Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2206 kaifeiwai (44)

Originally, they didn't want to disturb their elders to go back to the West Building quietly to pick up their own things. But Shen Chengrui and Shen Chengke were only able to enter the iron gate of the manor and were seen by Shen Chengai walking around in the garden.

She saw her brother's cheek bruised and his clothes were in a mess, and took them to the main building in a surprise.

Seeing the appearance of the eldest son, the old man stood up nervously. Ke'er and Ke'er asked why.

Shen Chengke has some problems.

After falling in love, he fell down. He was cheated to the morphine shop by making friends. At last, he had to fight with his cousin to get out of that wolf and tiger nest. Maybe he offended the Li family again He enjoyed his grandfather's care and forgot to answer for a moment.

Hearing the wind, the eldest lady was worried about her son as soon as she entered the door, but she couldn't rush up to rob the man with the old man. After a cursory look at Shen Chengke, she saw that there was no big problem, so she left her attention to Shen Chengrui, who also fought.

"Chengke is the most sensible. It must be Chengrui that you have made trouble outside and let him come out for you! Cheng Rui, how many times has the family warned you not to cause trouble? How can you not listen?

It's really a injustice to have your brother beaten like this! "

She cried and wiped her tears. Her face was very sad.

Shen Chengrui is used to their behavior of blaming for unknown reasons. He sneers at the situation and doesn't talk. He is too lazy to answer.

Who knows that the eldest lady is even more energetic. Only when she acquiesces, the next three points of criticism turn into a lot of resentment: "it's not the aunt who wants to say you, the girl should be quiet and good, or how to say her mother-in-law in the future?

Usually you bully your cousins at home, but you can't do that outside.

Cheng Ke is warm-hearted again. Seeing you arguing with others, he can't stand by coldly.

But you also know that he is a reader. He takes a pen and writes for you. Does he not put it out clearly for others to type? "

She complained and asked the old man to make up her mind. "What Chengrui is involved with today is Chengke.

But what if one day, she broke into a major disaster and affected the whole family?

Besides, it's impossible for her to be like this all her life. She will always marry in the future. "

The implication of this point is to remind the old man Shen Chengrui that although she has a company to rely on, she can't always be the mistress of a company, and will be thrown away one day.

The family shouldn't always give in to her many times because of the company's big and small reasons.

At first, the old man was nervous about Shen Chengke's injury. Later, he listened to his daughter-in-law's words and believed them for seven or eight points. After listening to them, his face was heavy. He shouted: "Chengrui, you don't need to kneel!"

Shen Chengrui didn't want to deal with his eldest aunt because of his pain. But when his grandfather opened his mouth, he had to argue: "Grandpa, my eldest aunt began to scold me when she saw me and my second brother asking and didn't ask what happened.

She doesn't ask right or wrong. How can you still believe it?

You don't know that my eldest aunt didn't have a good face when she saw me. "

"What nonsense are you talking about? Do you talk to your elders like this?"

Shen Chengai stood next to the eldest lady. Hearing this, he was very angry. Excitedly, he said, "is it difficult that my mother will still wronged you?"

"I've never been wronged. The second sister and the eldest aunt are the most clear in their hearts."

Shen Chengrui looked at it coolly, and said coldly: "excuse me, eldest aunt, how do you know that I am the second brother, not the second brother

"How could it be?

What kind of person is your second brother? Will he take the initiative to argue with others? "

The big lady has a loud voice.

Shen Chengke, who sat next to the old man, was even more ashamed.

Shen Chengrui took a look at him and said something in his heart. He didn't want to embarrass him in public.

At this time, the old man said: "kneel down!"

Shen Chengai took the opportunity to gloat: "four younger sisters, do you hear me? Do you dare to disobey my grandfather's order?"

Finally, Shen Chengke got up from the sofa, his voice was not loud but his words were clear: "Grandpa, is my four sister. Today, thanks to her saving me, otherwise I don't know if I can come back."

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

Shen Chengai's face is upset and his eyes are anxious.

The eldest lady also said, "Cheng Ke, don't say that just to protect her.

Who in the whole family doesn't know that your personality is the most gentle, how can you fight with others?

It's Chengrui. It's hard to get along with her when she's young. She used to bully her elder sister and younger brother when she was at home. "

Her eyes are getting darker and darker. She has already winked at her son.

No matter what the facts are, as long as Chengke says he helped Shen Chengrui fight, the old man will surely believe it.

But Shen turned a blind eye to her suggestion and continued to say frankly, "no! I was in a bad mood. I went into a teahouse with my classmates, but I didn't expect that it wasn't serious.

Almost stuck in it, thanks to four sisters.

Her injuries are all to protect me. Grandfather, don't scold her. Are they all from my grandchildren? I've got four sisters in a row. "

He fell down and knelt at the tea table.

"Cheng Ke!"

The old lady hated iron but not steel, and she was annoyed.

Shen Chengai is also afflicted. He moves away.

The old man raised his eyes, looked at Shen Chengrui who didn't cry or make trouble over there, looked at his eldest grandson again, and doubted, "what you said is true?"

After all, Shen Chengke has many good words for Shen Chengrui. He needs to distinguish them carefully.

If Shen Chengrui is wrong, he must be punished severely. But if Chengrui saves Chengke, it's a credit.

"My grandson dare not deceive my grandfather. It's all my fault."

Shen Chengke scolded himself, "I didn't know how to open my mouth, but I didn't tell the truth immediately, and I also implicated four younger sisters."

The old lady called him by name, expecting him to change his words.

Shen Chengke straightened his back more and said loudly and firmly, "Mom, we can't be ungrateful and wronged four younger sisters."

The old man first called for him to get up, and then he took care of him.

Then he looked at Shen Chengrui and said, "you have done a good job.

My brother and sister should have helped each other. Your second brother's loss is your loss.

In the future, you should pay more attention to his affairs. "

He is such a character that it is hard for him to bow his head and praise twice.

Shen Chengrui nodded. Seeing that he called his family doctor to see Shen Chengke, he withdrew first.

Although the eldest wife was disappointed, she still cared about her son and left the same doctor.

It's Shen Chengai who follows him and catches up with Shen Chengrui's Yin Yang strange airway: "you really have the ability to coax my brother to protect you and speak for you in front of my grandfather every day.

I warn you, if my brother has something bad, none of your three sisters can do it! "

It's very clear, but people don't want to believe it. Shen Chengrui doesn't bother to talk much.

She has a fast pace, Shen Chengai has some difficulty with a certain distance, and when she ignores herself, she reaches out and grabs.

Shen Chengrui had noticed, dodged and said, "if you provoke me again, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Oh, you're so big. Do you dare to fight me?" She asked half of the question arrogantly, thinking of her feet, Sheng Sheng held back his words.

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