Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 411 who is muzong River

Gu Qingzhou is at the dinner table and suddenly mentions someone's tombstone.

All eyes were on her.

"Caicoco." Gu Qingzhou tells Yan Luoshui.

Yan Luoshui panicked: "who?"

She listened clearly, but still asked.

Not only did Yan Luoshui hear it clearly, everyone here heard it clearly, but Yan Luoshui couldn't believe it.

Cai coco is dead?

"Who is cacao Cai?" Mrs. Yan is curious.

When it comes to the dead, Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui don't have half the sympathy, and sadness is nothing more than an accident, as if she shouldn't die.

"It was our classmate when she was studying in Santa Maria. She was a miss of Hongmen. She had a beautiful life, and she was arrogant and domineering. She also scratched my arm." Yan Luoshui explained.

Classmate, it is the same age as Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui.

It's such a small, unnatural death, so I'm surprised.

When Mrs. Yan suddenly realized, she continued to pick up the dishes and changed her chopsticks for Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui: "eat, eat, and then talk."

"She died?" Yan Luoshui was a little happy.

Cai coco is arrogant in the school, stabbing his classmates, even causing them to fall off their horses and become paralyzed. Yan Luoshui always remembers these things.

Later, Cai coco injured Yan Luoshui and another student. Gu Qingzhou was not angry for a while. Gu Wei deliberately framed Gu Qingzhou to steal the test questions. Gu Qingzhou took the opportunity to frame Cai Coco's head.

Cai coco was expelled from the school.

In order to restore their reputation, the Cai family of Hongmen threw olive branches to the Secretary Xingfu. They wanted to marry Cai coco to the Secretary Xingfu. In fact, they wanted to use the Secretary Xingfu.

Naturally, the Cai family was not worthy of the military government, and the Secretary of the imperial court also pretended to collude with Huo Yue to kill Cai Longtou, which led to the collapse of the Cai family.

Hongmen is a big gang like the Green Gang. In addition to Yuecheng, Party members are all over the world.

After the fall of the Cai family, the Qing Gang slowly drove Hongmen out of Yuecheng. However, in Hongmen, Shanghai, it is still a pressure on the Green Gang.

It's just that Yuecheng branch is totally out of shape.

What happened to other people in CAI's family was not mentioned. After all, their family was not on the table.

Yan Luoshui and Gu Qingzhou are very important. They don't like Cai coco. They haven't asked about her again.

"If you don't, I forget her!" Yanluo waterway.

Gu Qingzhou remembers.

Cai coco fell into her hands. Besides, she almost misunderstood that Cai coco was going to marry Si Xingfu, which was impressive.

"I was surprised. Moreover, I carefully looked at her tombstone, which was erected a year ago. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Cai coco is really unpopular.

Gu Qingzhou's female classmates are all afraid of her. Almost everyone has been bullied by Cai coco.

Cai coco was dropped out of school and Hongmen fell down. No one would think of caring for her, greeting her or even mentioning her, unless there was a tendency to be abused.

Don't mention the students. Even the teachers hate Cai coco. 67.356

therefore, Cai coco died before Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui graduated, and no one in his class knew about it.

"Canoe, I think it's really retributive. God is watching. I'm going to worship Buddha!" Yan Luoshui smiled.

Mrs. Yan frowned: "I'm good at my mouth!"

Yan Luoshui is not angry: "Cai coco is dead, it is Jide."

After dinner, Yan Luoshui calls Huo Fengjing and tells her the "good news".

At the beginning, the Green Gang and Hongmen were equally divided. Cai coco was so proud of himself that he took Huo to open the knife all day long and bullied Huo.

At that time, Huo was autistic and didn't want to fight back when he was bullied.

"Who?" Huo asked on the phone.

"Caicoco." Yan Luoshui chuckled, "you don't remember her?"

"There are so many people who are not good to me that I can't remember. I only remember those who are good to me." Huo Shoujing.

Yan Luoshui is slightly shocked.

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

After receiving the phone call, Gu invited Huo: "I have something to say with Huo Ye tomorrow. I have a coffee shop appointment. It's estimated that you can finish in half an hour. Would you like to come? After that, let's go shopping and have dinner ourselves? "

Huo thought: "next time."

Gu Qingzhou frowned.

Huo knows that Huo Ye has some ideas about Gu Qingzhou?

It's a lot of trouble.

If Huo Yue shows his intention, Gu Qingzhou can refuse him.

However, Huo Yue was very careful in front of Gu Qingzhou, and never said any blasphemy.

In some cases, it's not suitable to break the window paper. Once pierced, even friends can't do it.

Gu Qingzhou hangs up.

The next day I met Huo Yue in the coffee shop. He also booked a private box, not just sitting outside.

There are many enemies of huoyue.

"Canoe, do you know this man?" Huo Yue takes a picture to Gu Qingzhou.

The picture is the oldest style, not very clear, the scenery around is gray white. Moreover, with a little time, we can only see the vague outline.

Gu identified it carefully.

"It was shot by a foreign missionary. I only got it by turnover." Huo Yue explained, "at that time, the photos can be taken like this, which is very good."

The picture shows a man with a heavy medical chest on his shoulder.

He was tall and straight with long braids, so half of his forehead was shaved clean.

"Who is this?" Gu Qingzhou raises his eyes and asks huoyue.

Huo Yue's eyes are deep, falling on Gu Qingzhou's face.

He seemed to want to see through her.

Gu Qingzhou doubts.

"Who do you think it is?" Huo Yue asked.

Gu Qingzhou's eyebrows are slightly twisted: it's a little difficult for a stranger to guess his identity.

Besides, he is also a doctor with a medical box.

Gu Qingzhou's heart suddenly tightened. Something seemed to be bubbling out.

She did not dare to think about it. She immediately forced herself to hold back.

"Canoe, this is the world famous Mozong river." Huo Yue Road.

Gu Qingzhou's face instantly faded all the blood.

"How do you know?" she said

"If you don't believe me, you can take this picture to ask mu Sanniang. She will never admit her brother wrong." Huo Yue slowed down his voice.

Gu Qingzhou's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

She doesn't want to believe, and she can't believe.

She tried hard to breathe in, and then the air was like a membrane, all blocked out.

Someone patted her on the back.

Gu Qingzhou is almost unconscious. Huo Yue holds her. Seeing how much better she was, Huo Yuesong opened his hand and retreated to the side.

The air in the lungs of the boat is cold and turbid.

"This is not my Shifu. My Shifu doesn't look like this!" After a long time, Gu Qingzhou's voice had already changed.

Huo Yue has already guessed.

Since Gu Qingzhou asked who it was, Huo Yue knew it.

There is no doubt that the master who took care of the boat was not a master of the river.

But master's skill is true.

"Who is my master?" Gu Qingzhou stared at Huo Yue, as if to get the answer from him. "His medical skills are true. We have practiced in the countryside for many years. I have seen them with my own eyes, and you have also seen them. They are all taught by my master. Not only that, my master also has Mu's prescription "

here, Gu Qingzhou is stunned.

Obviously, huoyue also knows why she is stunned.

The Mu family is all dead. The mu Sanniang left her hometown from childhood. She is a woman. She is afraid that she has not learned any medical skills. Where can she see the most precious secret prescription of the Mu family?

He mengde married mu Sanniang later. He did not know the prescription of Mu family.

They only think that the canoe is the descendant of muzong river. Naturally, they think that all the canoes are the secret recipe of Mu family. No, they can't judge the truth.

"There are so many talented people in this world." Huo Yue said, "the most famous one is not always the most powerful one."

Gu Qingzhou's master is very good.

But he may not be mozonghe.

Gu Qingzhou is cold all over.

She felt cold and could not wait to get into her four limbs.

Since the tragic death of the nurse and the master, Gu Qingzhou also had a premonition that his life might be an elaborate fraud. But when it came true little by little, she couldn't accept it.

"When I came to Yuecheng, my master asked me to bring a keepsake to my aunt. It's true!" Gu Qingzhou's voice is buzzing. I don't know if it's for himself or for Huo Yue.

All her emotions are gradually converging step by step, and people are calming down.

Huo Yue looks at her stupidly.

There was no expression on her face when she was in a hurry.

Huo Yue did not interrupt her, leaving her to ponder.

Gu took something and went out of the cafe.

"By car, madam?" Someone whispered.

Gu Qingzhou got on the rickshaw.

Huo Yue came out and saw that Gu Qingzhou got on the bus, but the rickshaw was very reliable. Huo Yue didn't follow him.

He knows that Gu Qingzhou is suffering now.

"Canoe, who are you?" Huo Yue cannot help thinking.

This picture was not found by Huo Yue, but by a telegram sent by Si Xingfu from a long distance. He asked Huo Yue to catch someone, put him to death, and hide all his things.

"Never let the boat see, let alone let those people find it." This is the original words of Si Xingfu.

Huo Yue is eager to know the secrets of Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou.

Si Xingfu lets him hide, but he doesn't!

Only when he went the opposite way, could Huo Yue catch up with Gu Qingzhou, because Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu were moving away.

Huo Yue interrogated the man.

Obviously, Si Xingfu hid Gu Qingzhou very well, and the other side was not a big man, just came to inquire about the news, not deliberately looking for Gu Qingzhou.

Huo Yue has a heart to test. Now he has got a glimpse.

"Si Xingfu, do you have such a secret?" Huo Yue looks at the rickshaw in the distance and ponders for a long time.

He found a breakthrough, he thought.

To take care of a light boat is to be totally absent-minded.

Unconsciously, she smelled the fragrance of the medicine. She suddenly woke up and stood at the door of he's herbal hall.

"Young lady, here you are." The guy greeted her warmly.

How did Gu Qingzhou say goodbye to Huo Yue? How did she get here by car? She didn't know.

I just know I'm gone.

In her hand, she still holds the picture tightly. One corner of the picture was almost wet by her.

The picture is blurry, wrinkled and wet. It's almost out of sight.

Gu Qingzhou is a little loose.

"The shopkeeper went to Anguo pharmaceutical market to buy Herbs. Recently, Mr. Shi is in charge." I'll tell you.

Take care of the boat and walk in.

She didn't answer the boy.

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