It's not as easy as Gu Qingzhou to fight with people in Changting.

He dislocated his right arm.

"I know you are Chinese medicine, internal medicine, bone grafting?" Asked the pavilion.

"Yes," Gu said

Changting sent her shoulder: "help me to connect, I haven't finished my meal."

"How can I help you?" Gu Qingzhou's expression is relaxed, and he looks at him with a bit of banter.

"You came in to show that you were interested in me." Then, naturally, you are willing to help me. Hurry up, someone will come in a moment. "

The night was dark, the backyard was empty for the time being, and there was a terrible silence around.

Gu Qingzhou's and Changting's faces are shrouded in the night, vague and unable to see clearly.

Changting always has a gentle face, with a thin layer of seriousness.

"Put the knife down." Gu Qingzhou said.

As expected, Changting carefully placed the knife on his opponent's body.

"Are you armed?" Gu asked again.

Changting shook his head.

"Well, you and I will meet the officials." Gu Qingzhou road.

Changting shook his head again: "it's not necessary."

But Gu Qingzhou shouted at the back door: "come!"

The two waiters, frightened, pushed them away and came out.

Gu Qingzhou glanced sideways at the pavilion.

Doesn't he know someone peeping?

It's to set up a bureau. Let Gu Qingzhou tie him to a thief boat, right?

The pavilion did not move, nor did the boat.

When the two waiters hesitated, Sima rushed over.

The voice of "coming" was very loud. Sima had been waiting at the door of the restroom to take care of the boat. He thought that Gu had been away for too long and thought that she was not comfortable in the restroom.

Seeing this scene, Si Mu looks slightly restrained.

"Amo." Gu Qingzhou calls him.

And smoot came in.

A corpse was placed in front of Gu Qingzhou and Changting. The weapon is on the dead. Who killed it?

The eyes of Changting are bright and quiet, like the statue of a bottle that is not happy or sad.

"Go, call the police station!" Simmer pointed to the waiter who was shivering.

The waiter nodded.

The men from the police station will be here soon. 67.356

"Changting, Changting!" With her companion in Changting, she cried, "what's the matter?"

Changting said, "it's OK. It's a small thing."

The girl stopped the police: "you let him go! My Abba is the general manager he of the Ministry of finance. He is my friend. Don't arrest him! "

Gu Qingzhou and Si Mu stand on the high steps and look at each other.

It turned out to be from the he family.

Changting comforts miss he in a soft voice.

Before leaving, Chang Ting raised his face and saw Gu Qingzhou standing beside Sima. She gently raised her white wrists and stirred her long hair like green thick. Her skin was better than snow. The diamond bracelet was shining in a circle under the light.

The bright light sets off her face, and her charming eyebrows and eyes are particularly moving.

The lips of Changting are fretting, with a shallow smile.

"Follow you to the police station and see the dead man." Gu Qingzhou road.

"I'll take you home first," said slim

"Don't bother. I'll call the adjutant. They'll pick me up." Gu Qingzhou's voice was lower, and he almost leaned close to Sima's ear

There is always the fragrance of rose on her body. When she speaks, the breath is as light as blue, and warm and tantalizing.

Sima's body was a little crispy, and he was back to his mind for a while.

"Good." He reached out and touched her head gently. "You can wait here."

Gu Qingzhou nods.

She went in and called the aides.

Soon, an adjutant drove over and took Gu Qingzhou back to his new home.

Simmer didn't arrive until about nine in the evening.

As soon as he came back, his face was not good: "guess who the dead is?"

Gu Qingzhou chuckled, "why do you want me to guess when you go to see it?"

After he took off his coat and ran his tie, he sat down to drink water.

"Last winter, there was a burglary in Yuecheng. Not only did the robbers rob, but they also killed the mistress and her three daughters. The youngest was only ten years old, which caused a fury at that time. At that time, you may not have paid attention to it. The murderer is a tenant who lives downstairs. The male master is good at diving and can hold his breath. He has several sabres in his body and pretends to escape.

The murderer, the hero, had his picture. It was the negative found under the floor of the murderer's rental house, and it was printed in various newspapers.

Dad was also very angry at that time. He posted a notice and offered a reward for the murderer. All men and women in the city, whoever catches the murderer, whether alive or dead, will be rewarded with two little yellow croakers. " Si Mu Dao.

Gu doesn't know about it.

When this happened, nanny and Shifu of Gu Qingzhou died. She was living a life like death.

Later, she improved a little, but no one would disturb her with irrelevant gossip.

Later, after a few months, the interest of the visitors gradually declined and their enthusiasm dissipated, even the newspapers were too lazy to follow up.

"The man?" Gu Qingzhou didn't think of it. He was surprised to see the eyes of simu.

"Yes, it was the gangster that Changting killed. The master of the bitter master's family has come to know him, that is to say, he has a gentle face and a gentle picture. At that time, the man murdered the master's child, took off his pants, and there was a scar on his left buttock, which coincided with the dead. " Si Mu Dao.

Gu Qingzhou ponders a little.

This is intentional.

How could the murderer be there, and why did Changting kill in front of Gu Qingzhou?

"So Changting is not the murderer. The military government will reward him instead?" I frown at the light boat.

"Yes," he frowned

Gu Qingzhou doubts Changting.

Changting asked her to join her. She wanted to put this man into prison and try to see what forces were behind him and who would rescue him.

's military prison, Gu Gu boat has the final say.

In the case of Changting murder, Gu Qingzhou can drag on and on until the background of Changting is completely dragged out, or he is sure to be innocent.

So she called out.

I didn't want to, but finally I made a wedding dress for Changting.

As soon as the incident broke out, Changting was considered a "hero" for fear that it would be a little famous.

"I remember that man was quite skilled at that time, as if he was a martial artist from Dongyang." Gu Qingzhou road.

This is also true of the dead.

Sima said: "the murderer, who was engaged by the military officials of Dongyang, seemed to humiliate the eldest daughter of the master's family later. He escaped to Yuecheng with a little Kung Fu, otherwise he would not be so easy to win."

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

In this way, it is seamless.

"Canoe, have we been fooled by Changting?" "How could it happen?" asked slim

Yeah, it's a coincidence.

It happens to be like the temptation of a long Pavilion.

Gu Qingzhou ponders a little.

Why does Changting do this?

If he is the mastermind, why not hide in the dark and expose himself? If he's not, is today just a coincidence?

Gu Qingzhou doesn't speak.

Sima also lit a cigar in silence.

"Canoe, I have a worry." Si Mu Dao.

Gu Qingzhou hears speech to lift Mou, do not understand to look at him: "how?"

"If Changting is not the mastermind, but we pay attention to him, will the people behind us succeed?" "Is the pavilion just like other people, just a piece of chess that attracts our attention?"

Gu Qingzhou sat upright.

"I'm the one you worry about." Gu chuckled.

At this point, the two of them coincide.

Sima's lips moved, and a faint smile appeared.

"I don't think you should test Changting and put him there." Si Mu Dao.

This point coincides with Gu Qingzhou.

"I agree. As soon as we test him, we'll get to the bottom first. " Gu Qingzhou said, "but we haven't exposed anything about today. When Changting killed people, I called the police station to arrest him, which was the most natural and reasonable response. If I don't shout, it's a little strange. "

Sima smiled again.

Gu Qingzhou did not faint in front of the beauty of Changting. Instead of helping him, he called for help.

Simmer was very satisfied.

As the night deepened, the maid brought in the night.

"I made seafood porridge in the kitchen. Have some. I didn't eat much at dinner." Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Mu only had half of their supper, and that happened to Changting.

"Well." Smoot sat down at the table.

He beat a bowl of porridge and handed it to Gu Qingzhou first.

When Gu Qingzhou had porridge, Sima ate it slowly.

He said casually: "let the kitchen make some shrimp wonton tomorrow. I think the shrimp is not bad"

the shrimp wonton is a common snack in Yuecheng.

Gu Qingzhou's hand suddenly stops.

She never dared eat shrimp wonton again.

Once upon a time, she was not feeling well. Si Xingfu cooked a bowl of hot wonton for her.

The hot gas of porridge made Gu's eyes ache.

"No, it's better to eat porridge, which is warmer and nourishes the stomach." Gu Qingzhou said, "don't eat wonton before going to bed."

Sima casually mentioned that he was refused and didn't pay attention to it. He said, "yes, too."

After returning to the room, Gu Qingzhou thought of diamond ring and shrimp wonton for a while, and then he thought of Si Xingfu.

Far away in Yunnan, he refused a marriage that was most suitable for him.

After a while, Gu Qingzhou thought of Changting again, thinking that this man was just a passer-by or a strong enemy? Or friends?

She can't see through the pavilion.

The next day, Yuecheng's newspaper reported the arrest of Changting.

It has been several months since the incident, when the people were boiling, they didn't care much after the incident, and even some people forgot the case.

The sensationalism of news is time-effective. It is meaningless if it is out of date.

Of course, Changting is still known by many people. After all, the appearance in his photos is more beautiful than the famous actors in the world.

"This is the bonus." Sima presented two small yellow croakers to Changting.

Changting shakes hands with Sima with respectful attitude.

When the matter was settled, a major case in Yuecheng was solved. Sima also called the governor and reported the matter.

At the same time, Si Mu received a call from Si qiongzhi.

The little gap between their brother and sister had been eliminated.

"Second brother, do you know what elder sister did?" Si qiongzhi is on the phone. He tells Si Mu about a little gossip about Si Fangfei.

After that, Sima was stunned.

At dinner, Sima told Gu Qingzhou the gossip again: "Fangfei she"

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