Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 377 black belly

The overseers are serious.

Gu Qingzhou also straightened his posture.

It's midnight. Gu Qingzhou, his wife and his sister have sent all the guests away. They are very tired.

Unexpectedly, the chief inspector suddenly wanted to speak.

It must have something to do with tonight.

Everyone's up and listening.

"Do you want to deal with Dong Jinxuan?" Gu Qingzhou thought. Then, she thought it was impossible.

"The timing is not right. Dong Jinxuan is the marshal sent from Nanjing, and the commander-in-chief of the third army is not qualified to be removed from his post unless the commander-in-chief of the third army does not do it. " Gu Qingzhou thought.

It's really hard to find evidence for today's event.

Mrs. Dong and Dong Jinxuan will never buy the servants of the caretaker. The evidence of the servants is useless. There is no evidence of caretaker and Sima. They have to attack Mrs. Dong with gossip through Yan Luoshui's mouth.

When it came to Nanjing, the governor was not benefited, but was still feared by the president.

"What does the governor want to say?" Knowing not to exempt Dong Jinxuan, Gu Qingzhou guessed the intention of the governor.

After finishing his uniform, the superintendent said, "I was going to go to the office with my wife to take care of my daily life. Qiongzhi and Fangfei stayed in Yuecheng.

Qiongzhi wants to study, and Fangfei accompanies her. It's also very good. Your two sisters live with your brother and sister-in-law, which is also a companion for the boat.

Together, you young people learn from each other and improve their feelings. In the future, your parents will be able to support each other for a hundred years.

Now I think, when I take office, I'm afraid my knees will be more empty. Qiongzhi transferred to Nanjing University, and Fangfei followed us.

Do you have any opinion on the light boat? "

Everyone looked at the superintendent.

Gu Qingzhou was also slightly surprised, but he didn't expect it.

It's clear to whom.

The governor announced this and took sifangfei away with the aim of separating sifangfei from Dong Ming.

Whether or not to marry Dong Ming in the future depends on Dong Jinxuan's performance.

It's time to go back on your promise.

This is also a warning to Dong Jinxuan. The supervisor found out his little action. If he is more restrained and helps the superintendent to lead the Navy, the superintendent will naturally make friends with him.

If he has two minds, the first governor will not let him go.

As for sifangfei, the governor will not marry his daughter to Dong Ming before he is sure of Dong Jinxuan's loyalty.

Without in laws, Dong Jinxuan's situation is not so easy, and he can't develop his skills in Yuecheng.

"All at my father's command." Gu Qingzhou road. Qiongzhi doesn't care. Fangfei doesn't know about the boat.

In case of bad handling, the superintendent must be standing at sifangfei's side, looking after the light boat inside and outside.

Therefore, Fangfei's departure is only good for her to take care of the boat, and she is happy to see her success.

After that, Gu Qingzhou looks at his eyes.

Madame and qiongzhi are also watching sifangfei.

Gu Qingzhou thought that sifangfei would be proud of her pet, but sifangfei said with a smile: "then I can also go to Nanjing to live? Great, Abba! "

It's not unreasonable for the governor to love sifangfei.

Even if sifangfei didn't understand, didn't understand or even didn't want to, she would obey the order of the superintendent unconditionally.

She knew that men in the world would change, and there was no one's heart. And her father is always the one who loves her the most and thinks about her the most!

Since Abba doesn't think it's suitable for her to marry Dong Ming for the time being, and wants to separate them, sifangfei knows that Dong Ming has done something bad!

In sifangfei's heart, heaven and earth are not as big as her father's, whose words are the holy edict.

At this point, neither Sima nor siqiongzhi can do it.

"Since there's no objection, it's settled!" The governor is in a good mood.

Mrs. Si's eyes are light and heavy.

Ask her daughter-in-law's opinion, and her daughter's opinion. Why not ask her wife's opinion?

Gu Qingzhou and Si Mu look at each other.

It was already one o'clock in the morning when they returned to their new house.

Gu Qingzhou immediately went to see Mulan and Dushan.

"... when they came back, they were a little grumpy and fed another big piece of beef; at eleven o'clock, they were hungry again." The adjutant told Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou felt for Mulan and Dushan.

This is what the drug does.

Mulan and Dushan usually don't eat at night, but today they eat three meals, each of which is twice the weight of the previous meal.

If Gu hadn't found out in time, they would have killed Luoshui when they were extremely hungry, right?

Gu Qingzhou shudders.

Slim stood behind her.

"Send them away." Sima opens his mouth slowly.

Gu doesn't agree. They are her family. She wants to support them all her life.

"They are wolves, not pets." "Can you be on your guard for the rest of your life? If you really killed Yan Luoshui today, what would you do? Are they important, or are your friends important? "

"It's all important." Gu Qingzhou said, "there won't be a second time for this kind of thing."

Simmer is silent.

When he went back to the house, Sima followed him and took care of the light boat.

"Light boat." He called her, a little less cold and mean, a little gentle.

Gu Qingzhou stops and looks at him.

Sima stood on the opposite side of the sofa, with his hands in his trouser pocket, and stood still: "light boat, you can't leave the wolf, you will never let him go."

Gu Qingzhou is slightly stiff.

She pursed her lips and her eyes drooped.

Sima continued, "canoe, do you still think of him?"

The light boat is silent.

"Then you will go with him later?" Sima asked again, "even if he killed your master and mistress?"

Gu Qingzhou's fingers are slightly tightened.

People can't see the future, but Gu Qingzhou feels from the dark. Her future must be si Xingfu, even if he killed her relatives.

One day she will be numb, lose the belief of revenge, be crushed by life and return to him.

Her eyes suddenly got wet.

"I hate him!" Gu Qingzhou says in a low voice. Instead of answering simu's question, she said she hated simu.

How long can this hatred last?

It seems that if you say it again, you can reinforce it.

"Good night." Gu Qingzhou returned to his spirit and said to simu, turning around, he went upstairs.

This night, she dreamt of Si Xingfu again.

She dreamed that it was sunny and warm. She soaked her bare feet in the water and sat on the bamboo bridge. Sikang Chu came out of the water, wet and shining in the sun. He raised his face and kissed her.

After waking up, Gu Qingzhou's tears on his face.

The next day, Yuecheng's Morning Post began to report on the governor's banquet last night.

The python was also photographed in the newspaper.

It's true that Madame Dong took Python to the party, and the newspaper came out.

All of a sudden, even ordinary people know about this lady Dong.

For a while, Mrs. Dong was infamous.

Dong Jinxuan immediately smashed the cup.

"Yesterday, I only saw the aide of Si mu with a camera. When he took photos, I still thought he was just filing, but he gave it to the newspaper!" Dong Jinxuan said angrily.

After this incident, Mrs. Dong will not have to go out to socialize at all.

Madame Dong pondered a little.

She sat on the chair drinking coffee and looked at the furious Dong Jinxuan. "Don't be angry!" she said

Dong Jinxuan hurt his wife and said, "I am not wronged for you."

Madame Dong said with a smile: "it's OK. The public opinion is like this. It's blowing here today and tomorrow! Last night's work was done by Gu Qingzhou. This morning's newspaper was made by Sima. These two children are not easy! "

Dong Jinxuan thinks so.

At the same time, they also realized Yan Luoshui's scheming, which was really a girl with black belly, not so cowardly and soft appearance at all.

"You see, everyone is under our noses." Madame Dong said with a smile.

Dong Jinxuan has calmed down.

"It seems that we are going to start the first chess piece."

Dong Jinxuan knows who she said.

Mrs. Dong got up, drew up a encrypted telegram and sent it to Nanjing.

Just then, she heard a knock on the door.

It was her eldest son, Dong Ming, who came in.

Dong Ming looks anxious: "Mom, Fangfei is going to Nanjing with her father!"

This is expected by Dong's wife and Dong Jinxuan.

"Let's go. Nanjing and Yuecheng are so close. It's half a day's work. What's your hurry?" Madame Dong has a leisurely manner.

Dong Ming could not hold his breath: "Mom, my marriage with Fangfei will not change again, will it?"

"What are you afraid of?" Madame Dong doesn't think so.

Dong Ming is in a hurry: "Mom!"

Mrs. Dong frowned: "Fangfei can put it down. She went to Nanjing without fighting at all. What are you struggling with? Are you not as free and easy as a girl? "

Dong Ming frowns again.

He wanted to complain, but he didn't dare to say much. If it wasn't for his mother, he and Fangfei wouldn't have gone wrong at all.

Dong Ming loves sifangfei very much, but sifangfei's feelings for him are always behind her father.

"My dad wants me to go." Sifangfei called him and said casually, "I'm sorry, Amin, I have to go with my dad."

"Can't you persuade your father?" Dong Ming's heart sank.

"I don't want to." Sifangfei smiled at the other end of the phone. "Don't say my dad let me go, it's my dad who made me disappear from you this life. I can also cut you off immediately. Amin, don't try to ask you whether it's important or my dad, of course it's my dad! "

She hung up.

Dong Ming is angry and worried!

The Dong family stopped for a while, but they didn't take care of the light boat.

Gu Qingzhou couldn't let go of Mrs. Dong's poisonous plan. She is arranging a big net to catch Mrs. Dong.

Just as I was thinking about the boat, the phone rang at home.

"Sister." It's He Wei's voice.

Gu Qingzhou hasn't seen him for many days.

He Wei's new public telephone booth was installed near her home. She would call Gu Qingzhou by chance.

"Sister, will you come the day after tomorrow? Mom said she would post to you. I have already sent it to you. Have you received it? " He Wei asked on the phone.

The day after tomorrow, he's pharmacy is going to do a big happy thing. Gu Qingzhou has already received a letter from He Wei. She knows the day and keeps it in her mind.

"I haven't opened my letter for two days. The invitation must be in it." Gu chuckled, "but I remember the days. Don't worry, I will go!"

Hang up, and Sima comes downstairs.

Gu Qingzhou folded the newspaper and asked Sima, "which banquet will you go to the day after tomorrow?"

He family, of course, means he's drugstore.

Sima Yi didn't think of anything for a while. He asked:“

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