Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2214 kaifuwai (52)

Shen Chengrui doesn't know how to speak for a while. Who can accept that he is just a double?

And song Xinli did it! "Now understand why I want you to be separated from him?

He didn't mean well in the first place! "

Jiang Yuan said contemptuously, "you are so idle as an adjutant of the guard department?

If you lose a car, will he be able to deliver it to your home in person?

He came to see you like his fiancee who had an accident. "

"Don't talk, brother yuan!"

Shen Chengrui sees Jiang Ying in tears, and reminds Jiang Yuan with a voice.

Yuan Leng hum, "now I don't want to say?

You don't say that Ah Ying is not small. Can you accept any reason? "

He was also a little cold. "I hurt her for so many years. She sent people to protect her. She only regarded me as a stalker and didn't understand my pain at all.

A Ying, you are not a child. Don't you have the ability to distinguish?

You are my sister, the only family member. If you are a trusted lover, will my brother stop you from being together?

If you are not too simple and easy to be deceived, I will not take care of you like this. "

"I, I know..." As soon as Jiang Ying's hand was released, the paper fell to the ground, and she lost her soul.

Shen Chengrui can only call her name.

"I'll go back to my room first," Jiang said

Turn around and go.

Shen Chengrui wanted to keep up, but was suddenly called by his descendants.

"Cheng Rui, wait."

Shen Chengrui stops and looks at Jiang Ying's figure disappearing at the door. Then she picks up the document from the ground and returns it to Jiang Yuan. In her heart, she has figured out what the other side wants to say. She says in a low voice, "I will comfort her."

"I know you will."

Jiang yuanneng allowed his sister to be her best friend. He recognized and understood Shen Chengrui's character and temperament.

In the past, he was used to being cold-hearted on the iron surface of the shopping mall. For a while, he didn't know how to show his friendliness. He could only speak softly and softly: "there is no sand in Ah Ying's eyes,.

Song took her as a double, which was a big blow to a Ying.

I said that they are not suitable for the relationship without good results. The long pain is better than the short one. "

"I'll tell her what you said."

Jiang Yuan added: "this is the same for you."

Shen Chengrui's heart suddenly missed half a beat. He felt a little guilty and flustered. He forced out a smile. "Brother yuan, you're really joking. I'm not in love again. I don't need such advice."

Yuan Yuan didn't say, "you know."

Shen Chengrui didn't think about the meaning of this word, and escaped: "I'll go to see a Ying."

"Well, come and stay with her these two days."

Shen Chengrui said "yes.".

Out of the study, Shen Chengrui leaned on the corridor to exhale, still not satisfied with his words, only when Jiang Yuan was a passing reminder.

Patted his face and walked to Jiang Ying's room.

Jiang Ying is lying on the bed, sobbing and weeping in a low voice. When she hears the footsteps, she knows that she is a good friend and doesn't get up.

Shen Chengrui sat down and stroked her shoulder. "Don't be sad. It's better to understand his character than to be confused, isn't it?

Your brother would rather you misunderstood him than make you sad. It's really hard work. "

"I know he's afraid I'm sad."

Jiang Ying got up to see her. "I misunderstood my brother and would apologize to him."

"What about song Xinli?"

"How could he?

No wonder I always feel that he is a little absent-minded when we are together.

Areh, I didn't know. I didn't know that he was missing his fiancee through me! "

Jiang Ying said with tears running down her face, "how can he do this to me?"

"He did it too much. No wonder your brother is angry."

In fact, if at first song Xinli came here because Jiang Ying looked like his former fiancee, it would not be so hateful. The bad thing is that Jiang Ying became a real love, but he still lives in the past.

If the two are really in love with each other for a long time, song Xinli will not run away and do any business after facing Jiang Yuan's questions.

It's the hardest thing to give up so easily.

Everyone knows that.

"ARI, I don't want to."

She held Shen Chengrui's arm and asked in tears, "is it because I'm not good enough, so he can't forget the former one..." "It's not that you're not good enough, but that no matter how good you are, you can't compare with the dead in other people's hearts."

Shen Chengrui's eyes are distressed, and she has been talking to comfort her.

But Jiang Ying was still full of gloom.

At noon on the second day, she went to another restaurant and asked for leave with the secretary.

He frowned. "What's up?"

Shen Chengrui doesn't trust Jiang Ying. She was so well protected by her family when she was young. She can't stand the slightest injury. She's afraid of her friends doing stupid things.

"Something happened to my friend. I have to accompany her these days."

Secretary Kai Kai Kai Kai's eyes were a little deeper, he didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

Such a talkative boss, Shen Chengrui said positively: "I'll go and prepare the dishes later and explain to my aunts. I hope they can use it comfortably in the evening."


The tone of the Secretary can't hear the happiness and anger, some are profound.

Shen Chengrui thought that he should not be angry, so he went back to the small building to prepare pickles.

That night she stayed in the Jiang mansion again.

Jiang Ying knows the care of her brother and friends, and tries to make herself happy.

She also understood that many things delayed Shen Chengrui, so that she did not have to guard herself like this.

But Shen Chengrui stayed with her for several nights.

Until this weekend, Shen Chenghua, the five younger sister in the family, suddenly called and said that Cheng Wei was gone.

Shen Chengrui rushed home.

Shen Chenghua is waiting at the iron gate. Seeing her coming back, she immediately goes to the front: "sister, Xiaowei is gone, and she has shocked the family. What can I do?"

"Why can't I see you?

When did it disappear? "

"Not in the morning.

Today, there was no class. Grandma sent us to the main building for breakfast. After that, she left us to play there.

Later, we didn't know what happened. We heard a sound of porcelain vase breaking. We ran to see that grandfather's favorite blue and white porcelain plum vase was broken.

According to the two brothers in Sanfang, Xiao Wei broke it, and then she ran out. "

"Xiaowei is always timid. She broke her grandfather's beloved vase and must hide.

But even if she wanted to hide, she would not hide far away. At most, she would come back in half a day. How could she have no news now?

Ah Hua, do you think she will go to school? "

Shen Chengrui is also nervous.

"I went to school, even the church hall. The nuns there said they didn't see her.

Several of her better classmates have called at home and said they have not seen her. "

Shen Chenghua was so worried, "my grandfather was so angry that he said he wanted to find my little sister to settle accounts.

She said she dared to run away from home and scolded her parents for doing something wrong. "

"That vase is my grandfather's favorite antique. It has been on display since we were in Guangzhou. No wonder Xiaowei is afraid.

She likes to hide even when she is bullied by Shen Chengai. Will she not leave the house at all, but where

Shen Chengrui said that he would look around again.

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