Young General's Escaping Wife

282: anxious to marry

Gu Qingzhou did not expect that his adoptive father and adoptive mother really agreed to marry Tan Wenxiu to Xing Sen.

"... all the money for the wedding is from the adoptive father." In private, Gu Qingzhou sighs with Si Xingfu, "I didn't want XINGSEN for a cent. I admire my adoptive father for being so generous and even bold. "

The attitude of Si Xingfu is very flat.

He has a big opinion on Tan Wenxiu.

When Gu Qingzhou slapped her hand directly, she didn't even move her finger. Now she is scratched by Tan Wenxiu with five bloodstains. This account has not been calculated yet. There is a rage in Si Xingfu's heart.

The woman who is regarded as the most precious is hurt like this by others!

"A girl suffering from a loss of heart madness, and a man willing to, do not hurry to marry, keep smashing hands?" Si Xingfu doesn't have a good airway.

Gu Qingzhou pinches his face: "how can your mouth be so poisonous?"

Si Xingfu grabs her hand and kisses her gently.

Her five bloodstains had already taken off the scab, showing the tender red new skin, which was more tender than the surrounding skin. He kissed them gently.

Speaking of marriage, Gu Qingzhou has a strong envy.

Tan Wenxiu's marriage gave her a great feeling.

What could be better than marrying the man you love?

"Light boat, when you graduate, we will leave Yuecheng." "In the past half a year, I have chosen a place and finished the defense," said Si Xingfu. We get married, I can guarantee your safety. I live, you live. "

Gu knew that he was ready.

He has been preparing for the new year.

She looked straight into his eyes and said in a solemn voice, "you haven't proposed, and you haven't given me the ring!"

The Secretary roared with laughter.

"In a hurry?" He couldn't help but put his arms around her waist and asked in a low voice.

Gu Qingzhou was embarrassed at this time. She was really in a hurry. She asked for the ring before the man proposed.

"You..." Gu Qingzhou was dumb. She didn't know how to argue for a while. She said it too seriously.

Did she never realize that she was too anxious and worried that he would not give the ring?

She wished she could dig a hole in it and bury herself.

"Don't worry, there will be." Si Xingfu couldn't help laughing again, happy in the heart.

She's in a hurry to get married!

What could satisfy him more than this?

When a person is happy, the sky is wide and everything is gorgeous. Even tan Wenxiu, who he hated a moment ago, thinks she is a good girl and should have a good marriage.

Si Xingfu hugs Gu Qingzhou. Her long hair and waist fall at the bend of his arm, cool, soft and smooth.

"Canoe, you are a good boy." Si Xingfu road.

He leaned over to kiss her and the phone rang.

The secretary went to answer the phone.

"... is it?" Si Xingfu frowned slightly. "Where is it?"

At the other end of the line, the adjutant quickly reported something.

Si Xingfu put down the phone and thought a little.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"There's a distinguished guest from the government of Peiping going south. What's this for?" said Si Xingfu

"What kind of guest?"

"It's Hu Tongxian, the head of the Ministry of finance." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou didn't quite understand the situation in Peiping.

Nowadays, the warlords of China are divided. The Nanjing government, the Beiping government and the Wuhan government divide the north and the south of the river, one side of the world.

Peiping and Nanjing are in peace talks for the time being, and there is no exchange of evil.

But it is still very sensitive for the important cabinet officials to go south. After all, the situation is so tense.

"Is he important?" "Isn't that the Treasury's?" Gu asked

"Peiping is different from Nanjing." "The Beiping government does not belong to the revolutionary party. They are elected by the cabinet. They have to change a president every other period of time. They are more diligent than the family.

The only constant is Hu Tongxian, the head of the Ministry of finance, who controls the entire northern economy. The economy is as important as the military. He has no personal soldiers, but he can use money to eat the warlords who carry guns to death. "

At this time, Gu Qingzhou almost understood.

"You mean that there is a running president and cabinet in Peiping government, and a hard fought President Hu Tongxian?"

Si Xingfu laughed: "this metaphor is interesting! Yes, it is. "

Gu Qingzhou is a little unconvinced: "does the president change at will?"

Si Xingfu nodded: "yes, the government of Peiping will change one in three years at most and one in 18 days at least."

Gu Qingzhou was surprised.

"No wonder there's been a constant barrage in the north." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu put his arm around her shoulder and kissed her cheek gently: "don't worry, we are in the south of the Yangtze River, the war can't fall on your head, I'm guarding you."

VIP down south, the news is very secretive, Shi Xing's eye liner has been discovered, told him.

He went to investigate, only to find out that Hu Tongxian went directly to Yuecheng.

He is also surprised that he has always been resourceful and well-informed.

"Yuecheng?" Si Xingfu had no idea that Hu Tongxian would bypass Nanjing and go to Yuecheng directly.

What to do in Yuecheng?

Did his father secretly contact with Hu Tongxian? It's impossible. It's impossible for the military government to escape the eyes of Si Xingfu. His father has no such ability.

When Hu Tongxian passed Shandong, he sent a telegram to the Nanjing government, and Nanjing immediately called Yuecheng to control the railway station and receive Hu Tongxian and his wife.

"It's a little noisy!" Yuecheng military government was all alarmed.

What does Hu Tongxian do in Yuecheng?

Nanjing was not at ease. The president immediately sent a special envoy to Yuecheng before Hu Tongxian arrived. He strictly prevented Hu Tongxian from contacting with the supervisor.

Gu Qingzhou is at the Yan mansion. He also heard Yan Xinnong talk about it.

"No matter who he is, he still wants to stay in the five countries hotel? The five countries hotel has already booked the venue. " Mrs. Yan didn't worry about it. "Such a big man, did you ruin other people's happiness?"

Yan Xinnong said, "it's very serious. I'm afraid the situation will change and ruin Wenxiu's wedding. Once there is an accident, Nanjing will send troops to Yuecheng, and then you will be thinking about getting married? "

Mrs. Yan immediately got up her spirits: "it won't be so unlucky......"

GU Qingzhou also thought that this great man came in a strange way.

In the evening, Yan family held a family meeting. Tan Wenxiu and Xing Sen, Yan Xinnong's mentors, said, "you should have psychological preparation. In case Yuecheng is under martial law, the wedding ceremony will be moved home or postponed."

"Nothing!" Tan Wenxiu said, "then move home."

XINGSEN wanted to stop talking.

He seemed to want to say something, but for a while he didn't know how to say it.

In the middle, Shi Dingwen calls Tan Wenxiu.

"Wenxiu, Meiqin her father is also going to Yuecheng. Our family sincerely wishes you a marriage, and you will send an invitation." Shi Dingwen said.

The whole family is going to see her jokes.

Shi Dingwen made this call to show off his future father-in-law.

He would like to ask Tan Wenxiu what kind of official his father-in-law will be in the future.

"Don't worry. I'm so glad you're here. The invitation will come." Tan Wenxiu hung up the phone indifferently, and didn't care what high branches Shi Dingwen climbed.

The day before the wedding, Tan Wenxiu's parents also went to Yuecheng.

Tan Wenxiu's biological mother was not dead, but went to Germany after divorce, and her father remarried.

At the sight of Xing Sen, Tan Fu's face is not good-looking.

"... I heard that your uncle paid for the wedding?" Father Tan asked, "you didn't give a cent at home?"

"My father-in-law, my parents haven't arrived yet, they will give it when they arrive," Xing said respectfully

"Can you afford it?" Father Tan said harshly, "I heard that you study, they can't even afford to live! That's how my daughter posted it to you? "

All these things were sent back by Shijia by phone.

Tan Wenxiu was divorced by the stone family and turned to marry a poor overseas student, which became their local joke.

When Tan's father came, he had a stomach of fire. He didn't dare to face Xinnong's hair and sprinkle it on his new son-in-law.

"Father in law, I dare not ask for Wenxiu in vain. I will give you the dowry." XINGSEN murmured, feeling a little hurt and sad.

He thought he could rely on himself.

It was not until his father-in-law forced him to question his head that he felt naive and could not afford to marry his wife without his parents.

"Hum, dowry!" Can't father Tan Diao say, "OK, why do you want a house, a car and a complete set of dowry? You should take five little yellow croakers first!"

"Why so much?" said Tan

"I can't get in your way!" Father Tan drinks.

XINGSEN promised: "my parents will arrive tomorrow, they will give it."

"Hum, you are not afraid to flash your tongue! What are you, young master? Your family can get so much money? " Tan Fu creates difficulties. He just wants Xing Sen to say a soft word, but he doesn't expect Xing Sen to insist on saying anything.

Is it affordable?

At this time, this boy is still dead to face, Tan father is more furious!

Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui are ordered to accompany Tan Wenxiu. When hearing such a quarrel, Yan Luoshui, a younger generation, can't say anything, he will wink at Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou is an outsider. Tan Fu gives her some face.

"Uncle, my adoptive father said he would discuss something with you." Gu Qingzhou road.

Tan's father left angrily.

Tan Wenxiu hugged XINGSEN, whose face fell slightly. "I'm sorry!"

XINGSEN moved: "it's my fault. I can do things more decently, which makes you feel aggrieved!"

The two of them didn't get separated. Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui quietly quit.

Gu Qingzhou didn't tell Mrs. Yan about these gossip, so that everyone wouldn't be happy.

The next day is Saturday. It's also Tan Wenxiu's wedding.

The wedding is scheduled for 11 noon.

Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui left early.

Yan Xinnong's blood, guests like clouds, will be the five countries hotel lobby full, it can be said that style lively.

Yan Luoshui became a bridesmaid, while Gu Qingzhou was dressed up in a bright pink dress, doing nothing to play around.

The whole family of Shi Dingwen is here.

Mrs. Shi saw such a manner, but also took a breath of cool air: "ouch, this chief of staff Yan, really spent a lot of money."

In this tone, Wei Meiqin, Shi Dingwen's new girlfriend, was not very comfortable. She said, "what kind of style is this? When my elder sister got married, my father gave her a wedding feast, which was a hundred times more lively than that. "

She shows the splendor of her family everywhere.

Just then, there was a lot of noise outside.

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