Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 307 the mastermind behind it

After dinner, Gu Qingzhou took Zhou Yan to Gu Guizhang's study.

They need to talk about it carefully.

It's impossible to rob Zhou Yan's money.

Zhou Yan's money is in the bank. She needs her own seal to get it out.

Obviously, Zhou Yan's seal was placed in another place. She would not throw herself into a trap and ask the family members to kill her.

Zhou Yan ignites a cigarette. Among the bright red lips, the mist is beautiful and charming.

Gu Qingzhou first said, "first, I can't accept your stepmother, which is harmful to my reputation. You can only be my aunt; second, you are my father's aunt, who can't interfere in housework. I don't think you are good at housework. Third, you need to take out 10% of your money as a dowry and give it to my dad, so I can confirm your sincerity."

Gu Guizhang looked at the light boat in astonishment.

This condition is too harsh!

Is this a clear robbery?

Zhou Yan's ten percent property is worth all Gu Guizhang's possessions.

"Canoe!" Gu Guizhang, afraid of the collapse of the conversation, tried to give Gu Qingzhou a hint. He hoped that Gu could be humble, even kneel down.

Gu gave him a wink.

"... I didn't want to be a head wife. I didn't want to do housework. I only like smoking, dancing, drinking and playing cards." Zhou Yan said, "I can give money as a dowry, but you can't restrain me."

Gu Guizhang looked at the smoke around his eyes.

Gu Qingzhou agreed to such harsh conditions!


However, if you think about it again, the more harsh Gu Qingzhou's words are, the more confident and capable Gu family is, and can protect Zhou Yan's property. Of course, she agrees.

What Zhou Yan needs is such a strong support.

"We don't restrain you, and you can't hook up with men. Once I find out that you are colluding with xiaobaixiang and discredit my father, I will send someone to kill you. " Gu Qingzhou said directly.

Zhou Yan shivered.

She said, "I won't, I promise!"

Gu Guizhang smiled.

Zhou Yan was willing to be his concubine, loyal to Gu Guizhang, and willing to give her a dowry, but she asked to mix in the dance floor every day, and even asked to play cards all night, and the family could not restrain her. The latest

"well, you can play whatever you want." Gu Guizhang immediately said.

What about this woman, even if she's fooling around with other men?

Taking her property is what Gu Guizhang wants most.

This matter has been thoroughly discussed.

Zhou Yan moved to Gu mansion and lived in Gu Xiang's room on the third floor, which was called "wuyitai".

As promised, Zhou Yan gave Gu Guizhang 10% of his property.

Gu Guizhang was overjoyed.

What surprised Gu Guizhang even more was that Zhou Yan had a lot of means in bed and was born with special things. She is thirty-five years old, like a ripe peach, but it tastes beautiful.

Gu Guizhang loved her very much.

The other three aunts were unhappy.

Especially the second aunt.

Second aunt is so angry.

"You lied to me!" Second aunt caught Zhou Yan too much. "You promised to help me, but you just wanted to use me to enter the Gu mansion!"

"Be polite to me, or I will tell Miss canoe and master about you." Zhou Yan Road.

The second aunt's face suddenly changed, and suddenly let go of her hand.

She was so sad that she held her face and sobbed.

Zhou Yan couldn't bear to comfort her, saying, "isn't the Gu mansion very good? The master is young and handsome. He has great strength in bed and knows how to please women. Why do you want to escape? "

When Aunt two ran into Zhou Yan, she told her that she escaped from the rich merchants' home in Nanyang and stole a lot of money. It's more convenient to know how to go by water.

This talk, two aunts too much thought, just bring Zhou Yan home, want to have a good relationship with Zhou Yan.

Now second aunt too just know, Zhou Yan is not sneak out, she is to test second aunt too.

Gu's family is in a stagnant water. Gu Qingzhou is about to get married. Gu Guizhang is uneasy. Sooner or later, he will marry a new wife. The second aunt has no children and no running head.

Zhou Yan said, "steal a sum of money to run", and suddenly gave aunt two too much light.

Second aunt is too good.

She is only thirty-five years old this year. She is well maintained and born with delicate skin. If she gets a sum of money to go to Nanyang, she may be able to find a poorer man to be a proper husband and wife.

Second aunt wants to run too much.

In the day of home care, boredom to the extreme. Without Qin Zheng, the second aunt doesn't even have an opponent. She looks like a walking corpse every day.

"You don't understand. I'm not as rich as you. At home, it's hard to have no money or ability. " Second aunt is too cold.

Since Gu Guizhang showed his timid face in front of his daughters, the second aunt looked at him too much and could not see the dignity of the man in him any more.

When a man has no dignity, the second aunt thinks he is disgusted.

This is disgusting. It's the reason why the second aunt can't hold on.

"If you want to go, I'd love to." Zhou Yan said with a smile, "just make room for me. Do you think I want so many women in my family? "

Second aunt looked at her too abruptly, and there was hope in her eyes.

"I've entered my home and got a shelter. It's your kindness to me." Zhou Yan said, "Xiaobai, you know I have a favor to repay. I can help you escape and even teach you how to steal money."

Second aunt licked her dry lips too much.

She hesitated. Is this a trap?

"I promise!" Zhou Yan whispered, "I used to sing together. I told you, I want a man who belongs only to me."

Second aunt was too hesitant for two days.

Zhou Yan took out the "dowry" and kept it in Gu Guizhang's study.

Gu's family has never been stolen, so Gu's things are just locked in the safe for the time being, all of them are gold bars.

"Now is the right time." Zhou Yan said, "if you are afraid that I will betray you, then you can go to the wharf and wait for me, and I will give you the money.". I'll steal the money. You don't have to

Second aunt is too deep.

She hesitated for three days.

These three days, the second aunt is too sleepless all night..

Does she have the courage to find a better life?

Second aunt is not stupid. If Zhou Yan dare to cheat, she has a way to fight back.

So, second aunt too half true half falsely agreed.

On July 28, Yuecheng's Wharf was not half full of moonlight. The night was dark, and I couldn't see the black of my fingers.

The lights on the wharf were shrouded in black, and the light was collected by the lonely, and moths were lingering around.

Waves beat and sing, embellishing the noise of the night.

The second aunt was so huddled in the boat that she was not surprised until Zhou Yan came in.

"Here are two little yellow croakers and one big yellow croaker. It's enough for you to go to Singapore, buy a house and land, or even eat and drink for a lifetime. The real estate there is cheaper!" Zhou Yan Road.

Second aunt is too unbelievable.

She's going to run like this?

It's a bit of a rush to make this decision; now it's done, it's a bit of a rush. However, her heart is flying and excited.

"It's hard to go ahead. Take care!" Zhou Yan Road.

"You don't have any tricks, do you?" Second aunt too way.

Zhou Yan smiles.

Until the cruise ship out of the dock, and gradually away from the coast, the second aunt listened to the sound of the siren in her ear, as well as the sea water outside the cabin window, she was still a little unbelievable.

Opened the luggage Zhou Yan gave her. In addition to the gold bars, there were clothes, jewelry and even her favorite pastries.

Second aunt is more suspicious.

Finally, she saw a bracelet in her luggage.

The green bracelet, like a green spring, flows with refreshing coolness.

"This is..." second aunt is too stunned.

For a moment, she understood it all. This is the bracelet of Gu Qingzhou.

Zhou Yan can steal things smoothly and send aunt two to leave. That's what Gu Qingzhou means.

Although the second aunt didn't understand.

Seeing this bracelet, she knew that there was no conspiracy. Gu Qingzhou sent her away, which naturally arranged all the way back.

Second aunt is about to have a different life.

"Light boat, I will live well and live up to you!" Aunt two held the bracelet so much that she couldn't help crying. I can't help but live for more than 30 years, and finally I understand.

The cruise ship left for a long time, and a car stopped at the wharf slowly lit up the light.

Gu leaned on the door.

Zhou Yan is back.

"Done, miss." Zhou Yan Road.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

Zhou Yan said, "why did you drive her away? She is a woman who can't live in Nanyang. You are pushing her into the fire pit. "

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head.

"She wanted to go." Gu Qingzhou said, "everyone has what he wants in his heart, but sometimes it can't be realized. The biggest advantage of second aunt is that she is not blind. Do you think she's just leaving on a whim? Her ability to take this step shows that the plan has been planned in her mind for at least seven or eight years. "

Zhou Yan is silent.

In silence, Zhou Yan lit a cigarette. When we think about singing together, Xiaobai is really a deep and introverted person. She always knows what she wants, and she is not slow.

"You're kind." Zhou Yan said Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou looked back and smiled at her lightly: "if you perform better, I will treat you well and give you a future."

Zhou Yan immediately showed some caution.

"Don't worry, Miss Gu. I'm a performer. No one is better at acting than me." Zhou Yan Road.

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

After getting on the bus, Gu Qingzhou and Zhou Yan went back to the dance hall.

Tonight, the top singer in the ballroom was caught up by two guests, only to fight. Zhou Yan left the money and moved out of the military government to save the singer.

"If you appreciate me, dance with my master." Zhou Yan said with a smile.

Gu Guizhang loves Zhou Yan so much!

This woman, always know how to please him!

Taking advantage of Gu Guizhang's stupor caused by the top singer, Gu Qingzhou and Zhou Yan went out.

Now that they are back, Gu Guizhang asks, "how long did you two go to the bathroom and how did you get back?"

Zhou Yan laughed: "the master is really drunk. We didn't go for long."

The top singer also said, "yes, it's only half of a dance."

Gu Guizhang felt that he was drunk.

He is not quite drunk now.

Back to the Gu mansion, Gu Guizhang slept all night. The next afternoon, he went to Yamen in a daze.

That night, there was another dinner in Yamen. Gu Guizhang was drunk and rested outside.

When he remembered that his second aunt was missing

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