said in a long voice: "Chengrui is really capable. With the support of the Secretary, the eldest and the youngest, she dared to threaten the old man openly."

Shen Li quickly apologized: "what does sister-in-law say? How dare Cheng Rui threaten dad.

Children don't understand. Don't worry about her. "

The elder master also scolded: "you know the rules, second brother. What's the matter with your daughter who can be taught just like this? How about facing the outsiders everyday?

Do you think if her classmates can marry into our family, we can still treat her badly

Shen Chengrui said quickly: "there are many rich and rich Singaporeans in Singapore, and there are many rich and famous ladies. Why do you always stare at my friend?

To tell you the truth, Ah Ying is really aggrieved if she gets married. "

When Shen Chengke heard this, he bowed his head and left for a moment.

The third master and the third wife also sent their two sons back to the West floor first.

Shen Chengai pointed to Shen Chengrui and called for Shen Li: "Er Shu, do you care what she said?"

Shen Li looks embarrassed.

Shen Chengrui said: "it's me who offends you. It's nothing to do with my father."

The old lady sneered, "it doesn't matter whether you raise your Godfather or not."

"It's just that when I was in the living room, I was still shouting that your business had something to do with Sima Shao. How come it has nothing to do with ER Shu now?

Four younger sister, you can't have a lover, so don't kiss your father. Isn't that hurting uncle Er's heart? "

Shen Chengai chooses things on purpose.

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