Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 266 a companion is a friend

Gu Qingzhou is out of school when someone suddenly calls for her.

Looking back, Gu Qingzhou was stunned and didn't know each other very well.

It's Yan Luoshui who says, "Miss Zhu is good."

It turned out to be missju.

Every time Gu Qingzhou sees mischu, she is in full dress, charming and enchanting, and full of noble spirit.

Today's Miss Zhu is wearing a white cheongsam, a sky blue flannelette coat, flat cloth shoes, hair in a low bun, low-key and elegant, very beautiful and delicate, but she can't match the name of Miss Zhu in the memory of Gu Qingzhou.

She was dressed like this, and suddenly there was no gas of killing the Feller, like a small jasper.

"Miss Yan." Mischu and Yanluo nodded.

Then, she said to Gu Qingzhou, "Miss Gu, I'd like to trouble you. Could you take a step to talk?"

Since the Qin Zheng calculated Gu Qingzhou and used mishzhu to mix his son with Gu Qingzhou, Gu Qingzhou thought that mishzhu hated the people of Gu's family very much, and usually hid from her.

She took the initiative to look for it. She was gentle and polite. Gu was a little surprised.

What is it?

Is it possible that Gu Wei has come back from Nanjing to find mischu's trouble? Mischu wants to let Gu Qingzhou talk to him?

No, Miss Zhu has the background of the American church. Let alone the aunt of vice minister Shang, who is the first lady, dare not reach out to touch Zhu's family, right?

"Good." Gu Qingzhou thinks at random, and agrees to Miss Zhu with her.

When they walked back to the eaves of the teaching building, the setting sun reflected the building. The branches and leaves of the sycamore tree are thick, and a little bit of broken awns fall from the gaps in the leaves.

"Miss Gu, I have some friendship with Mrs. Chen. She said that your medical skills are very good and recommended you to me." Mister Zhu was very straightforward, and didn't make a detour.

Gu Qingzhou knows that he really wants more!

How could it have something to do with goovey?

"It's Mrs. Chen San?" Gu Qingzhou asked, "the Chen family of the ship?"

"Exactly." Miss Zhu said, "Sang Sang's hair is very thick. She wears two little braids. Mrs. Chen is not too happy. She seldom praises others, but she speaks highly of Miss Gu. "

Gu chuckled.

Mrs. Chen San is very grateful to take care of the boat. After all, the problem of mulberry hair is a disease. If it can't be cured, it will be difficult for mulberry to marry later.

Nowadays, celebrities can't do their business, and they will be regarded as public and disgraceful. They can only marry people, so Gu Qingzhou saved the future of Sang Sang.

There are few career women like mischu, who have taken on much gossip.

"Mrs. Chen is over praised." Gu Qingzhou Road, and then looked at mischu's face a few times, "mischu, where are you uncomfortable?"

"It's not me, it's my mother." "My mother's dysentery is getting worse and worse. She's only half a bone left."

"With blood?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"Yes, with blood." Mister Zhu light sighed, "dysentery is the most difficult to cure, or else I will not ask for Miss Gu."

"Then let's go now?" Gu Qingzhou road.

Missju was quite satisfied with her happy answer.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't take Joe. Mischu talks to her very happily. Mischu asks her again, "do you need to take the medicine chest?"

"I won't take it." Gu Qingzhou said, "it's too cumbersome. Besides, what kind of medicine do you want? I'll show you a medicine shop. You can buy it."

She is quite confident.

Miss Zhu and Mrs. Chen San have a little personal relationship. She has seen Sang Sang's bald head before. She should not doubt the medical skill of taking care of the canoe.

But she just wondered, how can such a small girl have such powerful skills?

At the school gate, Yan Luoshui and Huo Fengjing are still waiting to take care of the boat.

"Let's go first. The old lady of Zhu's family is a little sick. I'll have a look." Gu Qingzhou said to them.

Mischu is not looking for trouble. Yan Luoshui and Huo Shujing are relieved.)

"Don't worry too much, missju. The old lady will recover. The boat is a miracle doctor's hand. It can cure all diseases." Yan Luoshui comforted a few words.

They left first, and Gu Qingzhou got on Zhu's car.

Yuecheng is the most bustling city in its early days. Many people come out for entertainment. The cars on the road are blocked for a moment, and neon lights fall into the car.

Mischu asked her about her school, how she did her homework, etc.

Gu told her one by one.

"Sister Hu likes you very much. She says you are very careful in your calculation." Missju said.

Gu Qingzhou was slightly surprised. Unexpectedly, mischu would know about her.

At the beginning, Qin Zheng was so embarrassed that mischu didn't take the opportunity to create difficulties for Gu Qingzhou. Gu Qingzhou was very grateful, and felt that she was open to the public.

"Sister Hu takes care of me." Gu Qingzhou road.

When the car arrived at the gate of Zhu mansion, a group of people were walking in.

The leading man in his forties, fat, striped suit, looks like a volleyball, almost rolling around.

He's missju's big brother.

"Who is this?" Asked missju when he saw his brother leading several people inside.

She looked at the group. One of the 60 year olds was followed by two young people in their twenties and thirties. One of them was carrying a simple and exaggerated medical chest.

"This is Mr. Ma. I'm here from Wuhan." Zhu said, "Mr. Ma has been a royal doctor. He has excellent medical skills. Please show him to the old lady."

Royal doctor?

Gu Qingzhou also looked at the man.

The medical skills and self-cultivation of those who can serve in Taihai hospital must be excellent. However, Mr. Ma, who blows his beard and stares, seems to be very proud.

"Oh." Mischu was a little embarrassed.

What to do? She also asked to take care of the boat.

Can two doctors see at the same time?

Don't say that traditional Chinese medicine, which attaches great importance to rules and regulations, is western medicine, but also quite taboo for its patients to go to other doctors, right?

I knew that elder brother had invited Mr. Ma, and mischu would go to see the light boat again tomorrow.

"This is your student?" Zhu's eldest master also saw Gu Qingzhou and asked Miss Zhu that Gu Qingzhou was here to visit the doctor.

"She is the Miss Gu that Mrs. Chen said." Missju said bluntly.

"The doctor?" Master Zhu was surprised and turned to look at the boat carefully.

Gu Qingzhou did not know that she was already famous in the upper class society of Yuecheng.

It's known to all that the future young grandmother of the governor's office is a miracle doctor. However, there are different opinions on the truth and falsity of medical skills.

There was a man nearby who laughed and said, "doctor?"

It's the young man who helps Mr. Ma carry the medicine box. He is about twenty-six-seven years old. He has studied Chinese medicine with Mr. Ma for several years.

Up to now, the young man can't feel the pulse. He knows that it's very difficult for him to be a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. He hasn't been able to leave school for ten or eight years, but this girl is only 16 or 17 years old, and she is called a miracle doctor!

It's said that the world has changed in the south, especially in Yuecheng, which is very luxurious.

Unexpectedly, Yuecheng became so ridiculous that it regarded a baby as a doctor.

Are you crazy, Master Zhu?

"Yes, Miss Gu's medical skill is good. You can ask Mr. Ma about it later." Mr. Zhu finished the match with a smile.

At this moment, Master Zhu is also very embarrassed. Why did he invite two Chinese doctors at once?

How to explain?

Do they distrust Mr. Ma or Miss Gu?

Mr. Zhu guessed well. Mr. Ma is really upset.

"I don't dare to be an old man. He studied medicine at the age of ten, studied hard for twenty years, and then graduated at the age of thirty. Then he practised medicine for thirty years, and worked in Taiyuan hospital for fifteen years. He never dared to call himself a doctor. Today, he has opened his eyes." Mr. Ma said quietly.

His voice is very calm, but his tone is full of stabs. He satirizes not only the patronage of the boat, but also the Master Zhu.

Call a baby a miracle doctor. Are you blind?

Gu Qingzhou didn't think so much.

She's here for treatment.

Since the other party asked for a royal doctor, the old lady's dysentery will naturally recover.

Gu Qingzhou always abides by the rules of the school and respects the elders of his peers.

It is not a taboo in ancient times to invite both doctors. In ancient times, the doctor was a doctor. In the city's agriculture and industry, he was just a "worker" and had a low status.

When large families ask for medical treatment, they always ask seven or eight doctors at a time to "argue" with them. If their arguments are recognized by the patients, they can be punished.

Therefore, syndrome differentiation is a necessary means for medical students to learn. Gu's master taught her alone.

But to this day, traditional Chinese medicine has become a street mouse. There are not many people left, and few famous families.

Many diseases that cannot be cured by western medicine will turn to traditional Chinese medicine.

It's not about healing, it's about saving lives. Therefore, in the past decade, many old Chinese doctors are arrogant and will not allow other Chinese doctors to appear in the same medical case with themselves.

They no longer accept the thousands of years' tradition of "debating diseases", because this tradition is full of contempt for doctors.

"Miss Zhu, let me go back first." Gu Qingzhou respects her elders and doesn't want to be upset by the two doctors' invitation, which will affect Mrs. Zhu's treatment.

So, hearing Mr. Ma's sarcasm, Gu took the initiative to avoid the boat.

Her respect and kindness were not understood by Mr. Ma and his disciples.

"Leave without fighting?" Mr. Ma's Apprentice said with a smile, "this little sister, how do you bluff and bluff at ordinary times? How can you avoid when you see my master today?"

Zhu took a breath of cool air.

This young man, you offended the young grandma of the military government. Do you want to walk out of Yuecheng alive?

"I didn't cheat." Gu Qingzhou said lightly. After all, she turned around and went.

But Mr. Ma deliberately wanted to teach the younger generation a lesson, so that the little girl would not pretend to be a miracle doctor again and ruin the reputation of traditional Chinese medicine.

Chinese medicine is now so poor, it is this kind of people with tired.

"Now that we are here, let's have a look." Mr. Ma raised his face slightly and looked after the boat through his nostrils, so that no one would say that I would rely on the old to sell the old and suppress the young

He just wants to force Gu Qingzhou to stay and then humiliate her so that she won't dare to cheat with traditional Chinese medicine any more, which is to clean up the door for the traditional Chinese medicine industry.

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