Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 356 the miracle of the light boat

Sima's mind was wandering.

Gu Qingzhou makes a move. She was really just planning the right time for him, not apathy.

They are husband and wife!

When Sima thought of this, his mood was dim again: "we are just allies! She's so disgusting, so dirty! If she hasn't been with simu, then "

thinking of this, simu's face turns uncontrollably.

He sat alone, turning a heart over and over.

Over there, his mother called him.

"Moo!" Mrs. Si raised the volume.

Sima wakes up like a dream and looks at his wife.

Wei Qingjia's eyes flashed some inexplicable emotions, which were very tender and seemed to contain feelings.

She misunderstood the loss of his mind.

In her opinion, this kind of unswerving soul of Sima should be for her, not for taking care of the light boat.

Wei Qingjia's heart flashed a little complacent.

"I said, I have something personal to talk about with Jiajia. Go out first."

Since Wei Qingjia has to make a promise before she can make a move, Mrs. Si will give it to her.

What "two wives" will be in the hands of Mrs. Si in the future. If Mrs. Si is happy, Wei Qingjia is "madam"; if not, Wei Qingjia is just "aunt".

Married into the Secretary's home, let the Secretary's wife pinch flat pinch round.

After several temptations, Mrs. Si determined that what Wei Qingjia wanted was for him to marry her with the wedding ceremony and specifications of marrying her.

Then, Mrs. Si promised her first and would talk to her son later.

Sima loves Wei Qingjia so much that he may be happy to turn over the sky and agree to nothing.

"I'll go to the study first." Sima looked at Wei Qingjia and his wife and said.

He has no interest in Wei Qingjia. The only thing he hopes for now is to see how Gu Qingjia, who has achieved nothing, can get the jurisdiction of the public concession.

Sima somehow believes that Gu Qingzhou can do it.

Gu Qingzhou is a poisonous snake. She will never let out her fangs unless she is sure. However, simmer also felt that she could not do it.

"How on earth is she going to work miracles?" Sima thought.

He thought and went to the outside study.

The superintendent, Yan Xinnong and other staff officers all met in the outer study.

These military staff officers are capable of setting up defense and fighting. They don't know much about diplomacy and politics. If Nanjing and Yuecheng are at war now, they have a way to win more with less, but at this moment, they will turn into a political crisis, but they are at a loss.

There was smoke in the study, but the voice was lonely.

Everyone is smoking, no one is talking.

Sima sat beside him in silence and pulled out his cigar.

Mrs. Si is discussing marriage with Wei Qingjia.

"You also know that the current law is changed today and again tomorrow. What do you think of the marriage letter given to you and mu'er only with the seal of the military government?" Asked Madame.

Mrs. Si talked directly about marriage.

In normal marriage, the marriage letter should be stamped with the seal of the Nanjing government, not the military government.

Now, of course, the military government seems to be more reliable than the Nanjing government.

Wei Qingjia agreed: "this is up to the madam."

She was not half shy.

Wei Qingjia even thinks that this road is better than her direct marriage to simu.

She was divorced, and neither the governor nor the wife could accept her daughter-in-law. Sima loves her again. What's the value of Sima for her quarrel with her family?

Wei Qingjia doesn't want to fall out with the governor's office!

She can't marry simu directly, and she can't be an aunt, which will make her lose the status of the first lady. Identity, which seems to be a chicken ribs, can never be lost.

Now, she is the "second wife" of Sima. No matter what others say, she is clearly the wife, and Sima and Sima will agree.

After entering the gate, Gu Qingjia will set off Gu Qingzhou as a woman with no talent or appearance, and become the "wife of the chaff". Wei Qingjia will replace her, and it will be soon.

When Gu's boat disappears, Wei Qingjia, the second, becomes the first, and she will easily become the right wife of Sima.

Curve path, more suitable for the present Wei Qingjia!

Then Wei Qingjia mentioned the wedding again.

She doesn't have a marriage letter from Nanjing, so she hopes that in the future, the governor's office can invite Yuecheng dignitaries, even warlords from other places, to attend her wedding with simu.

She is going to have a grand wedding ceremony, which is better than that of Gu Qingzhou.

Mrs. Si frowned. "The governor doesn't like to be extravagant."

It's Mrs. Si who doesn't want to publicize too much.

It's too late for the Secretary's wife to cover up her son's marriage.

However, Wei Qingjia would not give in to this matter. She hinted that she would not save Sima if she didn't have a big wedding.

"Well, the wedding will be as you say. We are busy." Schiff humanity.

Weiqingjia added that a lot of betrothal gifts are needed.

Because Wei Qingjia is going to lobby the American counsellor to spend all her money, which is obviously from her, and secretly the governor's office compensates her by way of dowry.

Mrs. Si is even more unhappy.

"I didn't agree with mu'er at the beginning. It's true that I was right. What a goblin! The fool who took care of the boat didn't want anything when he got married! " Mrs. Si thought hatefully, but her face was amiable.

Mrs. Si really hates Wei Qingjia's appearance of drilling.

They talked for two hours. Wei Qingjia even suggested that she draw up a letter of guarantee.

". mainly for fear that you and I will forget something in the future." Wei Qingjia said with a smile.

Mrs. Si's teeth trembled with hate.

When Wei Qingjia talks like this, he looks very mean.

Mrs. Si couldn't help it. She took the pen and paper to Wei Qingjia.

When Wei Qingjia was writing, the phone rang in the hall.

Mrs. Si answered the phone.

At the other end of the phone, a man claimed to be the president's secretary: "the case of Sima's wife and Linglang, who was indicted by Yuecheng's Ministry of justice for the murder of Nie Yun by Sima, has been transferred to the common court of Shanghai public concession for trial."

"What?" Mrs. Si asked in shock.

Has it been successful?

So fast?

Wei Qingjia is still here, Yan Xinnong is still outside the study. Who helped Si Jia?

Between lightning and flint, Madame Si thought of Gu's gentle words: "I'll try."

Gu Qingzhou hasn't been out for two hours. How can he be so fast?

What did Gu Qingzhou do? How can she handle such a difficult foreign affairs with ease?

Mrs. Si was shocked. She didn't even hear what was going on at the other end of the phone, and the phone was cut off.

Take the phone, Madame Si is ecstatic: the matter is solved!

She was about to tell the superintendent in the study, but she caught a glimpse of Wei Qingjia, who was writing an agreement in the room. The anger that Mrs. Si had been picked up by Wei Qingjia before turned into ridicule.

She immediately changed her face and pulled the paper in Wei Qingjia's hand.

Such a drag, ink made a full page, Wei Qingjia beautiful eyes slightly frown.

Mrs. Si smiled rather than smiled, and changed her tone completely: "Miss Wei, your dream of marrying into a rich family is broken. We don't need to bother you! The application for trial in the public court has been approved! "

The pen in Wei Qingjia's hand fell to the ground with a crash, and the ink splashed her snow-white skirt, like a treacherous flower, slowly blooming along the cloth.


Who did it?

Take care of the boat?

The young and infamous patron of light boats last year?

How could she have done that?

Wei Qingjia can't believe it!

Gu Qingzhou is useless. Her mother's family is ruined. She married Sima only by the old thoughts of the superintendent.

Why can she deal with the governor's problems?

Wei Qingjia's hand, slightly shaking. She deliberately stayed behind, just wanted to come back to talk about the conditions first, and then to go around, not that she really failed.

As a result, Gu took the lead.

"Impossible!" Wei Qingjia's beautiful and calm face is a little ferocious at the moment.

No way!

She can't lose the governor's affection!

Gu Qingzhou can't succeed. She is not qualified to compete with Wei Qingjia. How can she succeed?

"Miss Wei, if you like mu'er so much, it's OK to sacrifice for love at all? As an aunt, mu'er still loves you. " Mrs. Si laughed badly.

Wei Qingjia suddenly turned around and left the governor's office.

And in the study of the superintendent and the staff, also received a telegram.

When he saw the telegram, the inspector's hand trembled slightly.

"Successful?" The chief inspector was shocked and looked at the message. Then he thought of Gu Qingzhou who left. "What did the Qingzhou do?"

Yan Xinnong took over and was shocked: "how can this be possible? Where does the canoe come from? "

The rest of the staff were confused.

Yan Xinnong explained: "the young lady applied for the qualification of hearing in the public concession court for the young commander."

On the faces of all the staff officers, there was a surprise.

"Young lady is really talented!"

"If we don't hear it in Nanjing, we may not lose to the Ministry of justice in Nanjing! That's great. Things will be clarified! " Q +;

"with the help of your wife, why can't you realize your ambition?"

The governor was silent.

Gu Qingzhou, he doubted her before, but now he can't say anything with satisfaction. For the first time, he was overwhelmed by someone!

Gu Qingzhou showed this hand, which made the governor completely trust her, and even thought she had a lot of talents.

When the other staff left, the inspector general asked Yan Xinnong, "do you know the Americans by boat?"

"How could she know each other? She can't speak English very well. " Yan Xinnong was also full of surprise.

Gu Qingzhou's ability is beyond a woman's ability. She is going to catch up with a sophisticated man!

Before her indifference, it was determined.

She knew it was still under control.

And smoothie, lips fretting, heart wandering incredible warmth. He knew what Gu could do, but when she did, he was shocked.

"Gu Qingzhou's fangs are really powerful!" There is a faint smile on simu's lips.

He hasn't smiled like that for a long time.

Half an hour later, Gu went back to the governor's office.

The governor, his wife and Yan Xinnong now regard her as a hero. Their eyes have changed.

"Canoe, how did you do it? Who did you ask for help?" Mrs. Si put down her prejudice and asked Gu about the boat.

Mrs. Si never thought of it. She looked down upon it

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