Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2209 kaifeiwai (47)

After everything was settled, he went out of his study and was summoned by his mother sitting on the sofa to watch the medical case.

As soon as Gu Qingzhou saw him, he put down his things and shouted "ah Kai" to let him sit next to him.

Sikai was very obedient, sat down and poured a cup of tea for his mother, with a friendly tone: "Muma, what can I do for you?"

"Your father and I heard that you have made a girlfriend. When will you bring it back to us?"

Gu came to the point and said quietly, "you don't have to wait for a long time to come back because you are hiding like a bird boat.

Your father and I are not old-fashioned people. You didn't make a girlfriend before and didn't urge you to find a daughter-in-law.

But now that you have it, it's always OK to bring it back to see you? "

She was really curious about what kind of girlfriend her silent eldest son had found.

I've been looking forward to his coming back for a long time since I knew it. I can't miss this opportunity today.

"Mummy, I didn't have a girlfriend."

Gu Qingzhou doesn't believe: "what's so embarrassing about my mother?

Yan Qing has said that you two have developed into cohabitation and eat together every day. Isn't that a good feeling?

I think you were born a few hours earlier than quefang. His son is two years old, so you should hurry up. "

The first second said he was very open-minded, the second on the rush.

Sikai was helpless, but when he saw his mother misunderstood so deeply, he could only explain to her clearly: "Mom, you can't believe Yan Qing's words. She just ran into her when she came to deliver things. It was just a little cook in my other library."


Gu Qingzhou doubts, "cook, do you eat with her?

Yan Qing has been following the boat for a long time, but her mouth is broken, but she is not so humble.

Are you not telling the truth? "

Secai sighed and thought about the wording to continue: "well, that cook saved Ajiao near the Department of the Chinese people's guard. Later, I met her in a friend's restaurant and hired her only when I saw her cooking well.

In those days, Ah Jiao happened to live in my side. She liked that little cook to follow her every day and pull her to eat at the table. Later, I didn't say anything. "

Gu Qingzhou looked at him several times: "just like this?"

Children can't help their mothers. These boys have their own ideas.

Sometimes she doesn't believe them very much.

"Just like that."

"What's more, the woman loves money like life. In order to fight with her family, she said it's my mistress.

When I met Yan Qing and worried that she was my pursuer, I threatened to say that she was my woman.

She's very good at cooking, but it's hard to be liked in other places. How can I look up to her? "

Gu Qingzhou listened and laughed: "how does it feel interesting?"

Si Kaikai: "..." What's so interesting?

"You said no, and Nama believed it."

Gu Qingzhou road.

She thought of her eldest son's temperament of "no entry for strangers". She was reluctant to pursue girls. Other women chased him and didn't care about him. She was a little worried.

It would be nice if a young girl could pry him.

"Mummy doesn't mind if you fall in love or if you don't mind your family.

If it's true, don't hide it from the family. "

Gu Qingzhou road.

He said.

Gu Qingzhou wants to keep him for dinner. Si Kaikai says that his father has arranged a task to go back to deal with it. He will come back to accompany her some other day.

When he came back to the other hall, he met Shen Chengrui, who was full of flattery.

Shen Chengrui has been waiting for him for a long time. Seeing that his face is not good, he still sticks his head together. "Little boy, I'm going to stew pigeons and marinate fresh mandarin fish, and I'm going to stir fry chicken with fragrance. I've got two dishes. Do you think that's enough?"

"You usually make up your mind. Why do you ask me all of a sudden?"

She's a bit of a freak to Scheffer.

Shen Chengrui around him, a strong smile to please, "this is not too early, think of time to add vegetables, so want to ask you what you want to eat?"

Secretary Kai Kai Kai has something in mind. He doesn't care: "that's it."

Shen Chengrui asked again, "then I'll call the kitchen to serve?"


She passed by, and Sikai smelt a light fragrance. It's the fragrant ash fragrance that can be smelled everywhere in Singapore. It's not fragrant but very comfortable. It's just right.

He suddenly said, "Shen Chengrui."

Shen Chengrui turns her eyes, wondering.

"what perfume do you use?"

"I don't use perfume."

Shen Chengrui did not understand, but also raised his hand and sniffed, but he didn't notice anything. He had to say, "big and small, you can rest assured that I will cook, and I will not use perfume freely."

Secretary Kaichang saw that she obviously wanted more, and didn't say much, "it's OK."

He unbuttoned his wrist from his shirt and went to the restaurant.

During the meal, Shen Chengrui energetically brought food to him. "You have worked so hard. You must be hungry when you come back so late. Eat more."

"Come on, this is specially made for you. Isn't it delicious?"

Shen Chengrui is very eager, and regardless of the eyes of Si Kaikai, he deliberately wants to make him feel comfortable and open up later.

But Sikai just explained something to her mother at home, which caused her mother to be full of expectation and lose emotions, which was not good for her.

I'm flattered by her, and I know her purpose is impure.

He waited quietly for her to speak.

At the end of the meal, Shen Chengrui held back for a long time and opened his lips: "little boy, I have something to tell you."

Secretary Kaichang knew the key point and said in a cold voice: "say."

"That," Shen Chengrui didn't know how he was. He didn't mean to wriggle, but he always felt hard to talk about. He was mainly worried about being rejected.

She was watched for a moment, and looked at each other's face impatiently, and hurriedly said: "would you like to eat any dessert, young or old?

I can do it. "

After waiting for such a problem for a long time, he whispered "bored" and stood up on the table to leave.

Shen Chengrui is in a hurry, take off a mouth way: "still have a thing."

He stopped to look at her.

"Have you heard of the Li family help?"

There have always been gangs in Singapore, both in the dark and in the light. The government has rectified them but can't put an end to them. The biggest gangs are Yan family.

Because of the relationship between the Yan Family and the Si family, the Yan Family's life over the years is different from that of other gangs. Although there are underworld forces, they all abide by the laws and regulations, and they are also recognized by the government. Therefore, they have no interference in the Yan Family's use of extraordinary means to clean up the behavior of other gangs.

To some extent, the Yan family is a good helper for the government to help rectify the gang atmosphere.

Because Singapore has been calm in recent years, the government has no longer focused on dealing with those small gangs.

As a person of this status, Sikai is committed to the all-round development of Singapore in the future, focusing on high-level issues. Of course, I can't ask him about this matter personally.

Shen Chengrui didn't report any hope, but Sikai nodded: "know some, how?"

"I, I seem to have offended the Li family."

Shen Chengrui told the truth, then bowed his head, a little afraid of his anger.

"So come to me for help?" he said in an unexpected voice


Sikai laughed angrily and looked at her and asked, "did you forget what I told you before?"


Shen Chengrui said straightforwardly, "you said that if I have something else, you won't get me."

Seeing that she knowingly committed the crime, Sikai was physically and mentally weak: "then why do you think that I will help you come out again and again?

Now come to me for help, didn't you expect what would happen? "

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