Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 392 inner ghost being caught

The steam lamp shone on everyone's face.

Put your hands in.

After soaking for a second or two, dry them with a towel. They look at their palms and secretly look at others to see who is the thief.

Just then, the electricity suddenly went on.

It was only a minute before and after, and the switch was fixed.

"All right, everyone let it go?" Sima said, "come on, take the water bowl away. Don't get in the way."

The deputy said yes.

The medicine in front of the people was taken away by the adjutants in turn.

The towels are still for them.

They all soaked their left and right hands and wiped them with towels in turn.

"Young commander, do you want to take the bowl?" Asked the adjutant.

But Sima shook his head. "It's here. It'll be useful later."

And they looked at him.

It has been soaked. Young commander still leaves a bowl of medicine juice alone. What is it for?

It's fun.

Anyway, they didn't touch it. Everyone has a bottom in their hearts. Everyone is in the mood of watching a good play.

They even hope that Sima can't find the thief, so that they can get a year's salary promised by Sima, which is a lot of money!

At this time, chairman Chen sitting opposite to Yan Xinnong suddenly exclaimed, "chief of staff, you..."

Yan Xinnong bowed his head.

His left and right hands, just like Sima's left, are suffused with red.

Yan Xinnong's face suddenly changed.

Not only Yan Xinnong, but also other people changed their faces. They all looked at Yan Xinnong.

Is Yan Xinnong a thief?

"Chief Chen, how do you..." at this time, another person pointed to chief Chen.

Yan Xinnong's lips were white. He didn't know why Sima and Gu Qingzhou framed him. However, he saw the leader Chen opposite, who was also red in both hands.

Head Chen was stunned.

Then Chen Tuan grew angry: "this is a false accusation. Am I conspiring with the general staff? Young commander, you......

"ah!" Chen has not finished scolding, and some people exclaim, hurriedly shaking their hands.

It turned out that the man's hands were red.

Sima's expression was solemn.

His guards, armed with guns, surrounded everyone.

Everyone was shocked.

Sima's current behavior seems to be to kill all these thirteen people!

What kind of conspiracy is this?

Everyone changed their faces.

"Amo, what are you doing?" Yan Xinnong is also angry. The situation at the moment is very strange.

More than one person's hand turned red.

Who does simu want to frame?

Yan Xinnong was loyal to the Secretary's family and loved Gu Qingzhou. All of a sudden, he was so framed that his heart suddenly cooled.

What are these people going to do?

"Father, please sit down." The sound of Gu Qingzhou is not high or low.

The guards loaded their guns and trapped everyone in them.

That's when smoot began to talk.

"Each of you, put your hands out!" Si Mu Dao.

They were angry and shocked.

They don't want to stretch out, because their hands have changed color. Sima can say that they are thieves, thieves, and even want to be engaged in military and legal affairs, and take their lives!

"Out!" Simmer snapped again.

Then, led by Yan Xinnong, everyone sits in their own position, holds his hand to his chest and shows it to others.

At this time, there are a pair of hands, rough and broad, a little dark in the sun, especially eye-catching in many red hands.

His hands are normal, without any discoloration.

All of them looked around in four directions, and saw the hands. For a moment, all of them were looking at him.

Sima was slightly shocked.

It's Zhou Chengyu, deputy general. He is one of the supporters of simu. He is not very close to simu. Simu doesn't hate this person, and even wants to promote him in the future.

Simmer looked at him in dismay.

Others are also shocked: why they are all guilty, only Zhou Chengyu is clean.

Zhou Chengyu's face turned white.

If he doesn't understand, he's a fool!

"Ridiculous!" Zhou Chengyu was furious. "I'm clean and white. I don't know what happened to you. Anyway, I haven't touched the powder."

At this time, Gu Qingzhou stood up.

"Deputy general Zhou, who said there was powder on the document?" Gu Qingzhou smiles like a peach blossom.

All the people were stunned.

Yan Xinnong almost understood. The resentment of SIMU and Gu Qingzhou suddenly disappeared. Yan Xinnong just shook his head and smiled.

It must be the idea of a canoe!

What a wonderful idea!

People look at the light boat.

"In fact, there is no powder on the document. It's the bowl of liquid medicine that can really make your hands change color," Gu explained

Once again, they were stunned.

Zhou Chengyu has a ghost in his heart. His face is more ugly. He knows that he has been caught!

Too careless!

"I see. The liquid medicine that young commander brought can actually change the color of his hands. We haven't stolen anything, we all know our innocence, so we put our hands in the water bowl.

Only Zhou Chengyu. He stole it. He was afraid of putting his hand in it. In this way, he's got it! " Li Mingan suddenly explained.

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

It is.

The water given to them is the liquid medicine that simmer brought back from Germany. It will change color after oxidation.

"It's raining today. Young commander told the adjutant to damage the safe on purpose and send someone to repair it so that people can see where our electric box is.

Young commander knows that once someone is guilty, he will send someone to haunt him. Then he will wink at his aide and damage the electricity. Nobody can see whether he has put his hand in the bowl in the dark.

Young commander demonstrated the power of the Potion on the spot again. He let the thief know that as long as he touched the water, he couldn't explain. He was scared and never dared to touch the water.

Therefore, the liquid medicine was brought up, and the electricity was gone. In the dark, Zhou Chengyu is guilty of being a thief. Instead of putting his hand in the potion, he spreads tea on his hand and pretends to be a thief.

When the electricity comes, everyone is wiping his hands. Zhou Chengyu's hands are wet too. No one can see whether he has put them down! " Gu chuckled.

Zhou Chengyu is conceited of being smart.

He must have thought he was brilliant at it.

Sima demonstrated on the spot, and Zhou Chengyu clearly saw that as long as he put it into the liquid medicine, the powder on his hand could not be covered, and he was afraid to put it to death.

But he didn't expect that the one who really colored his hands was in the water.

"Somebody, tie Zhou Chengyu to me!" Sima is furious.

There was no doubt.

Zhou Chengyu is equal to no action.

"I didn't!" Zhou Chengyu is furious, "young commander, why do you want to wrong me?"

A dozen other generals all sneered at Zhou Chengyu.

Not honest at this time!

No? No, why can't you put your hand in the medicine bowl?

"Then why don't you have the medicine on your hands?" "You're still sophisticating?" said simmer

"My hand is rough. It doesn't work if I don't accept your medicine!" Zhou Chengyu argued loudly.

In fact, this kind of refutation is meaningless.

Sure enough, the bowl of water in front of Sima was waiting for Zhou Chengyu to say this.

Simalian has done that.

Li Ming'an takes a look at simu, but instead of arrogance, he has more respect.

He knew that he had made the right move.

Sima takes the potion and presses Zhou Chengyu's right hand into it.

Take it out and dry it, but it's six or seven seconds, and suddenly it's colored.

"Lieutenant General Zhou, the military government treats you well. Why do you want to steal from the commander in chief?" Someone asked.

Zhou Chengyu looks at his dyed hand, and half of his refutation is gone.

He made a big mistake today!

Sima's skill really made him defenseless, so he was taken by Sima!

He thought he made it very precise!

When Sima Duan comes to the water, Zhou Chengyu still jokes about Sima's childishness. He has been scheming at will, but his hands are not put into the bowl. What can simu do with him?

I don't think it's just that he didn't put it in the bowl and exposed himself!

Everyone saw it clearly. Zhou Chengyu confessed that Sima did not frame him or force him.

"Simmer, do you have to deal with Germans to buy arms and trade them for iron ore? Don't you have to account for that?" Zhou Chengyu makes the fish die and the net is broken. He shouts, "the military government will give it to you. Sooner or later, you will lose it! That document is on the mezzanine of my wife's shawl. I'll find it and show it to you. I'm all for the military government! "

And they looked at simu again.

Sima smiled: "come, go to Mrs. Zhou's shawl to find the documents and show them to everyone!"

The deputy said that he went downstairs immediately.

Soon, the contract came out of Mrs. Zhou's shawl.

It's really hidden.

Today, there are dozens of guests. If we don't get evidence, do we have to search for women's family members one by one?

At that time, even if we catch the documents, we will get complaints. The words of SIMU and Gu Qingzhou's incompetent leadership will be spread all over Yuecheng.


"chief of staff, please have a look." Sima smiled and handed the document to Yan Xinnong.

Yan Xinnong thought that simu and Gu Qingzhou had a beautiful fight today. He was in a good mood and opened the document.

"Chief of staff, look at the final signature." Si Mu Dao.

Yan Xinnong turned to the last page.

He smiled.

At the signature office, Si Mu wrote a "same tomb" in cursive script, and Zhang is also the word "same tomb" in cursive script.

Sima is clearly teasing each other.

The other side is a German. Simu is similar to the tomb on his own. It's good that he can understand it. It's hard for him to recognize this awkward font. At that time, Zhou Chengyu took it and looked through it in a panic. He felt that he was a little similar to himself. Did he ever look at it carefully?

The document was circulated.

Everyone laughed.

They understood all the intentions of SIMU immediately.

Zhou Chengyu's lips are whiter.

He knew he had been fooled by simmer!

"I never thought of selling my country!" Sima restrained his expression, "it's true that someone is looking for me, but Zhou Chengyu has set me up. I knew it early in the morning, and then I decided to catch this traitor! "

All the generals looked at the young man with a kind of slightly respectful joy without the previous alienation or indifference.

This step-by-step plan is really amazing!

Mr. Li Ming'an, the most arrogant, said in a very lazy tone: "blue is better than blue, and Shaoshuai is a general. He has the style of supervising the army!"

He confirmed the ability of simmer!

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