Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 375 success in separation

At the end of the incident, Gu Qingzhou whistled to her two wolves.

The adjutant opened the door.

Mulan and Dushan got on the bus at the sign of Gu Qingzhou.

They are animals, but they have a lot of aura. They are connected with Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou also got on the copilot's seat.

"How obedient!" Some people exclaim, "dogs are not so obedient!"

"Such a docile wolf can keep company and defend himself!" There is no lack of the envy of weak men.

If he keeps two, maybe he will be more dignified?

"Where did you buy it? If you ask later, we'll also buy two......

no one thinks that it's weird to take care of the boat and raise wolves, but they are envious. For a while, it became a beautiful talk.

Gu Qingzhou also noticed the whispering of the crowd.

She appeased her a little and gave the beef that Mulan and Dushan often used to the adjutant. She asked the adjutant to take them back and get off by herself.

Mulan and Dushan are not noisy. They seem to understand the hint of taking care of the light boat and follow the adjutant's car.

Yan Luoshui cried bitterly, and the Secretary's wife took her to the upstairs guest room. Both the Secretary's family and the Yan's family went upstairs to appease her.

"... it's strange that Mrs. Dong spilled her coffee on herself!" Yan Luoshui cried, "he asked master Dong to ask me to get the shoes of the light boat. As a result, there was such a big Python in their car!"

There was a sudden silence.

The meaning of Yan Luoshui, we all heard it.

This was done on purpose by Madame Dong.

What's the purpose of scaring Yan Luoshui with Python? The superintendent couldn't think of that.

"Luoshui, stop talking nonsense." Mrs. Yan held her daughter's head in a low voice.

Yan Luoshui cried more loudly: "mummy, I'm so scared! Who has snakes in his car? Maybe the Dong family just wanted to throw it at the party and disturb the guests, so that the host family could not get off the stage! "

Master's house?

Today's party is about canoeing.

Mrs. Dong wants to make Gu Qingzhou lose face and lose face in front of all the guests in Yuecheng. The purpose is to understand.

The commander's eyes are smooth.

I'm afraid it's not that easy!

Today, there are not only snakes, but also two big wolves.

The snake is second, the wolf is more fierce. If the two fight together, the wolf is the little lady's, then we will subconsciously think that the snake is also the little lady's.

At that time, if someone dies, the situation of taking care of the light boat should be particularly bad, right?

Yan Luoshui's words were heard by the superintendent.

"Stop it!" Mrs. Yan's voice is a little high. She doesn't want to bite Yan Luoshui in public.

Mrs. Si is speechless. She knows that Yan Luoshui has never been useful. With such a scare, Yan Luoshui is incoherent. It's human nature. She doesn't doubt that Yan Luoshui deliberately framed Mrs. Dong.

Yan Luoshui's words confirmed Madame Dong's ulterior motives.

Siqiongzhi didn't speak.

It's sifangfei beside, a little white.

Dong Ming is her boyfriend, he cheated Yan Luoshui out, almost scared Yan Luoshui silly; and Yan Luoshui words accused Dong family of harming her, Si Fangfei face also can not go.

This matter, even Si Fangfei also felt that she could not get rid of the relationship with Madame Dong.

The eye can see it, and the purpose is easy to guess.

"Dong Ming is such a good man. Why is his mother so cruel and narrow?" Fang Fei's stomach Fei is not satisfied with her mother-in-law in the future.

Sifangfei is very short-term. Whoever embarrasses the governor's office is not able to get along with her father. If you are against her father, you are against sifangfei.

The whole family and the Yan family thought it was Madame Dong, let alone others?

Mrs. Dong is very busy this time.

"Inspector, madam, you go down to entertain the guests. We are here in Luoshui." Mrs. Yan holds her daughter in her arms and treats others humanely.

Yan Xinnong also said: "Luoshui is just scared. Let's go out and let her breathe."

Mrs. Si looked at Yan Luoshui. She was not hurt, but she was in a mental breakdown. Mrs. Si could not appease her, so she nodded.

"I'll ask someone to send me some tranquilizing medicine. If you have something, please call me." He took Yan Luoshui's hand again. "Good boy, you are wronged today!"

Yan Luoshui's palms were cold, and she was hurt by tears. She thanked her in a low voice.

Mrs. Yan and Xinnong also thanked.

Mrs. Si led the children out.

The inspector turned to Yan Xinnong and said, "Xinnong, I have a few words."

Yan Xinnong gave Yan Luoshui to Mrs. Yan and went out of the guest room with the supervisor.

Outside the guest room is the small meeting room. The Secretary's wife and children have left. The Secretary's supervisor points to the sofa and sits down with Yan Xinnong.

When he lit a cigar, the superintendent asked Yan Xinnong, "today's snake..."

Yan Xinnong took a silent smoke and didn't answer.

There's something wrong with the snake!

But without demonstration, anyone can cry out injustice. Yan Xinnong can't say anything. Where the problem lies, it still depends on the governor's own understanding.

"What do you think of Dong Jinxuan, Xinnong?" The chief inspector asked suddenly.

Dong Jinxuan came to Yuecheng. The governor did not discuss this with Yan Xinnong.

In the new navy, there are only a few talents available to the superintendent. The betrayal of the superintendent made the superintendent lack a great general to use.

Therefore, he needs to rely on Dong Jinxuan to manage the situation.

In today's incident, the superintendent noticed the discord.

Here comes the wolf of Gu Qingzhou. There is a snake in Dong's car. If Gu Qingzhou wants to give Dong Jinxuan a lower horse power, the wolf doesn't need to appear at all, which makes people suspect!

It must have been a deliberate attempt to frame Gu's boat.

That person with a heart is Mrs. Dong, who works step by step.

Madame Dong made it clear that the matter had left a trail. She didn't hide it. She probably thought she could make it. After success, no one will care about her unusual.

But I didn't expect that now it's all a handle.

Gu Qingzhou's two wolves used to belong to Si Xingfu. The supervisor knew that Yan Xinnong had already said that.

At the beginning, Si Xingfu fled from Yuecheng. Yan Xinnong sent people to search his yard and found the wolf. He replied to the superintendent, who told him to kill the two beasts.

Within a few days, Yan Xinnong said that the children like it and stay to play. He didn't say any children.

Only today did the chief inspector know that he liked the light boat.

In the eyes of the world, Si Xingfu is arrogant and has a mean heart. If he is fond of taking care of light boats, the chief inspector is the first one not to believe it.

Gu Qingzhou is really competent. In the eyes of the superintendent, she is still not beautiful enough to match his eldest son. He has no doubt about Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou.

It's like two people who can't connect at all!

"Governor, Dong Jinxuan has killed students! He and I will never be friends! " Yan Xinnong expressed his position.

He felt that the inspector general would be stained with filth in the future.

Killing progressive students will leave a lasting stigma. Is it the governor's wish that his name should be prefixed with the words "reactionary warlords" in future history books?

The governor smiled: "Xinnong, you are not flexible enough. Repression or support are all political tricks. But......

the governor's smile slightly converged, and he said with a puff of cloud, "it's a big heart to make trouble as soon as he gets to Yuecheng!"

Broad minded, this is not a good word.

If Dong Jinxuan doesn't have two hearts, why does he have to test?

It seems that the move is wrong.

The inspector general understood this through this matter. When he finished smoking his cigar, he stood up and patted Yan Xinnong on the shoulder, saying, "please appease Luoshui, she is shocked today."

After that, the governor went downstairs to find Sima.

Some things need to be rearranged. For his old friend Dong Jinxuan, the governor also had a new understanding.

Yan Xinnong watched the inspector leave, and then returned to the guest room.

In the guest room, Yan Luoshui no longer looks at him with a smile.

"Abba, what did the governor say?" Yan Luoshui asked quietly.

"The governor knows it." Yan Xinnong said.

He asked Yan Luoshui, "not afraid?"

"It's just a snake. What's terrible?" Yan Luoshui said with a smile, "it's Dong Ming. He's afraid of snakes. If it wasn't for his nervousness, my anaesthetic wouldn't have hit him in the leg easily. "

At that time, Dong Ming couldn't get up, not because he was scared, but because his left leg was hit by Yan Luoshui.

It's dark, and a python suddenly runs out. Yan Luoshui pulls back and stabs Dong Ming in his left leg. Dong Ming doesn't know.

Yan Luoshui smiles, but Yan Xinnong sinks her face slightly.

There is something wrong with the mood, Yan Luoshui's smile converges.

Yan Xinnong said: "you are not afraid, dad is afraid! Wild animals are inhumane. In case of a flash, what do you do with your father and your mother? "

Yan Luoshui's heart was soft, and her eyes were sparkling.

Father never spoke like this. It seems that he was scared today.

"Never put yourself in danger in the future, understand?" Yan's solemnity was unprecedented.

Yan Luoshui had already jumped into his arms: "well, Dad, I know!"

Yan Xinnong gently touched her daughter's hair and said, "OK, just know."

Mrs. Yan also said: "Luoshui is the most smart and brave, she will not let herself fall into danger. That Mrs. Dong... "

lowered her voice, and Mrs. Yan whispered to Yan Xinnong," Mrs. Dong knows that she likes to feed the wolf with beef in the light boat. She just daub the beef juice on Luoshui's hair and clothes, not much, but the taste can be smelled! "

Madame Dong wants to kill Luoshui!

If it wasn't for taking care of the lightboat and plotting strategies, we would have seen everything. Now it's Luoshui, not the python, who is buried in the wolf's belly.

As soon as Luoshui dies, think about the situation of Yan Family and Gu Qingzhou, and then think about Yan Xinnong's attitude towards Sima...

a simple move can make Yuecheng fall apart.

Nanjing under the dispatch order, the governor had to go, when Dong Jinxuan again at will to use some plot, the governor is not behind the fall?

When the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and the military government are gone, what else can he use?

"Hateful!" Yan Xinnong whispered, "Dong Jinxuan is not good at coming here!"

"Abba, the governor should understand." Yanluo waterway, "if the governor doesn't act, we can't help it."

There was a knock at the door.

Yan Luoshui was shocked and his voice suddenly shrank. He was afraid that the wall would have ears. He said it too loudly.

"Who?" Yan Xinnong frowned, stood up and opened the door himself.

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