Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 354: getting ahead

Gu Qingzhou never warms up to Sima.

Wei Qingjia proposed to run for Sima. Before leaving, she looked at Sima with emotion.

Sima's heart ripples.

This ripple is not to Wei Qingjia, but to Gu Qingzhou.

Even Wei Qingjia wanted to save him, or to sell his personal feelings to the governor's office. As an ally of SIMU, Gu Qingzhou never said a word.

Back at the new house, Sima smashed a crystal cup.

The ground was full of broken crystal, the wine in the cup flowed everywhere, and the cashmere carpet was stained with wine, like a beautiful blooming flower.

"You seem to enjoy it!" Sima's eyes were filled with cold light, which was better than countless swords, and all the strands were cleaved to Gu Qingzhou, "do you want to be my widow?"

Gu knew he was angry.

He was angry, so she took a step back and sat on the sofa.

Simu wanted to come forward and hold her neck, but her skin was touched by simu, and simu felt sick. He forced the idea of starting, and said: "you are very happy to see me in trouble, aren't you?"

"Why should I be happy?" Gu Qingzhou road.

Si muyizheng.

Gu Qingzhou's eyes are clear, like a clear spring, and he will definitely look at him.

Sima did not know where his anger began.

There is no need to gloat at at the boat, and there is no obligation to run for simu.

She is like a sparrow. When the big tree of Yuecheng military government stands luxuriantly, she stops to build a nest and camp. If the tree falls down, she will be the first to fly away and make her own way.

She's just a queer. Her wings are thin. She can't hold the huge military government down. In other words, she is a poisonous snake. She is entrenched in a tree. Her fangs can defend the territory, but she can't decide the fate of the military government.

What happened to simu now has nothing to do with Gu Qingzhou, or even with himself. It's the political department that wants to avenge ShangTao. What's more, Li Wenzhu covets the position of commander-in-chief of the third army. He can't save himself. What's more, Gu Qingzhou?

"You go upstairs first!" Smoothie is like a deflated ball. When the anger was gone, he could not sit on the sofa as if he had been drained.

He didn't want to get angry with Gu, let alone see her.

The existence of Gu Qingzhou has no consolation for Si mu. He hated everything about her. Even if he was about to be sent to Nanjing for trial due to the scandal, he could be distracted to hate taking care of the boat.

Gu Qingzhou did not move.

She suddenly curled up her legs and acted a little playful. Reach out and touch the grain on the sock on the instep, Gu Qingzhou slowly opens his mouth: "you also think I have no conscience."

"You have no conscience, no conscience and no shame!" Si Mu Dao.

Attack Gu Qingzhou, he always won't be soft in hand, soft in heart and soft in mouth. He can't hear what he picked up.

"... and I don't think I have any conscience." Gu Qingzhou said, "but I have medical skills."

Smoothie's eyebrows are tight.

He had a splitting headache, and his spirit was so poor that he really didn't want to listen to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou did not plan to have any eyes at all, she continued: "before every spring and summer, people in the countryside would make boils.

This kind of furuncle is very painful. It's useless to take medicine or apply medicine. My master will use Furong cream to catalyze the furuncle and make it mature.

Only when the fire boils are mature, can they pierce and discharge pus, then use medicine, and get better slowly. If the boils are immature, it's hard to let them go. "

Simu listened to her confused words, and his face was even colder.

Gu continued, "it's a metaphor. Nie Yun's death was a furuncle from the military government. You are all trying your best to make it disappear quietly, but I am waiting for it to mature.

Your method seems to be brilliant, but you want to suppress the furuncle and let it dissipate. It's very difficult. In the end, you just let it lurk. It may take time and effort to grow up again in a period of time.

And I wait for it to mature, or even actively ripen it. When it matures and the epidermis softens, and I can see everything clearly, I will discharge all the pus with one knife, and the furuncle will be completely cured. Do you understand what I said? "

Simmer understood.

But his face did not improve.

Yes, it doesn't mean it's acceptable.

Gu's explanation is that other people who run for Sima are doing no work, while her indifference is waiting for things to break out, so that everything can be revealed, and then it will be handled naturally.

She made a good explanation for her indifference. She felt that immobility was the most important thing.

"Go upstairs. I don't want to see you now, or hear anything from you." Sima was tired and closed his eyes.

Gu got up and left.

This time, she didn't insist.

In the crack of Si Muyu's light, I saw her back. She is slim and slim, but has a very delicate curve, which makes her thin just right, without any sense of withering.

Her steps were firm and she left him.

Simmer should be very angry, very angry, but his mood can not help but turn around.

He knew that Gu Qingzhou was a bit of a ghost. Even Si Xingfu could be driven away by her.

If there is something wrong with Si Xingfu, will she be so indifferent to analyze the advantages and disadvantages?

Sima didn't need to think about this before, but his mind was shocked to take him to the path of love between men and women.

This run, he can't control himself.

In the middle of the night, he smoked a whole box of cigars.

He did not sleep, but went to sleep. There are many problems to be considered soon. She needs enough sleep to keep her brain full.

She can eat and sleep in this way, which may be even more heartless to Sima?

The next morning, Wei Qingjia came back from Nanjing.

When she came back, Gu Qingzhou and Si Mudu were in the governor's office. They went to the outer study together.

Wei Qingjia's face was tired and his face was magnificent. "It's not easy. The political department in Nanjing is under pressure. It's said that Minister Wu himself ordered it!"

Minister Wu of the political department is the president's brother-in-law. He has a fortune. Many industries and banks in Jiangnan are run by the Wu family.

ShangTao, who has been sentenced to be shot, is a powerful subordinate of Minister Wu. He has trained ShangTao for many years and is ready to replace him.

When something happened to ShangTao, someone didn't give Minister Wu face and challenge his authority. Can Minister Wu not be angry?

"After all, the court of the public concession is in Shanghai. Once it goes to Shanghai for trial, the political department may not reach that long..." Wei Qingjia added.

The governor has already known that some people in Nanjing's political department want to bring down the Yuecheng military government. Naturally, some people will keep pressing. If they want to go to the public concession for trial, they will go to Shanghai.

Far away from Nanjing, things will be beyond their control.

"Miss Wei, it's hard for you." The governor waved.

But Mrs. Si was not willing: "Jiajia, do you have any other way?"

Wei Qingjia's face was ugly, but he kept it.

She looked at the eyeliner.

"Miss Wei, how do you know it's the political department that's holding it down?" Gu said at the same time

The governor's heart was in awe.

Indeed, it took Yuecheng a long time to explore the source of this matter.

Wei Qingjia is just going to lobby. How can she know it clearly?

"... I don't have much ability, but I'm more well-informed, and my wife is laughing." On Wei Qingjia's face, he was shocked and recovered.

She was shocked and fell into the eyes of both Sima and Gu Qingzhou.

I understood it when I was in smallton.

Gu Qingzhou is reminding them.

"I see." Gu Qingzhou smiles.

Mrs. Si stares at the boat and signals her not to speak. At this time, Gu Qingzhou can't help. What's the trouble?

"Jiajia, do you have any other way?" Mrs. Si continued to ask.

The Secretary also sent people to contact the British and the American church. Unfortunately, the other side didn't pay for the weak friendship.

"I know the counselor of the United States in the Shanghai concession, but he is extremely greedy. I can give all my property to him, but later..."

this is no longer obvious.

She donates her money, so she can only rely on the Secretary's family to support her in the future.

She wants to enter the company's home.

With such a big favor, does the family want her to be an aunt?

Now there are several warlords in the northwest who have married several wives, all of whom are called "two wives" but not concubines.

It's polygamy. Every wife is equal!

Wei Qingjia originally intended to use his means to Sima, but Sima got married to Gu Qingzhou by surprise. Why didn't Wei Qingjia feel like a slap in the face?

"Jiajia, don't worry!" "As long as you do this, we will set a precedent for Yuecheng and officially publish a newspaper to let you marry mu'er," Mrs. Si assured immediately

After that, Mrs. Si looked at the faces of Yan simu and the governor.

The inspector general frowned slightly: Miss Wei, it's clear that she is here to take advantage of it. What a philistine woman!

But simu looked at the boat.

He did not know why he looked after the boat, but subconsciously wanted to see something in her face.

Do not want to, Gu Qingzhou is still light.

At this time, Yan Xinnong came in.

At the same time, the Si family entrusted Wei Qingjia to go around and asked Yan Xinnong to walk to win the qualification of the public concession court for the Si mu.

"The governor, who hasn't applied for it, will still be tried in Nanjing." Yan Xinnong also failed.

This matter has no interest with the British and American people. They are happy to watch and they will not help the Yuecheng military government at all. Moreover, Yuecheng military government has always been weak in diplomacy.

The only hope is in the first lady with extensive communication.

The governor and his wife turned their eyes to Wei Qingjia.

At the bottom of the inspector's eyes, he had a look of concession. It's not that he doesn't care about the boat. At the moment, the military government, Sima and he are all in danger. It's really useless. Only Wei Qingjia can use it.

"Abba, adoptive father and Muma, do you think it would be better for young commander to hear in the court of public concession?" Gu Qingzhou said at this time, "if so, I'll try. Maybe I can apply."

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