Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 237 the oblivion of Gu Qingzhou

Gu Qingzhou never relaxed his vigilance to Wan min.

Wan min made it clear that there are tricks.

After that, Gu Qingzhou didn't care much. He thought to himself, "if you see the moves, can Wan min play any other grand tricks?"

Just that day after school, I saw Wan min and Li Hua go to the school gate together. They were talking and laughing.

Their two families seem to be very close, and they don't have cars to pick them up every day. When the weather is good, they go back by tram just like taking care of the light boat.

"They have a very good relationship. New friends are usually very devoted. Why doesn't Li Hua invite Wan min?" Gu Qingzhou thought.

So far, Gu Qingzhou still trusts Li Hua.

Li Hua must be kind to Gu Qingzhou.

But sometimes good intentions are easy to use.

"If Li Hua has a problem, Wan min must have used her." Gu Qingzhou thought.

How to use it?

It must have something to do with the birthday party.

Gu Qingzhou was still quiet, and she didn't talk about it with her friends. She knew it well.

After leaving with Yan Luoshui and Huo Yuanjing, she went to take the tram by herself.

Just returned to the Gu mansion, the second aunt was too excited. She tried to bear it, still smiling, and everyone knew there was a good thing.

"What's the matter?" Gu asked with a smile.

"Miss Qingzhou, the governor's wife has called you. You haven't finished school. She asked you to call her back after school. " "Two aunts too smile way, on the face likes not to reduce.

Look at this. I know it's a good thing.

It's just that Mrs. Si called. Why is the second aunt so happy?

It's not like I'm happy to take care of the boat.

"How can I be so happy?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"The governor's wife is on the phone, asking if I am the second wife." The second aunt was so smiling that she said, "Miss Qingzhou, did you tell her?"

"I didn't. she probably heard that." Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu Qingzhou didn't expect that Mrs. Si was actually trying to woo aunt Eryi, who had little contact with dignitaries and was very interested in her words.

The second aunt was too surprised and more excited. Her cheeks were red and her color was bright.

With the support of Mrs. Si, after the new lady enters the door, I'm afraid that she should also worry about the second aunt's score, so that she can have a foothold at home.

Women's demands, sometimes pitiful, only need a tile cover.

When Gu Qingzhou saw the joy of her second aunt, she also smiled. She didn't disappoint to say anything other than the words of her superior's wife.

She went to call Madame.

At the other end of the phone, Mrs. Si's voice was kind and gentle: "boat, come over for dinner at weekends, I'll send an adjutant to pick you up on Friday, and stay at home at night. We haven't talked for a long time."

Gu Qingzhou's hair stood on end.

Mrs. Si wanted to frame the innocence of Gu Qingzhou not long ago, and even made use of her son. How could she pretend to be nothing?

Gu Qingzhou can also respond to her as if nothing happened, but considering that he and Sima are about to leave, there is no need to deal with Sima at all, and Gu Qingzhou directly pricks them.

"Sleeping in the governor's office?" Gu Qingzhou's laughter, like the warm night wind in early spring, is full of sentimentality. It's passed to Mrs. Si through the telephone gently and softly. "How can I sleep with young commander before I get married?"

When she said this, the second aunt sat beside her too.

"Second aunt too quietly:" Miss boat, what do you say She was afraid that she might offend Madame.

Mrs. Si's breath stopped. She was probably very angry.

"Madam, did you forget the last time?" Gu Qingzhou continues to poke at the knife.

Mrs. Si wanted to blow up the phone.

I really want to shoot Gu Qingzhou!

From the time she met Gu Qingzhou, Mrs. Si didn't take more than half of the advantage. Gu Qingzhou is a cunning and treacherous man. Let alone Si qiongzhi, who is the Secretary's wife, is also planted in Gu Qingzhou's hands.

It has to be said that Gu Qingzhou is the smartest girl Mrs. Si has ever met.

She has a clear mind and keen observation. It's too hard to deal with her. Latest

"light boat, let's forget the past, we are a family." Mrs. Si continued to take care of the light boat road with great rage.

Since Madame Si planned to take care of the boat and Sima, Sima didn't talk to her very much.

Sima has been introverted since he was a child. Even if he is angry, he doesn't say anything. But he remembers that he will fight back with his actions.

He has been in frequent contact with Wei Qingjia recently, and even asked his adjutant to send gifts to the Wei family.

In front of Mrs. Si!

Mrs. Si wants to persuade, but she dare not. Women don't have their own business. When they are young, they depend on their father when they grow up, and when they are old, they depend on their son. They are like vines. If they want to climb higher, they need to rely on the largest trees. They can't stand on their own.

In the future, all the splendor and wealth will depend on the son. How dare the Secretary cool his son's heart?

This morning, when the chief inspector mentioned that a staff member was ill, he referred to the doctor.

When it comes to doctors, the topic naturally shifts to Gu Qingzhou. When the chief inspector talked about taking care of the light boat, he remembered what happened not long ago and stopped talking.

Considering what the Secretary's wife did, she only strained the relationship between the Secretary and the governor, who was not so disgusted. The method is wrong, the purpose is good, and it is consistent with the idea of the superintendent.

The governor also hoped that his son would like to take care of the boat, and that the marriage would be successfully completed.

Therefore, the chief inspector is not very angry with his wife, but he can't forgive her casually, lest she do what she wants next time.

As Mrs. Si made up for it, she said to the inspector: "otherwise, I'll invite a boat for the weekend. It's nothing to send a new family to spend the weekend in my wife's house. "

"That's not bad." The governor laughed.

Then the superintendent asked Sima, "you are at home these days, and you will accompany the boat on weekends. You two were separated from each other since childhood. You should know each other well. It's good to be your wife. Don't be confused... "Mrs. Si thinks that he must refuse and even say something unpleasant.

Unexpectedly, Sima held the chopsticks and stopped slightly, then said, "OK."

Mrs. Si was surprised.

She could see that Sima was very willing to contact Gu Qingzhou.

Would he fall in love with the light boat?

Mrs. Si has now demolished the east wall to replace the west wall, but in any case, if she can mend the wall and keep Wei Qingjia out of the wall, she will win.

So Mrs. Si called Gu Qingzhou.

After the phone call, Gu Qingzhou said something impolitely, which made his husband very popular.

At the other end of the phone, Gu Qingzhou didn't finish her words. Her laughter was clear and sweet: "a family? Madam, I remember all the words of the winter and the month before last year. This winter is about to cash in. Where is the family? "

Mrs. Si tolerated anger.

Gu Qingzhou is even more merciless to stimulate Mrs. Si: "I've seen young marshal and Wei Qingjia go out on a date. They're very well matched. What do you think, madam?"

The man's face was purple, and he wished he could slap the boat.

Wei Qingjia's old shoes, why accompany her son!

"I'm sorry, madam. My classmate's birthday is on the weekend. We have an appointment to go out of town to play. We can't go to the governor's office. I'm sorry." Gu Qingzhou road.

Then she hung up.

Mrs. Si smashed the phone.

Her heart ached with anger.

Gu Qingzhou's refusal, the Secretary's wife also told the governor and the Secretary mu.

Sima didn't say anything. He stopped slightly and went back to the room.

He never spoke very much, and Mrs. Si did not know whether he was unhappy or relieved.

The chief inspector understood: "they are young people, they have social relations, so next week. If you are free next week, invite her again. "

Sima went back to his room and sat alone in front of the desk, motionless.

He sat in silence for a long time.

The next day, at six o'clock, Simao drove his car to the street near Gu Qingzhou's home.

When Gu Qingzhou went out to take the tram, Sima came up and honked his horn.

Gu Qingzhou was startled.

She thought it was Si Xingfu.

Looking back, I saw that it was simu, slightly surprised.

"Come on, I'll take you to school." Si Mu Dao.

Gu Gu boat knows that there is a line of eye in the distance near her. They protect her and watch her.

Gu Qingzhou has no secret. She is not afraid to be monitored by the manager. Instead, it is the protection that makes her feel safe. She doesn't mind those people following her.

If she asked Sima to send her to school today, Sima Xingfu would be angry.

As soon as he got angry, he let the dead toss and turn to take care of the light boat, which could not stand him like that.

She smiled and stood still. She just bent over and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Come on up." Said Si mu.

"I still like to take the tram." Gu chuckled.

Sima had to get out of the car.

He walked around the car in his iron gray uniform, neat, shiny boots, long, strong legs.

"Do you have any misunderstanding about me?" Asked Shi mu.

Gu Qingzhou is confused: "what misunderstanding?"

"I said that day, did we frighten you when we fulfilled the Old Testament?" Asked Shi mu.

Gu Qingzhou has forgotten.

She suddenly said, "Oh... What, do you really want to be in debt?"

Sima shook his head.

He looked serious and asked her, "are you scared?"

"No." Gu said, "when will you give me the money?"? Don't worry, take money and do things at any time. I don't procrastinate. You don't have to rush every day. "

Simmer is silent.

"Young Marshal, I'm not a coward. How can your words scare me?" Gu chuckled, "besides, I don't remember what you said and what you didn't remind me."

This is true. Gu Qingzhou really forgot. She has been thinking too much recently. Sima is no longer in her net. She doesn't need to salvage him.

The sun is warm and bright. He can't see his backlight face clearly. He only knows that he purses his lips slightly.

When Gu Qingzhou waited for him to say something, Sima suddenly turned around and got on the car.

The car galloped at full speed and disappeared in the sight of the light boat.

Gu Qingzhou looks at the blue smoke raised by the car. It's muddleheaded, like a dream.

"What does that mean?" She thought stupidly that Sima was really a strange person.

He came and left suddenly, leaving a confusion for Gu.

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