Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2202 kaifeiwai (40)

Lu Lin is not satisfied. The other side looks like the victim and looks at what she is doing? She also loves the bruises on Cheng Hua's body. It's not that her daughter has suffered!

But she didn't want to disturb them, so she said insincerely: "sister in law, you don't need to make a fuss about it. It's inevitable that their sisters quarrel and start to push and get hurt.

Besides, this kind of thing depends on who can beat and who can't. If you lose, you have to find your parents. If you can't find them earlier, it will be OK?

Three nieces feel aggrieved by Cheng Hua's roar, so they should tell you and me, let's teach Cheng Hua a lesson.

But she chose to solve it by herself. If she could not beat Cheng Hua, she couldn't blame Cheng Hua for refusing to stand up and be beaten or resisted

Her words are so beautiful that the mother and daughter can't refute them.

Shen Chengrui stands beside with a smile and cheers for her in her heart.

Shen Cheng loves tears, and says: "no matter what, my feet are useless, but five younger sisters have nothing."

On acting skills, Shen Chenghua would not give up. Hearing this, she immediately covered her twisted arm and cried for pain.

The old lady pointed to Shen Chengai's swollen instep and complained: "do you think this is a common push injury? Look at her little toe. It's bleeding. Maybe it's broken. "

"The eldest aunt looks up to my sister too much. Cheng Hua can break her third cousin's toe by stepping on her foot?"

After Shen Chengrui finished, the eldest lady just wanted to scold her. She thought of the Secretary's family and could only hold back. "I'll talk to your mother. Don't interrupt."

"Don't those three cousins interrupt?"

The eldest lady choked. She hated the niece more and more.

But it's just that people rely on the mountain, or the largest one in Singapore.

"In any case, it's a love affair. You have to explain it to us, younger brother and younger sister. Otherwise, we'll go to the old man to comment."

How can Lu Lin be frightened by her?

Last night, the mother and daughter said what they said to hurt the family. The old man is not satisfied. Where can they stand out for them?

Shen Chengai, after all, is not Shen Chengke. I don't love him that much.

"If sister-in-law wants to go, let's go. Cheng AI calls Hong Kong in the middle of the night. He must be very kind to the boy. Let's listen to what he said. "

Lu Lin is to see Shen Chengai and fiance love is not good, and this kind of thing is long room dare not let the old man know.

When the old lady heard this, she did not dare to go, but she was really unwilling. She swallowed her saliva and inquired for a long time, "is that all right?"

Lu Lin asked, "otherwise?"

"Cheng AI has to be sent to the hospital. Are you responsible for this? " Finally, the old lady decided to settle down.

"Sister in law means, are you asking me for medical expenses?" Lu Lin smiles with her eyes.

Seeing that she didn't even pay for the medicine, the old lady stood up in a hurry: "Lu Lin, don't go too far, it's your daughter's fault!

My family has suffered so much from love. Don't you even want to pay for medicine? "

"When a child at home sees a doctor, he can go to the public and report to the old man for help.

Or Chen Ke is ill downstairs. The doctor will come to change his medicine today and let him deal with Cheng AI. "

Lu Lincai didn't do this, and said that he would leave with his two daughters.

The old lady said "stop," but could not say anything more powerful.

Lu Lin turned around and said, "take good care of your injuries, be eager and impetuous". Then she really left.

Shen chengaiben sat at the edge of the bed. He was so angry that he lay down directly. He grabbed the pillow and smashed it at the door. "Mom, they are too much!"

The old lady was very angry, but there was something more urgent. She asked, "what's the matter, little love? How can you cry like this when you call Shaoyan?"

"Mom, he said he would break up with me..." Mentioning this, Shen Chengai doesn't even care about the second room sisters. She turns around and lies on the bed and is crying again.

"What, how can it be?" the old lady said with a worried face

"He's been talking about a girlfriend at school for two months. Mom, what do I do? If he won't marry me, my grandfather will kill me.

Besides, where else can I find such a mother-in-law? " Shen Cheng loves to stumble and cry, very sad.

"This kid surnamed Tong is very deceiving! He has seen your bath, and now he wants to break up with you? "

The old lady's face was blue with anger. "Don't panic, Cheng AI. This marriage is decided by the master of the children's family. He dare not disobey his father."

"But, at the beginning, uncle Tong was not very willing to be engaged..."

"Don't you agree with me again? Their family's most important business in Hong Kong is reputation and reputation. If they can even regret their son's marriage, who will do business with his children's family in the future?

If he really wanted to quit, he would have asked his father to tell your grandfather about it.

Since he only dares to consult you in private, it shows that his girlfriend has nothing to do with it, which is not comparable to yours. " The old lady measured herself and began to comfort her daughter.

Shen Cheng was really in a good mood after listening, "Mom, really?"

"Of course it is! We Shen family are not easy to bully. If the boy family dare to back out, the old man will not give up.

What's more, we are different from their second and third rooms. Your father will inherit the family property and factory in the future. They dare not to be children! "

She said, wiping her daughter's tears. "OK, stop crying. It's not good to cry any more. Then how can I close my heart with little words, isn't it? "

Shen Chengai wiped his eyes and began to worry, "but he has a girlfriend. What can I do?

I'm his fiancee. Where is he dealing with other girls? I don't like my bad temper. I think I can be my sister. Mom, how can you say he can? "

"Man, you should understand him. After all, you are not around him. At a young age, I'm full of blood. Even if I'm really in touch with other girls, I'm just playing.

When you pass the door and become a child's grandmother, are you afraid that you can't clean up those goblins outside?

Now, just wait for graduation next summer, and you will be married! " The eldest lady stroked her daughter's hair, full of love.

"It will be more than half a year, and I will have to suffer the leisureness of sister Shen Chengrui at home for so long!"

Shen Chengai said that he felt that his instep was more painful, and he began to cry out, "it's really annoying. She has a company and a school to back up the mountain. We can't help her.

Mom, it's been so long since you asked her to look good last time. When will it be implemented? "

The old lady nodded and said, "mom is in a hurry. She is looking for it. She always wants to negotiate a good price, isn't she? When she is promised, whether the company wants her or not depends on how she is horizontal at that time! "

:。 :

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