Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 311 no leakage of Tianji

Gu Guizhang was forced to take a three-day holiday and lay in bed swearing at his mother. The latest aunt Wu is a little bit fierce and powerful to Gu Guizhang. She pulls his arm up and says, "bear like, if something happens, I'll take a corpse and get up!"

Gu Guizhang was furious.

He lived half his life, and no woman dared to scold him like this!

When he sat up, he would be angry. When he wanted to slap the five aunts, who didn't know how important they were, they grabbed him by the ear.

"Why, are you not happy?" Aunt Wu saw his angry face, but she was angry first, and then she slapped him on the face. It was like touching or slapping his face. "Let's go, I'll take you out to have fun!"

Gu Guizhang was stunned.

He was so angry that he didn't let it out.

He said nothing at home. Suddenly a woman rode on his head and scolded and beat him. His heart was itchy and he was beaten.

This feeling is called freshness.

This point of vile strength, all by five aunt too hook up.

Aunt Wu changed clothes and took Gu Guizhang to gamble.

Gu Guizhang's face sank and said, "don't go! I don't mind you dancing and drinking, but you can't touch gambling and opium! "

"Then go dancing?" Five aunt too painted a big red lip, gorgeous incomparable.

Gu Guizhang was so upset at home that he went with her.

Went to the dance hall, Gu Guizhang ordered a glass of wine, but the waiter didn't deliver it for a long time.

Gu Guizhang turned around and asked, "where's my wine?"

"I just passed by, and was asked to go by another guest. We will go to transfer it for you." The waiter said.

Gu Guizhang jumped up in anger.

Five aunt too pulled him: "forget it, or go home!"

Two people went out of the ballroom, the interest was very poor, depressed. There is a fruit stand nearby. Aunt Wu has to buy some fresh oranges.

"I'm on fire. I'll go back and stew orange with ice sugar. I'll lose the fire." Five aunt too way.

Gu Guizhang was also on fire. He was on fire.

Next to the fruit stand, there was an old fortune teller who sat there quietly, only staring at Gu Guizhang. Recently, Gu Guizhang was stared by him, his whole body was furrowed and his brow was slightly frowned. In a flash, Gu Guizhang thought of the fortune teller.

"Alas!" Gu Guizhang hurried forward.

Looking at the dirty old man, Gu Guizhang said, "I know you!"

Last time Gu Guizhang met this old man, the old man said that he was lucky in money and in government, so he took lian'er back.

Later it turned out that the old man was right.

Aunt five is too home, how to know is not his luck?

However, he has been carrying on a special back recently. He may have gone through some bad luck. He needs to be solved by a superior person.

"You waited for me last time and told my fortune, remember?" Gu Guizhang was a little excited.

The old man obviously forgot and said vaguely: "I have only half an eye light, I can't see the world, I can only see the vision, I can't remember Sir. But Sir, you......

he stopped talking and shook his head to leave.

As he looked, he was rather afraid of Gu Guizhang and didn't want to cause trouble.

Gu Guizhang was slightly surprised and hurried to catch up: "old man, it's fate to meet you here. How about you give me another divination?"

Over there, aunt Wu has already bought oranges. Carrying it in a net pocket, she held her hand a little. Aunt Wu came to Gu Guizhang.

Seeing that Gu Guizhang stopped a bad old man and was still blind, she had to ask for fortune telling. Aunt Wu was too upset: "master, don't believe this kind of charlatan!"

"Yes, I can't believe what a charlatan says." The old man said, "just like this lady, when she was ten years old, she pretended to be a man and got involved in the theatre..."

aunt Wu's face suddenly changed.

She was afraid that the old man would say what he said later, and said in a high voice, "fart, dare you say another word?"

At the same time, aunt Wu was also in a cold sweat.

Gu Guizhang looks at her confused and immediately understands that the blind man is right.

He didn't have time to pay attention to Aunt Wu's little incident, but he believed in the blind man.

Gu Guizhang called a car to come over and asked for it in soft language, coaxing the old man to Gu mansion.

"My family name is Guo." Guo banxiandao.

When he arrived at the Gu mansion, other people went downstairs to watch the activity. Guo Banxian was not happy: "the turbid Qi is too heavy. I can't see it clearly if it damages the spirit.

Gu Guizhang drove all the people away.

He invited Guo Banxian to the living room and asked about the road.

"You have been in the 1898 Universiade recently. There will be some disappointments, such as breaking money, betraying and committing villains. " Guo banxiandao.

Gu Guizhang thinks about it, isn't it?

Second aunt betrayed him so much that she ran away with his money. In order to exclude him, Hu Zichang made use of his girlfriend, didn't he commit villain? Even a craftsman at home broke his hand.

Bad luck everywhere!

Guo Banxian said that, he lowered his voice: "in fact, it doesn't have such a big impact when delivering goods. You are entangled with unclean things."

Gu Guizhang's back was cold.

He looked back for some reason.

"I... I don't believe that." Gu Guizhang clenched his teeth and calmed himself.

His pale face and dodging eyes have betrayed him.

Guo Banxian would not shut up because he believed it or not. He said to himself, "master Gu, have you ever offended a young girl who wears a green dress and has a red scar on her left cheek?"

Gu Guizhang suddenly felt cold.

This cold pierces the heart.

"What does that mean?" Gu Guizhang resisted the impulse of his teeth shaking and asked.

Guo Banxian said: "it doesn't mean much. Just ask. If she doesn't get offended, it's OK. She will go in a few days... "

Gu Guizhang's face will turn pale for a moment.

It's only six or seven years since he forgot it. At that time, my sister's name was Baolai. There was a bright red tire mark on her left cheek, the size of the nail plate, near the temple.

Gu Guizhang felt like a mole of tears, which was very attractive.

"There are no ghosts in the world. Don't scare me!" Gu Guizhang got angry. "Who sent you?"

Guo Banxian said lightly: "Sir, this is a strange word. If you don't believe it, it's enough. Just be my nonsense. When you were a child, you were not so timid to enter your teacher's room! "

Gu Guizhang suddenly stopped, unable to move.

What did the old man say?

Gu Guizhang couldn't believe it.

He is the only one in the world who knows some things. When he was studying, he most admired his teacher's wife. Taking advantage of the teacher's mother's bath, he sneaked in once and then sneaked out.

No one knows about it except himself. Why does the blind man know about it?

He can't believe it!

"What do you say, what do you say?" Gu Guizhang's unconscious questioning has been extremely surprised.

Guo Banxian was calm: "it was the third day of March. There were a lot of white locust flowers in the room, full of fragrance. You later begged for a daughter-in-law. At the beginning, you had to put a handful of locust flowers at the head of the bed, didn't you? "

Gu Guizhang seems to have been taken away.

He couldn't sit down.

He believed that he was the only one who knew about it.

If there is another one, he must be a fairy!

"My half eyes are open." Guo Banxian seemed to answer Gu Guizhang's doubts, and he slowly took off.

Gu Guizhang at this time, all doubts in his heart were crushed.

"Old man, you have to help me!" Gu Guizhang said, "I know a girl who likes to wear a green skirt. She has been dead for many years."

"Well, I know." Guo Banxian is indifferent and lazy. "She has never been born, and her resentment lingers around you. While you are in transit, she is the worst camp guard around. She comes here. "

"Then what?" Gu Guizhang got gooseflesh all over.

"Dig out her bones and send them to the temple to do some work, and give her a feast of seventy-nine or forty-nine days. Otherwise, you will not be able to bear the fortune that you are throwing at the sky, and the official fortune that will come will be a disaster." Guo Banxian said.

Gu Guizhang gave him twenty yuan and sent him out.

Guo Banxian turned a corner and met his patron boat at the end of the street.

"How is it?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

"Watch him, he may be looking for the bones tonight." Guo banxiandao.

Gu Qingzhou looked at him and said, "Guo Banxian, people say that you are very effective. You can coax my dad. You are really a little capable. How can you live such a miserable life?"

Guo Banxian laughs.

"Girl, I don't see the future. How can I have a business? People in the world are looking for me to ask about their future. I can't find one like you to cheat me for half a year. Can you not be down in the dumps? " Guo banxiandao.

Gu Qingzhou thinks that Gu Guizhang is suspicious and conceited, and can make him believe that it's not a matter of words.

There must be something remarkable about the old man.

"Fortune teller, how could it be a future?" "Why don't you count?" Gu chuckled

"It's going to damage the way of heaven. If the world is not peaceful, let's not add disaster. " Guo Banxian said.

Gu Qingzhou turned a white eye and said, "can you tell the truth by talking nonsense?"

Guo Banxian stretched out his dirty hand: "give me money, little girl!"

Gu gave money and he left.

Gu Guizhang thought that he was a little tense and inexplicable behind these days.

His second aunt was too lost, his family invited craftsmen but somehow something happened, he was pushed out by Mr. Hu to lose his face, he went to the dance hall to drink, all met discrimination, in a word, all kinds of troubles came together.

Gu Guizhang thought about it. He was going to dig out the bones of Baolai and send them to the temple to do a ritual. It would not cost much money.

You can't send someone to do this. You have to do it yourself, or Gu Guizhang will be guilty of murder.

He drove out of town all night.

Shortly after he left, a car followed him quietly.

When Gu Guizhang dug out the bones of Baolai, they were rotten, leaving only the white bones. There was a hole in his head. Gu Guizhang hit it. He knew it clearly.

With disgust, Gu Guizhang took gloves and picked up the bones and put them in the bag.

Just as he was leaning, there was a sharp pain in the back of his neck.

Dazed at the moment.

Gu Guizhang flopped to the ground.

When he woke up again, he was surrounded by chants. The night at the end of summer was noisy, but it was dark everywhere.

It took him a long time to remember where he was.

His flashlight was gone, the car was parked not far away, and the bones in the pit were completely gone.

Gu Guizhang's legs trembled and almost didn't hold them. He was scared of shit and urine.

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