Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 322: Gu Guizhang pleads guilty

Gu Guizhang brought back a full box of perfume.

Aunt Wu is so used to it that she knows it's the best French product at first sight. It's very popular in Hong Kong. The general currency of Hongkong is different from that of Yuecheng. Recently, only five Auntie knew the conversion. She thought to herself that such a bottle of perfume should be worth 14th Five-Year yuan.

Very expensive!

, "master, how did you buy so many fragrances?" Aunt Wu couldn't believe looking at him.

lost quite a lot of money these days. He is short of cash. What do I need to buy these perfume?

Gu Guizhang went out for a visit. Aunt Wu thought he had gone to yamen, but she didn't want him to turn around and do such a terrible thing.

"I didn't buy it. It was held by the customs and put in the warehouse." Gu Guizhang said, "how much is it worth to sell such a box?"

This box is about sixty bottles.

take the black market. The top perfume, ten yuan and one bottle is perfectly safe, and you can change six hundred yuan.

Six hundred yuan, can buy an excellent house in Yuecheng!

"At least five or six hundred. Master, will yamen bother you Aunt Wu asked too much.

Gu Guizhang lost two nights in a row recently. He was a little anxious.

Aunt Wu took out the money twice, and then she was very obscene and refused to give it again. Gu Guizhang also felt that if she was really in a hurry, she would shoot and disperse. She could not spend the rest of her money, and she did not dare to force aunt Wu.

At the same time, Gu Guizhang has already taken out more than two thousand of his family's background, and he dare not move the rest.

He made up his mind in Yamen.

The storehouse of the customs yamen is really something good. It will be divided equally every time the new year comes.

It's said that it's equal. In fact, the chief chooses the most valuable one, the second Chief picks it again, and the rest of the worthless ones are given to others.

Gu Guizhang stole the share under the name of the chief. He is short of money and is crazy. He even thought of stealing.

"Trouble?" Gu Guizhang sneered, "all these things are withheld privately. If I am in a hurry, I will go to the town hall. The governor's office will not ignore it. His position as the chief commander is not secure! "

"That's white?" said Aunt Wu

"Not for nothing?" Gu Guizhang said.

They conspired. Gu Guizhang sent someone to find a black market and sell the goods.

The price is not as good as Wuyi thought, and the black market brokers will press the price most.

the expensive perfume that Gu GUI Zhang had stolen and sold was sold for more than 400.

These four hundred yuan are enough for ordinary people's living expenses for several years, but they both take it out to have fun.

That night, Gu Guizhang was "lucky" and made some money. He was in high spirits.

"It seems that the money is blessed!" Gu Guizhang said, at the same time, he thought about the customs warehouse again.

Gu Guizhang began to have "bad luck" before he could get back to his mind. He lost one after another. One night, he lost ten little yellow croakers in one breath.

For several days, he lost half of his family's fortune.

When he became addicted to gambling, he became confused and thought of the storehouse of the customs Yamen. He was caught stealing at the customs again.

"Lao Gu, don't come back later!" The chief fired Gu Guizhang.

Gu Guizhang didn't go to work for two months in a row. He was immersed in casinos every day and stole things from the warehouse. What if he had a daughter who was the fiancee of the governor's son?

"Don't be angry, master. I'm sure I can turn over tonight!" Aunt Wu encouraged him too much.

Gu Guizhang's eyes were red.

At this time, he can't stop. He lost half of his fortune and his job. If he didn't win back the money, how would he be willing?

He had to go on gambling and get off the casino again.

In another half a month, Gu Qingzhou knew that the title deeds of the garden house of Gu mansion had been pressed down.

Gu Guizhang never won again. The more he lost, the worse he was.

"Take your money out!" Gu Guizhang said to Aunt Wu.

Aunt Wu took three hundred yuan. That night, Gu Guizhang lost more than two thousand yuan.

"Master, I have all these money left by my ghost. Will it be the money of the dead people that is unlucky in the casino?" Aunt Wu asked too much.

Gu Guzhang said angrily, "all your money is taken out of the bank!"

Aunt Wu was too silent.

But after a few minutes, Gu Guizhang understood aunt Wu's words, and he was afraid of misfortune.

He didn't force aunt Wu to take too much money.

Even when gambling, he will let aunt Wu avoid too much.

From the first day of September to the eighth day of September, Gu Guizhang stayed in the casino and even drove aunt Wu back home. Every time he loses a lot, he wins back a little money.

The win spurred him to re-enter and then lose a big one.

But a month later, when Gu Guizhang lost all his property, he returned to the Gu mansion.

"Aunt five!" He knows that Aunt Wu is still in a big debt. It doesn't matter if he loses all his money. Aunt Wu's money is enough for a lifetime.

All the people in the Gu mansion were stunned.

Gu Qingzhou said, "Dad, isn't Aunt Wu in the casino with you?"

Gu Guizhang was also slightly shocked.

After going upstairs, I found that the things in aunt Wu's room didn't move, but her personal belongings were all gone. She had already run away.

Gu Guizhang was a little conscious at this time: "she hurt me, she must be the trust of the casino!"

Gu Guizhang, with red eyes, went to the police station and sued his aunt Wu, saying that she had brought herself into the casino.

The people in the police station looked at each other, and they drove Gu Guizhang out of the room.

"Gamblers are like this, lose all!" The people in the police station are used to it. They don't even pay attention to it. They don't even have half a vigilance.

Gu Guizhang went to the casino again and said that they were collusive and used thousands of money to cheat.

To say such a thing in a casino is to seek death.

The people in the casino gave Gu Guizhang a good beating and his leg was still on sale.

"Don't step into our casino again, or you will cut your tongue! Do you dare to play in casinos without knowing what's going on? " The steward of the casino is high and scolds.

There are seven or eight such incidents in casinos every day, and those thugs are playing with experience.

Gu Guizhang's bustle is nothing new to the casino.

The driver took Gu Guizhang to the hospital for leg treatment and called Gu Qingzhou.

"Come and have a look, miss. The master is mad." The driver trembled.

Gu Qingzhou went to the hospital.

I heard Gu Guizhang's curse all the way.

At this time, Gu Qingzhou almost knew that Gu Guizhang was finished.

As soon as Gu Guizhang is finished, the reputation of Gu Qingzhou is all over. She can't stay in Yuecheng any longer, and her family can't accommodate her.

But she is clean. No one will say that she killed her father. She even has a new future.

She met Si Xingfu.

Thinking, Gu Qingzhou came to Gu Guizhang.

"They all hurt me!" Gu Guizhang cried in front of Gu's face, scolding and scolding. The old man said in tears, "boat, go to tell the governor, let the governor save me!"

He cried miserably.

In Gu Qingzhou's heart, no pity can be born.

She looked at Gu Guizhang and found that his eyes were drooping and his sideburns were white.

He's completely out of shape.

"I can say it." Take care of the boat and speak softly.

Gu Guizhang stopped crying and tightly grasped Gu's hand: "you are really my good daughter. Abba will count on you later!"

Gu Qingzhou pulls back his hand.

"Abba, in the opinion of the governor's office, your family background is not a lot of money. I will be the little grandma of the governor's office in the future, and I can give you all the money." Gu Qingzhou continued, eyes under thick bangs are quiet and clever.

Gu Guizhang was so happy that he knew he had a good daughter.

"... but I want an answer." Gu Qingzhou's words suddenly turned, and his eyes raised slightly. There was a kind of solemnity on his lovely and quiet face.


"How did my grandfather die?" Gu Qingzhou asked, "my uncle died, and my mother died. How did my grandfather go?"

Gu Guizhang was shocked.

He showed his vigilance at once.

Looking at Gu Qingzhou, Gu Guizhang suddenly felt that his daughter was not simple at all.

Under her seemingly weak appearance, she may have a deeper mind.

"What's wrong with the old man's illness and death?" Gu Guizhang was furious. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, did you kill my grandfather?" Gu Qingzhou says slowly.

Gu Guizhang turned pale.

He wanted to slap the light boat.

Gu Qingzhou had already bypassed, and Gu Guizhang punched him on the bed: "bastard, do you dare to frame me for killing?"

"Is it framed? Dad, you know it best." Gu Qingzhou smiled calmly. "If you admit it, I can give you fifty little yellow croakers! In the future, I can also keep giving you money. "

Gu Guizhang was stunned again.

His anger dissipated immediately.

He coaxes Gu to take care of the boat at will. After getting the money, he turns his face mercilessly again. Gu can't help him at all.

"... yes, I killed your grandfather." Gu Guizhang said, "he suspected that Zheng Zheng and I conspired to kill your mother. I had to tie him up in the basement to stop him from eating and gagging. He said that he was suffering from a strange disease and emaciated. In fact, he died of starvation."

This is the truth.

Gu Guizhang didn't kill Gu Qingzhou's uncle, but he and Qin Zheng killed sun qiluo, which is easy to find.

Sun Laozi was on guard and wanted to drive Gu Guizhang out and even go to see the superintendent.

At that time, the inspector general had joined the army. He was a little head of the army and had a little reputation.

Gu Guizhang was guilty of being a thief and killed old sun to kill his mouth, which made him look dead.

The person who has a strange disease is emaciated and immature, and finally dies. It seems reasonable.

These words, he now told Gu Qingzhou, got the money from Gu Qingzhou, and when the governor came to confront him again, Gu Guizhang could deny them.

Just get the money.

Gu Guizhang's brain has been eroded to a certain extent by gambling addiction. Now he is full of thoughts to ask for a sum of money to turn over the book.

The three-year-old knew what he couldn't admit. Gu Guizhang admitted.

At the door of the ward, there was a mistake of light and shadow. A tall figure stood steadily.

Gu Guizhang looked back and saw the iron faced governor.

The superintendent stood at the door for a long time.

Sun Laozi is the benefactor of the superintendent, otherwise the superintendent would not admit the identity of the caretaker.

Suddenly I heard that the benefactor was a woman

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