Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 371: silly white sweet

In the morning, Gu Qingzhou was waked up by a ring of telephone.

The phone number at the head of her bed is only known by the governor's office and Yan's family.

Gu Qingzhou only thought it was Yan Luoshui and answered the phone vaguely.

But she heard Madame Dong's voice.

"Little madam, I asked madam Si about your phone number. Would you mind if I disturb you?" Dong Fu is humane.

Gu Qingzhou suddenly woke up and said, "don't disturb me. What's your urgent business so early? "

"I want to go to the Yan mansion early and see Mrs. Yan, because I have to go to the tailor's shop at 10 a.m. The third child of my family has to make some more clothes and attend the party tomorrow. " Madame Dong said with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou's mind is completely clear.

At this time, she almost understood Mrs. Dong's intention.

"Madam, go to make clothes first. It's the same for us to go to Yan's house in the evening." Gu Qingzhou road.

"I heard that Mrs. Yan is old-fashioned. I'm afraid it's rude to disturb her at night," Mrs. Dong said with a smile

Mrs. Yan is really an old-fashioned habit. She seldom entertains at night. When she enters the night, she will not entertain guests. Just ask for information.

"Then you're back this afternoon. We'll go again." Gu Qingzhou road.

Madame Dong's voice, with three points of coquetry: "little madam, let's go now. I'll bring some cakes by the way. It's good to have breakfast at the Yan mansion."

Less than a day after she came to Yuecheng, she has learned some soft words of Madame Si, which are very pleasant to hear.

"Then I'll call and ask," Gu said

Dong Fu said, "thank you, madam."

After hanging up, Gu Qingzhou immediately called Yan's family.

The maid took it.

"Call Miss four." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Miss four?" The maid hesitated and said, "miss four is still sleeping. Now go to call her at this point for fear of being scolded."

Gu Qingzhou looks at the clock on the lower wall. It's only half past six. Yan Luoshui is used to getting up at seven.

"No harm, just call me, or I'll go myself." Gu Qingzhou road.

The maid went to shout.

Yan Luoshui was really angry: "take care of the boat, you will do immoral things early in the morning!"

"I have something important." Gu Qingzhou road.

Yan Luoshui said angrily, "nothing is as important as sleeping."

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

Yan Luoshui yawned, and Gu Qingzhou continued, "tell mom Mu to tell her servants that the adoptive father has gone to the camp, and you and the fifth brother have followed mom Mu to the relatives' house, and come back at night."

"Why?" Yan Luoshui did not understand.

Gu Qingzhou tells Yan Luoshui her guess.

"You're right to listen to me." Gu Qingzhou is so slow that he says all he wants to say.

She said two or three minutes, Yan Luoshui did not interrupt, listen carefully.

Yan Luoshui listens to it. It's exciting.

"Really?" She asked.

Gu Qingzhou nodded: "it should be true. My guess has always been reliable. Madame Dong is going to visit you early in the morning. I can't guess what other purposes she has. "

Yan Luoshui bit his lips.

She was wearing flannelette pajamas, shoes on her heels when she went downstairs, and her heels ached in the cold air.

So surprised and cold, Yan Luoshui wakes up completely and has no sleep at all.

"Light boat, we always want to see Mrs. Dong. You can't do that, just stop boiling." Yanluo waterway.

Gu chuckled: "you are so acute! Step by step, she thinks we can take advantage of it. "

Yan Luoshui asked her what she meant.

Gu explained to her.

After listening to Gu Qingzhou's explanation, Yan Luoshui said with a smile, "it's quite reliable."

Gu Qingzhou smiles and hangs up the phone.

She thought for a moment.

About three minutes later, Madame Dong's phone came in again, interrupting Gu's meditation on the boat.

Madame Dong said with a smile, "how about little madam? The driver should know your address. How about I pick you up now? "

Gu was very sorry and said, "madam, I'm very sorry. I just called to know that my adoptive mother went to my aunt's house with two children."

Madame Dong was stunned.

This is not to see her.

Mrs. Dong thinks she is a guest or a very distinguished guest. The Yan Family refuses to see her, which shows that the problem is a little serious!

"Then she won't come back today?" Asked Madame Dong.

Gu Qingzhou said, "you should be back in the evening. You can see her at the party tomorrow."

Madame Dong hesitated.

"Or if it's early in the evening, would you call me again?" Madame Dong asked, "it's OK to make an exception to visit at night?"

Gu Qingzhou agrees with him, "it's OK. If they come back this afternoon, we'll go to dinner. "

At the end of the call, Mrs. Dong was also lost in thought.

Marshal Dong Jinxuan has got up and combed his hair and beard in front of the mirror.

"How is it?" He asked Madame Dong.

Mrs. Dong's eyes were a little frosty: "I think Gu Qingzhou sensed my intention. She said that Mrs. Yan was not at home, but she said clearly yesterday that she would take me to Yan's house. She could not have been unaware that Mrs. Yan was going out. Mrs. Yan must still be at home. She made it up. "

"Dong Jinxuan said:" I said you are too eager, but caused the suspicion of Gu Qingzhou

Mrs. Dong wants to have breakfast, but she wants to spend the whole day in the Yan mansion.

She is not going to make any clothes.

Dong's wife Ling man is conceited and intelligent. If she stays with Yan's wife, Yan Luoshui and Yan Yiyuan all day, she can find out their characters, advantages and disadvantages from their talks.

Because Dong Jinxuan and his wife decided to give Yan Xinnong a test tomorrow, they wanted to start from their families.

When dealing with Mrs. Yan and her children, Mrs. Dong thinks it is most important to observe and understand them first.

She lied to Gu Qingzhou that she had something to do in the morning, so she paid a visit early in the morning, in fact, in order to gain more time.

As long as she went to Yan's house, in the morning, she could say that she was reluctant to leave at first sight with Mrs. Yan, and had to have lunch. Mrs. Yan was not willing to rush her. After noon, she asked to visit the courtyard of Yan's mansion, and Mrs. Yan could only agree. After visiting the courtyard, she had no food and asked to play cards. Until supper, Mrs. Yan would definitely stay for dinner.

With three meals a day, Mrs. Dong can find out the short board of everyone in the Yan Family and find out their character.

The plan is very good. I don't want to be seen through by Gu Qingzhou.

"It's not unproductive either. At least I know it's prudent to take care of the boat." Dong Jinxuan comforted his wife, "prudent people are easy to deal with."

Madame Dong blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at her husband.

Understanding, Madame Dong smiled.

Gu Qingzhou went to Yan's house.

Huo is here today.

Gu Qingzhou said his own guess: "I first put forward a guess: Dong Jinxuan to Yuecheng is ambitious, but the governor does not know.

Well, he'll go to the junta. Sima Tai is young and has no achievements in the army. The governor is going to Nanjing, and his father is the support.

If Dong Jinxuan is ambitious, he will first test his adoptive father to see how deep he is. If the father is difficult to deal with, they will restrain; if the father is easy to deceive, they will let go.

If my conjecture holds, then the couple will not just attend the banquet tomorrow, and Madame Dong's request for a visit today has ulterior motives. "

Mrs. Yan has a stiff back.

Yan Luoshui purses her lips, and the inner blackness of her abdomen is already looming.

But Yan Yiyuan is born silly white sweet, he way: "not to be? You women love to think nonsense when they come to be officials. "

Yan Luoshui smiled: "see, the flaw is here! If I were Madame Dong, I would cut you first. "

Yan Yiyuan hides.

Huo said: "I'll go to the banquet, too. I'll follow Yiyuan. Don't worry, I won't ask people to calculate. "

Yan Yiyuan immediately grinned: "ah Jing, you are so kind to me!"

Huo Fong Jing coughs awkwardly, embarrassed by Yan Yiyuan's enthusiasm and frankness.

Mrs. Yan just smiled.

Gu Qingzhou comforted her: "mummy, don't worry. Isn't there still us? Besides, I'm just guessing. There's no need for a heart of defense, right? Let's guess at the villain first. If we guess wrong, it's just that we are a villain in vain. Isn't it more joyful for everyone? "

Mrs. Yan just smiled.

She knew the keenness of Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou guesses that there is a problem with Mrs. Dong, that is, there is definitely a problem.

However, Gu Qingzhou comforted her and made Mrs. Yan happy.

Mrs. Yan disdains calculating people's hearts, but she is not a fool. She has so many children. Apart from the fact that she is born an optimist, which of the other children is not smart?

At 4 p.m., Mrs. Dong called Gu Qingzhou and asked if Mrs. Yan was back.

The servant of the new house told Madame Dong, "the little lady is going to have a party. She is busy and not at home."

Dong's wife is not willing to let her entourage pretend to be a shipping company and call Mrs. Yan.

The phone number of Yan's family is unknown to outsiders, but Dong's wife has an inside story.

After getting through, the servant answered and said, "my wife has gone to visit relatives. My old uncle is admitted to the hospital. My wife has taken the fourth miss and the fifth young master to visit the doctor."

Mrs. Yan has already told her family not to let slip.

Dong's entourage asked, "when will Mrs. Yan come back?"

"I'll be back tonight, madam. Let's keep the door." Servant road.

When the servant hung up, he immediately went to tell Mrs. Yan.

Mrs. Yan nodded.

Madame Dong also immediately understood: "the Yan family has been on guard."

Sure enough, they want to test Yan Xinnong, and the goal has reached 50%.

The people of the Yan family are cautious and United seamlessly.

"Tomorrow's party, and see how they react." Dong Jinxuan thought it was interesting. "Do you know how to look at Yan Xinnong?"

Madame Dong did not understand.

Dong Jinxuan will teach her one move.

Husband and wife have business.

Gu Qingzhou returns to the new house at night, but Sima still hasn't come back.

The servant said, "young commander has not come back since last night. I'm afraid he went to the governor's office."

Gu Qingzhou thought that he said he would marry his aunt, and he thought to himself, "governor's office? I'm afraid it has nothing to do with her if I go to the gentle village "


The mind just skimmed over it and transferred to the banquet tomorrow.

The banquet was a dinner party, which invited the dignitaries and celebrities of Yuecheng.

The next day, Gu Qingzhou had breakfast and was going to the governor's office. At this time, Sima came back.

"I have something to say." Si Mu Dao.

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