Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 406 anti general Army

Dong Jinxuan presented material evidence.

The physical evidence is a gold watch.

"What does that say?" The chief of the military law department asked that he didn't know much about Dong Jinxuan's evidence.

Can a watch prove Dong Ming's innocence?

However, Sima caught the evidence that he had taken little lady away, and even got the ticket.

"This is Mrs. s watch!" Dong Jinxuan said, "she took this as a keepsake and bewitched Dong Ming to elope with her! Dong Ming left a letter! "

Letters were also sent up.

But Gu Qingzhou has said that Dong Ming deliberately left evidence to frame Gu Qingzhou's elopement with him.

Both the watch and the letter were deliberately forged by Dong Ming.

"Is this evidence or perjury left by Dong Ming in the mouth of Mrs. Si?"

Several officers were whispering again.

After a while, the Minister of the military and law department, who was sitting in the middle of the room, opened his mouth: "you said that the public managers said that the women were reasonable. We need to find out whether this is evidence or forgery. If this watch is really under the name of Mrs. Si, then Mrs. Si's words will not be credible. "

Dong Jinxuan is very happy.

That's too partial to Dong's family!

Gu Qingzhou's watch can be stolen by Dong Ming. But considering so many things, the case can't be closed for hundreds of years, so the people of the military and law department put forward harsh requirements. If this watch belongs to Gu Qingzhou, before Gu Qingzhou, it can't all be testimony. She and Sima are facing the crime of murdering Dong Ming.

This development is so smooth. Dong Jinxuan's heart is settled. It's so gratifying!

"Minister, this is proof that this watch belongs to Mrs. Si!" Dong Jinxuan brings up an account book.

The Secretary rose and presented it to the minister.

The minister went through the records of the clock line and checked the model again, and found that it was under the name of Gu Qingzhou.

Several people have a discussion.

For a long time, they even looked after the face of the boat and Sima.

The couple, still happy before entering the house, did not panic at all.

"I'll replace Mrs. secretary's self certification." The secretary spoke up.

Dong Jinxuan gives Gu Qingzhou a sharp scratch and retreats to the side.

"This is not my watch," Gu Qingzhou said

Everyone was stunned.

Dong Jinxuan's family showed their cynicism and hatred.

White paper and black words, how can Gu light boat sophistry?

This record of Gu Qingzhou is really different from other records. At that time, the boss of the watch shop explained that Miss Gu's identity was unusual, which was recorded by his personal reception.

In the front and back of this record, there are also traces of the owner's own records.

"There's a record here." The people in the military and law department were not happy. Gu's explanation was pale in front of the iron evidence and looked like a cheat.

"This record is a forgery!" Gu Qingzhou said, "please come in the boss of the clock shop. He is the recorder. He should know what is going on." 67.356

the people of the military law department whisper.

And Dong Jinxuan has brought the boss here.

The boss's surname is Feng.

Dong Jinxuan repeatedly threatened boss Feng to insist on his testimony.

As a result, boss Feng came in and said, "this watch is not sold from my shop. This model of goods is only available in Hong Kong. If you don't believe it, you can ask some other colleagues to ask. "

Dong Jinxuan was stunned.

Boss Feng didn't say that before.

Besides, Dong Jinxuan also caught boss Feng's wife and children. How dare he lie?

The people in the military law department are also slightly shocked.

"What's the matter?" The minister said, "whose watch is it?"

Boss Feng said: "it's not sold in a small shop. However, this record, is a young master, gave me a sum of money, let me make up the record.

Look at the handwriting. It's totally different from the one next to it. The records of our shop should be set aside every few lines in order to make up for you. "

The so-called supplementary recording is just to find face.

Of course, the same handwriting will be used for supplementary recording.

Gu Qingzhou's particularity was made up by the boss himself, which is more obvious.

"Look at the handwriting. It's a supplement!" Nanjing side discussed, agreed.

Dong Jinxuan knows that things are not good.

Madame Dong also noticed. She could not help but stand up and say in a high voice: "minister, this is a false accusation! The boss has been paid by his wife! "

The men of the military law department frowned at Mrs. Dong.

"This is the witness invited by the Dong family," said one

Madame Dong choked up and couldn't say a word at once.

This is a witness of her family, who actually turned around.

But the boss said: "my Lord, I didn't frame it. I just act on my conscience. Besides, marshal Dong has asked my wife and children to leave. I dare not lie and frame Marshal Dong. "

Madame Dong's face suddenly became more white, and she could hardly stand.

Boss Feng!

How dare he, this bitch! How dare he tell the truth! Does he want his wife and children's lives?

For a moment, the empty conference hall was quiet.

People from Nanjing looked at each other.

How can the development of this matter exceed their imagination?

Dong Jinxuan also has a thin sweat on his forehead.

He didn't expect that boss Feng would fight against him.

"Your wife and children?" The second Chief couldn't help asking.

"Yes!" The boss said plainly, "Marshal Dong took them away and told me that it was the little lady who bought the watch. But I believe in Jesus. If I give false testimony, all my family will go to hell in the future! "

After that, he began to sob.

Everyone in the law and military department was stunned.

Dong Jinxuan was also shocked.

Threatening witnesses, Dong Jinxuan will also be sentenced if he is more severe.

Dong Jinxuan's cold sweat is even worse.

Next, there is another contest.

First of all, Sima proposed, "minister, we should send someone to pick up the boss's family first."

Dong Jinxuan woke up and immediately denied, "I didn't catch them!"

Sima lenghum: "don't you admit it? Well, I'll send my own people to find it! "

After that, he called for deputy Wang to use the force of the military government to find the boss's family.

Then, Gu Qingzhou said, "I didn't buy this watch. The boss also said that it's not from the mainland. Please identify it with the other two colleagues."

Yuecheng sells only three Swiss goods.

Soon the minister called in two other bosses.

One boss is Bai, the other is Meng.

They both said together: "Yuecheng has no such model. The shipment is made in Switzerland by model, otherwise the market will be disordered. "

In other words, the record of buying a watch by Gu Qingzhou is false.

Boss Feng also said: "it's a matter of giving the buyer face to make up for the record. They are all proud of buying my watch, so I have money to do things and feel at ease.

But to do perjury is to violate morality. I can't do it. This record was really made up by a young man. "

Several people from the Nanjing military and law department were whispering to each other.

A secretary took out some photos: "look, the person who asked you to fill in the record, is it in here?"

Boss Feng picked it up and looked at it one by one.

Seeing the second picture, he stopped and said firmly, "it's this man!"

The secretary took back the photos and showed them to several people.

Dong Jinxuan's face is more ugly, and Dong's wife is cold.

"This is Dong Ming!" The minister said.

Mrs. Dong and the children of Dong's family can no longer help it.

"This is a trap!"

"My eldest brother would never do such a thing. It's a trap set in advance."

"Sima killed my eldest brother, but also to blame him!"

The men of the military and law department had to wave and let the adjutants hold all the roaring Dong's parents and children.

Only Dong Jinxuan didn't make trouble.

He sat quietly, his heart getting colder and colder. Looking at Gu Qingzhou and Si Mu's quiet expression, Dong Jinxuan knows that Dong Ming's death will not be saved.

Dong Ming not only died, but also died infamously.

At this time, the adjutants brought in a few men.

Behind them, there are women and children.

"Abba!" The child jumped into boss Feng's arms.

Mrs. Feng was also tearful and was brought in by the adjutants, all of whom were Dong's attendants.

"OK, fake records, kidnap the witness's family, Dong Jinxuan, you did a good job!" The minister was furious and smashed the record book to the ground.

What kind of engagement and elopement are all false.

As Sima Shao's wife said, from the beginning, Dong Ming fabricated evidence to kill Shao's wife, but framed her for cheating on him!

It not only killed Gu Qingzhou, but also destroyed the reputation of the Secretary's family. It's worthy of criticism!

"Minister, this matter" Dong Jinxuan wants to explain.

And his wife and children all cried out, "wrong minister."

"My eldest brother was killed. He wasn't kidnapped."

Boss Feng's children and wife are crying too.

For a while, the room was very noisy, and the sound was all around my ears.

Gu Qingzhou looks at his eyes.

Sima Chong smiles a little and Gu Qingzhou hooks his lips.

Until an adjutant shot out of the window, the loud noise made everyone in the room quiet.

In the hall, the high dome and the sound of gunfire reverberated.

"Even if the dog kidnaps the little lady, the little lady is safe. Sima is not qualified to shoot the dog." The hall was so quiet that Dong Jinxuan's voice sounded pale.

As weak as he was, he seemed to lose everything in an instant. He was no longer a smart Marshal Dong, but a helpless father.

Sima stood up: "at that time, my people saw that four of my adjutants fell to the ground, all of them were shot in the forehead and died. Dong Ming took my wife with a gun and killed my subordinates before I shot him

Then someone went to get the pictures of the adjutants.

Dong Jinxuan spits blood: "this is clearly our adjutant!"

"Why do your adjutants wear the uniform of the military government?" Sima Lenglie said, "it was rainy night at that time. Did these people pretend to be our adjutant so that they could get close to my wife?

Dong Ming, pretending to be my confidant, kidnapped my wife. It's so dark, I naturally think it's him who killed my man and my wife, so I killed him! "

Madame Dong will quarrel again: "sophistry, all sophistry!"

In fact, Dong Jinxuan and Dong's wife don't know how Dong Ming started and how those uniforms came.

They have no confidence because Dong Ming didn't discuss it with them.

"All right, all out!" At last the minister spoke. <b></b>

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