Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2237 kaifeiwai (75)

In addition to suppressing the elders of the Shen family, Sikai did not bring any practical benefits to the Shen family. Instead, he wasted a girl in the family. The more he thought about it, the worse he felt.

If Sikai is really dead, it's impossible for the Sikai family to marry Chengrui and keep the festival for Sikai. Isn't this granddaughter of her family a white nurse?

"The third daughter-in-law is right. The second wife is confused about it."

The old man looked at Lu Lin's second son, who was afraid of his head and his eyes, and finally locked his eyes to Lu Lin: "the second daughter-in-law, you can't open a branch for the Shen family to defecate. Why can't you even teach a daughter well?

A good girl is buried like this. It's all your and the second brother's negligence. If you can find out earlier, Chengrui won't fold in. "

The more you say it, the worse it will be Shen Chengrui stood out and said, "grandfather, it has nothing to do with my parents. You are angry at me."

The old man ran out of patience. He leaned on his crutches and finally changed his face: "I'm talking to your parents. What are you talking about? Are there any rules?

As a daughter, I'm so disrespectful. I want the whole family to compensate you for your disgrace. I don't know if I'm wrong and dare to interrupt me. I think you're against heaven! "


Shen Chengrui chuckled and said that what the grandfather had done was really realistic.

I heard some wind and grass outside, and changed my face to the whole second room.

She is silent, but Shen Chengai loves to hold on to her and asks qualitatively, "what are you laughing at?

Is that your attitude towards grandfather? "

"I laugh at you."

Shen Chengrui tore his face and said in a bad voice, "I haven't closed my eyes yet. Are you in such a hurry to deal with me and my parents?

When I was in front of him before, how could I not say that I had behaved badly or that I had lost Shen's face?

You're so sure now. He's all right. I don't think he can make it for me anymore, right?

Then make a mockery of it. "

"Isn't that all your aunt and aunt are talking about?

We don't expect anything to happen to the company.

Today, I'd like to ask you to come here and ask questions. After all, I still care about the situation of the company. "

The old man changed his face after listening to it, and his tone relaxed a lot.

Even when the family are like this, the long room and the three rooms naturally do not dare to ask questions again.

Shen Chengrui really thinks that his family is funny. His face is like turning over a book.

She took two steps forward. "Actually, it's not that I don't want to say it, but I don't want to hurt you."

"What do you mean by that?"

The old man looked at her.

"We all know that Sima Shao was assassinated. Sima's family and the government were already investigating this matter. At this time, you came up to ask him about his situation. Who knows the purpose?

Will it be after the assassination to explore the follow-up? "

The master scolded in a hurry: "what are you talking nonsense about? We didn't find someone to assassinate the company."

"I don't think so, but will the investigation department.

They must think that the assassins also want to know what happened to Sima Shao. Are you right, uncle

The old man is livid.

"Well, if you don't want to say it, don't say it."

The old man thought it over, and no longer asked.

After half a night's fighting, it finally came to an end.

Even if it doesn't happen now, the attitude of the whole family is obvious.

If anything happens to Sikai, without this support, the second room is the target of the whole Shen family's ridicule and embarrassment.

Shen Li and Lu Lin are in a heavy mood. After they leave the main building, they look at the elder daughter walking beside them. They are both speechless.

Shen Chengrui knew what they were thinking and said: "parents, it's inconvenient for you to ask about this."

"Areh," Shen Li shouted to her. Seeing her daughter's clear attitude, she didn't ask.

Lu Lin holds her hand and says, "Cheng Rui, mom believes you."

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