Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 241 grasp the current situation

Late at night, the sky is blue and black, thin and cold curl.

The people in the room were crazy and drunk, and they didn't notice anyone in the yard.

The three people standing in the courtyard, however, did not move their feet for a long time. Looking at this scene, they couldn't believe it.

Peach core in the light cold night wind blowing, such as smoke like fog, fall in riotous colors, petals are turned up by the wind, lingering around the clothes and dancing.

"Are you ok?" The haze that pressed on Mrs. Li's heart suddenly disappeared.

She saw with her own eyes that her daughter was alive and kicking. Mrs. Li could bear all the other big things.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Li Hua is OK, everything else is easy to say!

Mr. and Mrs. Li are both smart people. It is precisely because they are smart and capable that Li Hua, under the care of her parents, never needs to worry about worldly affairs, so she keeps her innocence and loveliness.

After all, Mr. and Mrs. Li have 80% affirmation in their hearts: This is Wanmin's trick.

There was no accident, but wan Min said it clearly, because it was her plan.

"Mummy!" Li Hua saw Mrs. Li first and ran out in surprise.

She lost many times, drank a lot of wine, blushed, and was more colorful than taorui, but her tongue was a little out of control, and she spoke loudly.

She fell into Mrs. Li's arms.

Soft daughter, with the hot smell of wine, everything is so real, Mrs. Li's heart completely returned. She had never thought her daughter so lovely, it was her treasure!

She hugged Li Hua.

"Wan min, are you here?" Seeing Wan min, Li Hua was even more happy. "My birthday this year is really happy! Are you all here? "

She finally saw her father, broke away from his mother's arms and rushed to Mr. Li's arms. "Abba, I'm not drunk."

Mr. Li and Mrs. Li have similar feelings. Only when they have a warm baby can they realize that they are making a false alarm and finally have the heart to think about other things.

Wan Min said that someone called to say something was wrong, but who was that? Did you see it in black?

Where do you call again?

The flower garden is only an hour away from Yuecheng. There is no town in the middle. If you want to call, you have to go back to the city.

All these are loopholes.

Mr. and Mrs. Li are in charge of their daughter's love. Now we can see the clue.

The noise in the room stopped for the time being.

Girls are not very interesting. After all, they are taught to be ladies in ordinary times. When they release their original form at a time, they are somewhat embarrassed in front of their elders.

Gu Qingzhou was the only one who didn't drink.

She looked at Wan min's faceless face, her eyes drifting, and even wanted to run. She smiled and went up to Li Hua and said, "it's time for you to punish me."

"Nonsense, it's time for you to drink chili water." Li Hua said with a smile.

Mrs. Li is in a bad mood. Everyone can see it.

Gu came to Mrs. Li and whispered, "you must be curious. What happened? Today is ah Hua's birthday. It's only once in 18 years old. Let's not disturb them. "

Mrs. Li looked at the boat.

All the people in the room are ignorant, only Gu Qingzhou is more sober.

So, she handled everything.

Mrs. Li looked at the boat with pleasure.

Wan min wanted to run at this time. Gu took her arm in the light boat and shouted, "ah Jing?"

Huo comes out.

Wan min is gripped by Huo Yunjing, unable to move. She wanted to shout. Huo Fujing pointed a sharp dagger at her throat: "Wan min, don't be a wet blanket. Ah Hua seldom has a happy birthday."

Carrying the crowd, no one saw Wan min be intimidated.

Wan min's legs were all soft with fear, and her voice stuck in her throat, and she could not get out any more.

Li Hua is confused.

Mr. Li followed Gu Qingzhou and went out of the yard first.

Mrs. Li sat down and had a drink with her. She said with a smile, "thank you for coming to celebrate ah Hua's birthday. It's fun. I won't tell your parents. It's hard for you to appreciate your face. It's not good for you to drink thin wine and have coarse tea. "

The crowd smiled.

Mrs. Li is very kind.

With this encouragement, the girls who are half drunk and bound for half of their lives start to play and make fun of themselves. They don't feel surprised at the arrival of Wanmin and the Li family.

In the brain is half drunk, the present is prosperous extravagant, in the heart is joyful, which has the mind to consider other? Or, they will be unhappy things, active shielding.

After drinking, Mrs. Li appeased Li Hua and hurried out.

In a small yard not far away, six people dressed as farmers, their legs and hands dislocated, unable to rely on the wall, were injured.

The manager of the Li family explained to Mr. Li: "about an hour ago, I heard someone knock on the door. When I opened the door, I saw them standing at the door.

I asked people to bring them in, but I still wanted to lock them. I found that their hands and feet were all under people's feet. If they could not move, they would not be tied. I just asked them. "

The steward pointed to the man. They were all hurt. There was also a man's left arm. From the arm to the finger, the skin was peeled off. He was already in pain and faint.

And the others, frightened, rushed to explain.

"... I wanted to wait for them to explain clearly. I'll make a record here. I'll send it to the police station in the morning tomorrow, and then I'll go home to report. I don't want my master and his wife to arrive overnight." Steward.

Wan min almost vomited when she saw the bloody arm.

Mr. Li is livid.

Gu Qingzhou and Huo Fengjing are standing beside each other. The two girls have a soft expression, and they are indifferent to each other.

"What's going on?" Mrs. Li asked, "who can say that?"

The steward pointed to the most Western bandit and said, "madam, he said he is the leader. Let him tell you by himself."

Mrs. Li came to the man.

The man was beaten and saw that his companion had been stripped of his arm. Now all his mind was broken. When Mrs. Li asked questions, he immediately explained honestly. He dared not make a mistake in half a word.

"We were expelled from the Haiyan Gang after committing crimes. On weekdays, the Haiyan Gang received some work that violated the gang rules. Lord Meng was afraid to use the gang members, so he came to us for fear of eating the gang rules.

Lord Meng said, "let's come to this village and set fire outside the yard at night, frighten all the girls in the room out, and then find these three people.".

All three of them will break their bodies. The other one with short hair will spoil her several times, which will make her crazy. The other one will strangle her. The other one with long hair will move her once. In the future, she will be held responsible for her life and suffering. " The man told the truth.

Mrs. Li's hands were in spasms.

is exactly the same as Wan Ming told them.

It didn't happen at all. There couldn't be any reporters passing by to take photos.

The only explanation is that Wan min is the buyer behind her, so she knows.

Mrs. Li turned around and slapped Wan min heavily. Wan min almost fell down. Mrs. Li grabbed her arm and slapped her back.

"You are a poisonous snake and scorpion!" Mrs. Li cried and scolded. Her voice had gone out of shape. She was so angry that she was cold all over. "They are all your classmates. What kind of hatred do you want to destroy them all? You're going to drive ah Hua crazy. How can ah Hua be sorry for you? "

No one came.

Wanmin's whole body strength is removed.

She wanted to struggle, even to quibble that she didn't, that someone had framed her, but she couldn't say.

At the moment when she went to inform Li's family, she had already proved that she was the one who bought the murderer!

She received a phone call and made sure things were going well. After that, she went to Li's house to report back and got the final victory.

Where do you know? It's not the amount reported by the people of Haiyan gang at all, but someone deliberately set up a set to let Wan min in.

Sure enough, Wan min is ecstatic and steps into the trap. She can't get out.

"All right, all right!" Mr. Li felt lucky for the rest of his life. His baby daughter was OK and everyone was OK. He went up to hold Mrs. Li.

"Send them all to the police station. Let the police station file a case. We can't handle this anymore." Mr. Li said.

Wan min returns to his senses and struggles to sit up.

She was slapped twice by Mrs. Li. Her cheeks hurt and she could not speak clearly: "no, don't take me to the police station!"

She got up and ran.

She can run south.

Huo Fujing grabs her, kicks on her leg and breaks her left leg.

The pain of the bone fracture made her almost faint. She cried out and had no strength to run any more.

Li's servant sent Wan min and the six men to the police station overnight. He asked the people in the police station to catch Meng Ye. It's better to get the evidence of Wan min buying murderer.

Mrs. Li sat in her chair and said "Amitabha".

Gu Qingzhou sits beside her.

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Li asked Gu, "did you catch people?"

Gu Qingzhou nodded: "ah Hua said that Wan min suggested coming to Chuang Tzu for his birthday. Wan min fell in love with her brother-in-law before and was torn down by us. She was not good at home, so she waited for an opportunity to revenge me.

But I didn't expect that she wanted to sacrifice ah Hua and Jiang Chunni to deal with me. Ah Hua and Jiang Chunni are not fortified at school, so I came with them to cut the grass and root so that Wan min would not have another hand. "

Mrs. Li held Gu's hand tightly: "you are such a smart boy, are you?"

She didn't know how to take care of the boat.

She even wanted to ask, what method does Gu Qingzhou use to make those people so miserable.

"My name is Gu. My name is Gu Qingzhou." Gu introduced himself.

Mrs. Li and Mr. Li knew who it was right away.

It turned out to be the young grandmother of the military government.

"Miss Gu, you picked up ah Hua's life!" Mrs. Li is grateful to Gu Qingzhou.

Mrs. Li understood that if she had not taken care of the boat, ah Hua would not have been in danger at all. Gu Qingzhou should help her.

But Mrs. Li wanted to make friends and take care of the boat, so she complimented her with nice words. Anyway, ah Hua is OK. What can I do for Gu Qingzhou?

"Don't say that, Mrs. Li. We'll be fine." Gu Qingzhou said, "by the way, don't tell them for the moment. They have a good time today."

Mrs. Li nodded.

Huo Fong Jing was tacit.

Then they went back into the house.

After another drink, Mrs. Li and Mr. Li took a temporary rest in the west wing.

On this side of the main courtyard, they were tired and fell asleep until more than two o'clock in the morning.

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