Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 226 who moves first

Gu Qingzhou said that Si Xingfu was immoral, but Si Xingfu did not recognize it. The latest

"... You want not only the plane of Laozi, but also the girl of others. Who are you immoral Gu Qingzhou rolled his eyes.

Si Xingfu laughs and reaches out to pinch her face.

Her skin is slightly cool, soft and greasy, like a piece of brocade falling into her heart.

She knew that Si Xingfu was for the plane, not sleeping flowers and willows. Si Xingfu was very happy.

What is better than the woman you love to know and trust yourself?

Si Xingfu drives very steadily. He enjoys two people sitting in a secluded space, breathing the same breath. She exhales like a blue, and his breath is clear.

"Canoe?" Si Xingfu called her in a warm and gentle voice.

Take care of the boat.

"Why do you lie on the railing today?" "I'm afraid I'm going to hook up with that little girl?" he asked

"I just came out to have a blast. Who wants to see you?" Gu Qingzhou said, "besides, I'll see if you don't hook up with others."

"Look, how dare I?" "He said with a smile," light boat, you are very fierce and frightening, like a female tiger! "

Gu Qingzhou gave him a blank look, and then she kept silent.

"Canoe?" Si Xingqi called her again.

Gu Qingzhou looks at him again.

"I'm very happy today!" "You lie there and watch, afraid that I will go with others, I am very happy. It's like there's a tie, you tie me up! "

Gu Qingzhou was shocked: "are you still happy to be bound by others? Are you a pervert

He laughed again.

"If you care about me, you will bound me. Of course, I am happy. From small to large, no one makes decisions for me, I do everything I want. I'll leave it to you later. " Si Xingfu road.

"I don't care about you, and I don't want to make up my mind for you!" Gu Qingzhou said, "I just don't want to be embarrassed! Once you get engaged, I'll be more embarrassed. "

Si Xingfu breathed a sigh of relief.

Whether Gu admits it or not, she is concerned, even nervous.

"I will not marry the second miss of the Cheng family." "My distinguished guests are Marshal Cheng and his wife, not the two little ghosts," said the minister

Si Xingfu hates this kind of misunderstanding. He wants to explain it to Gu Qingzhou clearly and not let Gu think about it.

The haze in the heart of Gu Qingzhou seems to be lifted, and her heart is also relaxed a lot.

"Still angry?" Si Xingfu road.

"Never been angry." Gu Qingzhou mumbles and looks out of the window.

Sikang chuckles, thinking: This duplicity little thing!

He couldn't help but reach for her face again.

Then, he held the steering wheel with one hand and the hand that took care of the boat with the other.

She always said that she would not love him, but she cared about him, which was a good start. She will love him as long as he does not die or hurt her.

It's just a matter of time.

He had such confidence from the beginning.

Now the facts tell him that this is not blind self-confidence.

Isn't it about to come true now?

All his life, Si Xingfu has been open and close. He does everything by the most extreme means. Only in Gu Qingzhou, he follows her slowly, meticulously and slowly.

Fate made him fall in love with this woman, who taught him patience.

Gu Qingzhou thought that Si Xingfu was driving to take her to his other restaurant and do those dirty things. She was very rebellious and disgusted.

She was just trying to have a fight with him when she found out that they were not the way to another museum.

"Where to?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

"Go dancing." "I see you're full, too. Dance and digest."

Gu Qingzhou thought about it and shook his head.

"Don't go to the ballroom. I want to go to the cinema. " Gu Qingzhou road.

The warm current flows through the heart of Si Xingfu.

He said that he would only go to the movies with his wife, so she understood?

"OK, go to the cinema." He promised without hesitation.

Instead, Gu hesitated. "Really?"


It's a bit cold in the cinema, only two of them. Si Xingfu bought the tickets for the whole audience.

He took off his cloak and put it on her.

Gu Qingzhou's body is very small. His broad and thick wind cloak almost drowns her. The wind cloak is very warm and has his taste, just like his arms.

The film is a farce.

Si Xingfu thinks it's funny. He laughs incessantly. He laughs heartily without any intention.

Gu Qingzhou has known him for a whole year. He was so happy to see him smile for the first time.

This is a kind of laughter that is determined and hopeful.

It's like a man who lived like a corpse and finally understood what his hope was.

He smiled and held the hand of the caretaker.

Gu Qingzhou, dressed in a cloak, still has a cold hand. The warmth in the palm of Si Xingfu's hand, little by little, is put into her hand.

Gu Qingzhou is a little sleepy.

She leaned on his shoulder.

The shoulder of Si Xingfu is very broad, thick and strong. Gu leaned on the boat and Si Xingfu did not move.

He would still be amused by the movie, and then he would smile forward and backward. Gu Qingzhou leaned on him. When he laughed, he would laugh as if it were contagious. Gu Qingzhou couldn't help laughing.

That night, Gu Qingzhou stayed in the other shop of Si Xingfu. When she went to bed, she took the initiative to hug his waist.

"Canoe, I'm very happy today, more happy than all the days I used to add up." Si Xingqi kisses her on the top of the head and then on her cheek.

Gu Qingzhou shrinks into his arms.

"And you?" "Did you have a good time?" he asked

Gu Qingzhou hesitated vaguely: "I don't know. But if you are happy first, I can try to be happy. "

Si Xingfu kisses her lips and whispers, "a little thing who won't suffer at all!"

Gu Qingzhou fell asleep in a daze.

She had a very beautiful dream. In the misty and rainy March, Si Xingfu took her fishing. She sat next to her, dipped her feet in the river, and said, "Si Xingqi, feet are cold."

She hugged her and kissed her.

The next day, in the early morning light, Gu Qingzhou woke up, and his feet stretched out, freezing cold.

She seldom wakes up earlier than Si Xingfu.

Gu Qingzhou put on his clothes and stood on the balcony to blow the wind to make himself sober.

She heard the sound of the kitchen downstairs. Sister Zhu had already come to cook.

The light in the room is still a little dim.

A look back, you can see the sleeping Si Xingfu, his side face is handsome and without couple, sleeping him, without the past slaughter, quiet and handsome.

Gu Qingzhou takes a deep breath. The fresh and cold air pours into her lungs. She is also awake.

She went downstairs.

"Miss Gu, wake up so early?" Sister Zhu is always happy and kind-hearted. Maybe she is always in a good mood, so the food she cooked is also very delicious.

"Good morning, sister Zhu. Can I help you?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Sister Zhu said with a smile, "young commander is reluctant. He would rather make it himself than let Miss Gu cook. I've done all the washing here. I'm ready for everything. Now I'm waiting for the oil pan. If you can't help me, please go out and sit down. "

Gu Qingzhou sits in the sofa.

Then she heard a rush of footsteps.

In his pajamas, he appeared at the stairway. Looking at Gu Qingzhou sitting quietly downstairs, he was relieved.

"Thought you were gone." Si Xingfu smiles and has messy hair, which adds evil charm to his handsome face, which is breathtaking.

He opened his eyes and disappeared. He was scared. He immediately wanted to find it.

Seeing that she was still sitting there, Si Xingfu was in a better mood and began to wash his hair slowly.

When he combed his hair neatly, he lost the charm of getting up early and had the authority of a soldier.

"The dumplings cooked by sister Zhu are delicious." During the meal, Si Xingfu sandwiched two buns for Gu Qingzhou. "After eating, you don't have any meat!"

"I can't eat it." Gu Qingzhou road.

The manager stared at her.

Gu Qingzhou bargained with him: "how about this? I'll take a bite first, even if I eat, and then you finish the rest? "

Si Xingfu narrowed his eyes: "light boat?"

Gu Qingzhou shuddered and immediately took the soup bag to him, thinking of the devil!

She is not in a good mood with grievances and hard feelings.

The adjutant came in and whispered to the Secretary, "here comes Huo Longtou, commander in chief."

Si Xingfu was slightly surprised.

Gu Qingzhou also didn't see Huo Yue for some days. He went back to his hometown in Northern Jiangsu for ancestor worship.

According to the ancestor worship rules of their hometown in Northern Jiangsu, girls can't offer incense, so they stay together.

"So early?" Si Xingfu was slightly surprised. "Please come in."

Huo Yue was dressed in a blue gray cotton jacket, trousers of the same color, a pair of black plain cloth shoes, with neat sideburns, thick black, with gold rimmed eyes, and looked like a scholar with five cars of wealth.

Every time Si Xingfu saw his dress, he had toothache.

Obviously, he is a butcher. He kills people without blinking an eye, but he wants to be a philanthropist, which seems gentle and elegant.

"Lord Huo." Gu Qingzhou stands up.

Her action stimulated Si Xingfu.

What's the matter? Seeing Huo Yue is so respectful. Seeing me, how can I not know how to respect him?

"Sit down!" Si Xingfu frowned at Gu Qingzhou and said, "what is he? An old rascal! "

Gu Qingzhou thought he was unreasonable. He winked at him and whispered, "have you taken gun medicine?"

"No, he's jealous." Huo Yue and smile.

Gu Qingzhou was stunned and then blushed.

Huo Yue said to Si Xingfu, "if we talk about hooligans, we can't compare with your commander in chief..."

besides, he has to involve Gu Qingzhou. Si Xingfu just improved the relationship with Gu Qingzhou and didn't want to be provoked by Huo Yue.

"Sit down!" Si Xingfu pressed his hand hard. "Did you have breakfast?"

"Not yet."

Zhu added chopsticks to Huo Yue.

Gu Qingzhou also sat down and continued to gnaw at the two buns that Si Xingfu had given her.

Huo Yue is not polite. He doesn't say anything. He finishes breakfast first.

The soup bag is delicious. The rest is eaten by Huo Yue.

There was a lot left over from the breakfast for two people. After Huo Yue came, he almost ate it up.

"What can I do for you?" After dinner, the Secretary asked Huo Yue.

"Not for you, but for the canoe." Huo Yue said, "I have something to do with the boat."

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