Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 285: once again rejected

In the afternoon of late spring, golden sunshine falls all over the cemetery. About Dragon Boat Festival, from time to time people come to worship, paper money cigarettes curl up.

Gu has been sitting alone for a long time.

She thought of mother Li and her masters.

That's her family, the whole of her life.

Gu Qingzhou dare not think deeply.

She sat in a daze, her mind empty, and subconsciously avoided thinking about some unreasonable places in her life.

She didn't get up until someone came to visit the cemetery next door and brought a large family of children and children running around. Gu Qingzhou was sitting here, which was a little out of her way.

Gu Qingzhou returns to the city.

After hesitation, she went to the five countries hotel.

At the end of the wedding ceremony, the governor of the five countries hotel was heavily guarded and placed Hu Tongxian and his wife.

The guards at the door are well guarded.

"I want to see Mrs. Hu," Gu said

As she was about to explain, several cars drove in slowly, and the superintendent came with his son and staff.

"Light boat?" Seeing the daughter-in-law here, the governor of the Department felt the same pain when she was a daughter. She said with a friendly smile, "why, who is running for?"

"No." Gu Qingzhou lowered her eyes, and the sun shone on her long Raven green hair, which was warm and light.

She is clever and sensible, soft and beautiful, very lovable.

"Yes?" The superintendent asked her again.

Gu Qingzhou said, "I have something to do with Mrs. Hu, something personal."

The chief inspector waved his hand and said, "come in."

Gu Qingzhou raised his face, showed a bright smile, a neat fine waxy teeth, as childlike innocence: "thank you uncle."

Si Xingfu follows his father. The sun of Jin can falls into his eyes. His eyes are warm. He blinked at the light boat when people were not prepared.

Gu Qingzhou bowed his head, with a smile on his lips. He ignored him, but his heart was warm.

Gu Qingzhou meets Mrs. Hu as he wishes.

Tan Wenxiu and Xing Sen are accompanying Mrs. Hu. They don't know what to say. They are all smiling.

Gu Qingzhou enters the room, only to know that Mrs. Hu took the album of XINGSEN when she was a child and showed it to tan Wenxiu.

They said hello to each other and took a seat in the light boat.

"Madam Hu, I have something to ask you." Gu Qingzhou road.

Tan Wenxiu looks at the boat.

Gu Qingzhou looks back at her and shakes her head: she doesn't want to tell Mrs. Hu about Tan Wenxiu's illness.

Tan Wenxiu was a little relieved and picked up the album: "Mom, I'm going to see it next door with Arsene."

As soon as they left, the room fell silent.

Mrs. Hu was not surprised by the arrival of Gu Qingzhou. Her hands were white and tight. She took the cup with blue and white painted by Ru kiln and slowly infused the tea. Her movements were gentle and elegant.

She poured a cup of tea for Gu Qingzhou and another for herself.

She took a sip of tea, but Mrs. Hu's eyes were slightly drooping and she did not open her mouth.

"Do you know my grandfather?" Gu asked

"Who is it?" Mrs. Hu has a soft voice and a gentle smile.

"Sun Duan himself." Gu Qingzhou said, "you and President Hu went to worship him today."

Mrs. Hu was a little surprised.

She smiled and said, "today we went to Linhai cemetery. Mr. Song, a mentor, was buried in Linhai cemetery. Why, is your grandfather the same? "

She denied.

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

Should she believe that?

Gu Qingzhou is very clear about what he is thinking: in recent events, someone is hinting that her mother is still alive.

This gives Gu the hope of no reason.

This hope is slim, mirage, also like a mirror.

But she can't let go when she catches it, like a persistent child.

She really wants a mother.

When she was a child, she didn't have this idea. At that time, she often saw her mother's grave. Mama Li told her again and again how her mother died miserably.

Gu Qingzhou sighed and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, I misunderstood."

Mrs. Hu looked at her carefully.

Gu Qingzhou's face is as white as jade. The most beautiful eyes are round, full-bodied and watery, like two gems.

Such beautiful eyes, a little flow of fast, there is a very enchanting charm.

Mrs. Hu looked at Gu Qingzhou as if time was flowing backwards. She held down her girl friend and laughed at her: "you are really like a goblin. You are not dignified. Your mother-in-law will not like your daughter-in-law, but the man will love you with his heart and lungs."

As time goes by, the scenes in the past come to mind, and Mrs. Hu's eyes are wet.

She blinked her eyes and put her feelings to rest.

When I raise my eyes again, they are as calm as before.

"Excuse me, ma'am." Gu Qingzhou stood up, bright eyes dim, "I'm leaving first."

Unable to get the answer, Gu Qingzhou is ready to leave.

Her entanglement seemed ridiculous and absurd. Her mother is dead. Li Ma will never cheat her. Even if Mama li really cheated her, Gu Guizhang and Qin Zheng would not.

Before Qin Zheng died, she confessed that she had killed sun qiluo. There is nothing wrong with this.

Even if Mrs. Hu knew her grandfather and her mother, Mrs. Hu also said that her good friend had been dead for more than ten years?

Mother is dead, there is no need to be so obsessed.

When I went downstairs, I met Sima at the winding part of the stairs.

Gu Qingzhou smiles a little. He says hello and passes with Sima by mistake.

Her long hair swayed, with a touch of rose fragrance.

Sima was bewitched by something. She turned around and pulled her arm. She almost fell into his arms.

Gu Qingzhou frowned slightly.

When she frowned, her eyes narrowed slightly, but they were bright and full of flirtatious, like a poppy, which could arouse people's desire.

"What's the matter?" Gu Qingzhou struggles.

Simu released his hand and went down two steps. When he stood in front of her, he raised his face slightly and could look at her.

In this way, he put her on a higher step of geographical location, and her heart will be steadfast.

"You seem very sad. Is nothing wrong?" Asked Shi mu.

Sima raised his face, not domineering, really not annoying.

Gu Qingzhou's position is relatively high, and his heart is inexplicably a little superior. He doesn't dislike the company.

She tried to smile: "how can I feel so sad?"

I don't even admit it.

"The meeting here is nothing for me. Let me take you home." Si Mu Dao.

Today, the governor and Hu Tongxian discussed some old words about North South peace talks.

Different from Si Xingfu, Si Mu cannot enter the core decision-making of the military government. Therefore, at today's meeting, Si Mu just sits outside and listens.

He went downstairs for a smoke and ran into Gu Qingzhou.

"Thank you very much." Gu Qingzhou said, "you'd better stay here. If the governor wants to find you, but can't find anyone, he's afraid to scold you."

Simalue was slightly disappointed.

Goo skirted him downstairs.

Sima felt tasteless and was rejected again and again. He was embarrassed.

He didn't insist any more.

Gu Qingzhou returned home and went to Gu Guizhang's study.

It happened that Gu Guizhang also went home.

"What are you looking for?" Gu Guizhang asked him.

"Abba, did grandpa have any books left?" Gu Qingzhou said, "I want to see Grandpa's handwriting."

Gu Guizhang had a ghost in his heart. He was alert and said, "what are you looking for?"

Gu Qingzhou said: "it's just a matter of looking for old books. There are valuable ancient books."

Gu Guizhang observed her look, but did not see the clue. He was calm in his heart.

"All your grandfather's things are in the storeroom downstairs, and so are the books. Go downstairs and find them." Gu Guizhang said.

Gu went to find it.

She stayed in the storehouse for a long time, making her face gray.

His grandfather's personal account books and essays were all burned by Gu Guizhang, and precious books were sold.

The rest, all waste paper, has no value.

Gu Qingzhou's face was covered with ashes, but he still couldn't find anything.

"What's the matter with me?" When Gu Qingzhou bathed, she allowed hot water to pour on her skin. She was stunned and thought, "am I doubting mother Li and Shifu?"

Because the blind man said a few words, because Mrs. Hu mistakenly recognized people, Gu Qingzhou suspected that she had worked hard to raise her own mother Li?

It's not fair.

"Better to raise than to raise." Gu told himself, "even if my mother is still alive, she will never be as kind to me as mother Li and master."

Think of here, Gu Qingzhou left a mess of emotions.

After a few days, she went to give Tan Wenxiu a pulse, but she didn't find anything unusual.

Tan Wenxiu's madness, Gu Qingzhou can't find the reason.

"... even you don't know the cause?" Yan Luoshui was worried, "isn't that cousin finished?"

"No!" Gu Qingzhou said, "I'm not a fairy either, not all diseases will happen. Traditional Chinese medicine is also divided into categories. Just like me, I don't know much about heart and brain diseases. It's estimated that cousin's disease is in the heart and brain, right? "

Yan Luoshui breathed a little relieved.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not good, western medicine may be OK.

Tan Wenxiu follows Xing Sen to England and will always recover in the future.

On the fifth day after the wedding, Hu Tongxian and his wife left Yuecheng.

Before leaving, Hu Tongxian gave Yan Xinnong a lot of money.

This money is enough for the wedding banquet, a garden house, a luxury car, and even for Xing Sen and Tan Wensheng for more than ten years.

These money, Hu Tongxian gave Yan Xinnong, equal to give Tan Wenxiu.

Their husband and wife hope that Tan Wenxiu can live with Xing sen in peace, and don't think about anything else.

Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui go to school every day.

After school at weekends, Gu Qingzhou still goes to Yan's house to play with Tan Wenxiu.

Tan Wenxiu and Xing Sen are going back to England after the Dragon Boat Festival.

Unexpectedly, when I saw Tan Wenxiu this time, Gu Qingzhou finally saw something unusual.

"Cousin, put your hand out." Gu Qingzhou road.

Tan Wenxiu is puzzled, but still hands to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou feels her pulse.

Mrs. Yan, Yan Luoshui and Xing Sen all sat beside and did not disturb them.

After a long time, Gu Qingzhou asked Tan Wenxiu, "cousin, did you come to the moon today?"

Xing Sen was still on the stage, but Tan Wenxiu was a little embarrassed and said, "yes, I came yesterday."

Gu Qingzhou sighed, "then I know what's wrong with you. You are not a difficult disease, but a rare one. "

"What disease?" Asked Tan Wenxiu.

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