Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 221 the drunken Smoothie

After receiving the invitation, Gu Qing was silent for a long time.

There must be a conspiracy behind this.

Please take care of the boat. The conspiracy is against her. Just, Gu Qingzhou doesn't know what Mrs. Si wants to do.

"Wei Qingjia is coming back. Shouldn't Mrs. Si give me some sweetness? What does she want to do to me? " Gu Qingzhou is not afraid to speculate on Mrs. Si with the greatest malice.

Mrs. Si agreed to marry Gu Qingzhou and Si Mu to deal with Wei Qingjia. Even if you want to have a party, Mrs. Si will create pressure of public opinion.

This pressure is mainly for Wei Qingjia, so that Wei Qingjia can't get close to Sima, or she will be mistakenly thought that she is close to her husband and wants to be Sima's aunt.

Of course, Mrs. Si is not afraid of Wei Qingjia. There are even countless ways to make Wei Qingjia disappear.

But in the end?

In the end, her son will always know, and even speculate, that it will only cool her son's heart, and from then on, mother and son's heart will give birth to a gap, and the gain is not worth the loss!

What Mrs. Si wants is not the disappearance of Wei Qingjia, but the development of her son according to her expectation. Listen to her and don't be confused by her daughter-in-law.

Wei Qingjia is here to disturb this expectation.

Mrs. Sima can't take the initiative. Everything she has done will make Sima unable to find any excuse to complain about her.

My son's fiancee was made in the early years. Is it wrong for her to manage her son's marriage?

Of course not!

The bigger the quarrel between Gu Qingjia and Si mu, the more determined Wei Qingjia is, the less dare Wei Qingjia to approach Si mu.

Wei Qingjia was the first lady in Yuecheng. Such a high platform, can she walk down to be an aunt? It's also impossible, unless she falls, breaks into pieces, and becomes notorious.

Mrs. Si believes that Wei Qingjia will not be so stupid!

"The identity of a famous lady has brought too many benefits to Wei Qingjia. She will never do anything for the sake of her admiration." This point, Gu Qingzhou knows, and Mrs. Si knows better.

Everything is under Mrs. Si's control, and Gu Qingzhou will become her chess piece.

"However, the family banquet can't meet the pressure of public opinion. What is the purpose of Madam Si doing this?" Gu Qingzhou thought.

Mrs. Si won't make friends sincerely.

Since she arranged the banquet, it was all for the purpose of building momentum and letting everyone know that the personal governor's office would really recognize it and was preparing for it.

In order to achieve this goal, we should have a big dance, and even invite reporters to take some intimate photos of Gu Qingzhou and Si mu, and then publish them to the public.

But Mrs. Si didn't.

"Madame still has a way to go - to clear my way." Think of the light boat.

Wei Qingjia is a tough guy. He uses Gu Qingjia to deal with Wei Qingjia, but he doesn't strengthen the strength of Gu Qingjia.

Mrs. Si is on her way.

For this reason, Gu knew that today's family banquet was not for exposing the marriage, but for other reasons.

Gu Qingzhou is in the plan of Sima, and Sima is also in it.

Later, Gu Qingzhou's spirit flashed: "if I were, it would be better to cut off my son's idea first, rather than guard against his son's collusion with Wei Qingjia."

Simacai is the main one.

As long as he holds Sima, Wei Qingjia is not worried.

Gu Qingzhou thought of Sima and said to her that he was a new school scholar, he would not marry his aunt, and he believed that marriage should be faithful to each other.

He has a sense of responsibility.

Gu Qingzhou guessed what time it was. What was the purpose of the dinner? She really guessed something.

“…… Are you really going to get married? " I can't believe that Gu's family is still surrounded by clouds and mist.

"Of course it is!" Gu Guizhang was so excited that he took out his best clothes and put them on, which was quite impressive.

Several aunts are beating drums in their hearts.

Gu Qingzhou's marriage to Sima means that a sparrow becomes a Phoenix. If wealth is so easy to get, there will not be so many tireless pursuit.

"Miss canoe, you'd better be careful. Be careful to make a boat of ten thousand years old." Second aunt is too low voice way.

For the first time, aunt Sanyi really praised aunt Eryi's words: "yes, Miss Qingzhou. You are worthy of being commander in chief, but you should be careful. Be careful, it's not a bad thing, is it? "

Fourth aunt also said: "Miss Qingzhou, you see, even Auntie's wife has to go. This department is more than sincerity? It's a low voice. Although "looking up to marry a daughter, looking down to marry a daughter-in-law", it is doubtful that such powerful families as the Secretary's family are so low. "

Gu Qingzhou's heart is warm.

In fact, most people are kind.

The three aunts of Gu family, Gu Qingzhou has helped them or promised to help them, they are full of kindness to Gu Qingzhou.

This kindness is warmer than the spring breeze.

"Don't worry, I know." Gu chuckled.

Gu Qingzhou is very smart. Several aunts feel that they are not as resourceful as Gu Qingzhou. When the topic comes, they don't want to talk about it again, so as not to spoil the fun.

In a flash, it's the 25th day of the first month.

On this day, the sky was not beautiful, and it began to rain. Spring rain, such as sorrow silk, in the eaves of a circle of swing open, the peach trees in the distance are moistened, faint pan out of the tender red bud.

Every time Gu Qingzhou goes to the office, he will change into his favorite old-fashioned clothes.

She wore a blue Begonia embroidered slant Lapel Yuanbao Lapel shirt, with a lake pigmented face skirt underneath and a snow forged plain face cloak with Fox white fur outside.

It's light and elegant, with the vitality of early spring.

"Nice." Gu Shao stands on the balcony, sees Gu Qingzhou combing her hair, admires her way.

Gu Qingzhou wears old-fashioned clothes. He must use a pearl comb to tie his long hair.

She is the most able to curl her hair and do several kinds of bun. The most commonly used one is low bun, hanging on the back of her head, which is quite dignified.

"Zhouzhou, I borrowed a camera and plan to ride with my classmates in a few days. I'll take a picture of you. I can have a look when I miss you in France in the future. " Gu Shaodao.

After that, his face was a little red, and he was afraid to wait for Gu Qingzhou to agree.

"OK, take a picture." Gu chuckled.

She sat up in the chair and looked at the camera with a smile. When the spotlight flashed, she did not move. Gu Shao left her smile in the camera.

Gu Shaobai took the camera and said, "I'll wash it out in a few days and give you one."

"Thank you, brother." Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu Shao also went back to the room to change clothes.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the family members took two cars and went to the company mansion.

When we arrived at the office, the rain was even smaller, like mist. If we didn't take an umbrella, we could dye our hair and eyebrows with a layer of white fog.

The old lady's yard was full of laughter.

The manager has already arrived.

It's rare that Mrs. Si has a good temper today. She's joking with the old lady.

When a group of people came in, Mrs. Si stood up first and said with a smile, "here comes the family?"

This "family" call Gu Guizhang was so forgetful that he almost looked very happy.

The aunts are quiet and silent behind them.

Gu Xiang with disdainful sneer, Gu Ying a little stage fright, dare not go forward, Gu Qingzhou and Gu Shao stand in the back, smile and don't talk, wait for adults to greet first.

Then, Gu came to the old lady.

The old lady took the hand of Gu Qingzhou and said some greetings. Then she said, "it should be treated in the daytime. Your mother-in-law said that the most important meal of the new generation is arranged at night, and we are in fashion. "

Then they went to a yard behind the company mansion.

The courtyard is very spacious. We set up a stage and invited two famous actors to sing.

The overseers and simu have been waiting for a long time.

Si Xingqi did not come.

"Why do you have to arrange it at night?" Gu thought to himself, "the old lady doesn't like dinner parties. She always says that they are different. There was no custom of being a guest at night before."

She thought so, and saw simmer.

Sima sat at the front table of the flower hall, his mind wandering.

When everyone was seated, the dessert would come first. The old lady would give Gu Guizhang a trick fold: "my family will order a trick."

"First, old lady." Gu Guizhang's ability of this kind of social intercourse is still very good, and the scene is passable.

The old lady had to ask him for some.

In the end, Gu Guizhang couldn't get by and ordered a more lively play.

On the stage, gongs and drums are loud, banners and banners are all over the place. Gu Qingzhou sits in silence, speechless.

Sitting next to her is the wife's beloved daughter, syongzhi.

Siqiongzhi ignored the suspicion and said a few words to Gu Qingzhou.

"Sister Gu, are you cold?" Asked siqiongzhi suddenly.

"OK," Gu said

"My gloves have just been left on the old lady's side. Can you accompany me to look for them?" "It's a bit slippery, I'm afraid," said Mr

"What is it like?" Asked Gu Qingzhou. She wants the servants to look for it.

"I can't say that either." Sijongyi stands on the horse road.

Gu Qingzhou is alert.

She knew it was coming.

"Let's go, sister Gu. We haven't talked alone for a long time." "It's a good thing," he said with a warm smile.

The old lady looked over, encouraged her to take care of the boat with her eyes, and kept in touch with her sister-in-law.

Gu Qingzhou had to stand up and say, "OK."

The rain has stopped, the sky is dim, and the street lights are on.

Gu Qingzhou goes to the old lady's side with siqiongzhi.

In the old lady's yard, in the Westinghouse, he found a pair of silver red gloves that she put under the tea table.

"I found it." "It's a pleasure," rejoicing sijongyi.

She sat up and did not intend to go.

"Sit down, sister Gu." Sijongyi road.

Gu Qingzhou looks around the room, nothing unusual, but she feels uncomfortable and a little heavy.

What did Si qiongzhi say? Gu Qingzhou didn't understand.

Without trace, Gu Qingzhou opens the silver needle in his sleeve and stabs it in from his finger end.

Strong pain, let Gu Qingzhou wake up completely.

At this time, Sima came.

Sima's face was a little red, as if he had drunk a lot of wine, and he also had a light wine smell.

As soon as he came in, he stood up and said, "second brother, I'm going out first."

She ran away and locked the door in the room.

As soon as siqiongzhi went out, Gu Qingzhou suddenly had a cat body and hid behind the sofa.

Simuwei was surprised and didn't understand what he was looking at her.

"Canoe?" When Sima wants to talk, Gu Qingzhou pinches his back neck.

The acupoints of the back neck were pinched tightly, and Sima gradually fainted in front of his eyes. He did not have half the strength in his hand, and passed out.

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