Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 457 I love him

The soft and warm body of the woman pounced in her arms, and the gunshot in the ear of Si Xingfu could not be heard any more.

He held her tightly, rolled over and held her down.

When the gun stopped, Gu opened his eyes.

Si Xingqi looks at her, eyes full of affection, and wants to kiss her lips.

Gu Qingzhou, however, turned to him and pushed him hard.

She stood up and saw that the killer, who had fallen into the pool of blood, had been shot dead by simuyi.

Take care of the boat and look at Sima.

Sima's eyes, lonely and indifferent, seemed to be frustrated.

"I don't know him. He's on duty. Hu Si is ill today. Please take his cousin on duty!"

There was a gunshot here, and the whole restaurant was startled.

The adjutants of Si xingxu hurried into the room.

"Drag him away and find out who he is!" His eyebrows are sharp.

"Yes!" The adjutant answered and took the man away.

Just now, this man is close to Si Xingfu. The gun is loaded. If Gu Qingzhou didn't push the killer once, and then he fought his life to protect Si Xingfu, it's necessary for Si Xingfu to receive this gun.

He was always vigilant, but today he was a little absent-minded because he was taking care of the boat and Sima.

Gu Qingzhou saved his life.

He thought: Gu Qingzhou was forced to save him for the first time; although he broke a rib for the second time, it was because he saved her first, even for Yan Luoshui and Yan Yiyuan behind her.

This time, Gu Qingzhou was willing to save him.

She knew she might get shot!

She clearly hated him and said he killed her relatives!

At the critical moment, Gu Qingzhou didn't want to die in order to take charge of Xingfu.

Don't say that Si Xingfu understands, even Si mu.

"It's no use. She'll never be mine," he thought. How cunning and treacherous Gu Qingzhou is, and how deeply she feels that she can spare her life! "

Without waiting for the result, Sima left first.

He doesn't want to know who killed him or whether Gu Qingzhou was injured. He just wants to escape here now, or even take Gu Qingzhou away.

He put Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu together alone.

"Are you ok?" He didn't know that Sima had left. He just went to check Gu's boat.

Gu Qingzhou sees Sima's back and pushes him away: "I want to go back!"

She went in a hurry to pursue simmer.

Run fast, by the Secretary Xingfu a grab, the whole person fell into his arms.

"Boat, don't struggle!" Si Xingfu whispered and kissed her earlobe gently. "You know what you want in your heart. Why can't you give me some trust?"

Gu Qingzhou pushes him: "let go!"

She stepped heavily on Si Xingfu.

Stepping hard, she took the opportunity to get out of the arms of Si Xingfu and hurried downstairs.

Si Xingfu did not move.

Gu Qingzhou panicked and looked around at the door of the restaurant, but saw that his car was still there.

In the far corner, there is the freshness of cigars.

Gu Qingzhou is slightly shocked.

She went over and saw slim smoking in the shadow.

Gu Qingzhou purses his lips and wants to open his mouth, but he is interrupted by Sima: "don't say anything."

Sima light spits out the mist and says, "I don't want to know whether it's true or false! You went downstairs and didn't stay to fight with him. At least you still have a sense of responsibility. "

Their fake marriage, originally only had responsibilities and agreements, was that sime asked too much.

Since Gu kept her sense of responsibility, she was still simmer's wife - the nominal wife.

"Go home!" Simmer stamped out the cigar.

When they got on the bus, Shi Xingfu stood on the high steps of the vegetable shop and looked at them.

Si Xingfu is extremely handsome. His face is crossed to Phnom Penh by the sun, which makes his eyes and eyebrows slightly gentle.

As the driver drives, the driver disappears into sight.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Mu didn't talk all the way.

In the evening, simu sat alone in his lonely study without turning on the light.

Then the phone rang.

It's from Si Xingfu.

"You and the boat saved me today." Si Xingfu road.

Sima wants to hang up, but he still hasn't. He wants to hear what he says.

"Amo, I will not give you a green hat while you are still engaged. This is my promise to you." Si Xingfu said earnestly.

Sima immediately smashed the phone.

He doesn't need that commitment!

He needs to take care of the boat. He needs to take care of the boat, forget the boat and live a good life with him.

But he knew it was impossible.

They can't do it, and simmer can't let it go. It's simmer who got them stuck. He doesn't need sympathy.

He just wants to take care of the boat!

Later, Gu Qingzhou upstairs also received a call from Si Xingfu.

"Light boat, it's Li Wenzhu's people who want to kill me. I'm ok. Don't worry." His voice is gentle.

Gu Qingzhou said coldly, "it's none of my business!"

At that moment, she must have been crazy. She was attacked by some bewitching.

Wouldn't it be better if he died?

Gu Qingzhou is in a bad mood.

She still loves her family even if she kills them.

She is unfilial and incompetent!

Those who are really capable should be able to be their own masters, at least not to let themselves fall into chaotic love.

Gu felt like a waste. She failed to live up to the cultivation of her master and mistress.

Si Xingfu's phone call reminds Gu Qingzhou how cowardly she is, and she can't let go of this feeling.

"Don't call back!" Gu Qingzhou's eyebrows are sharp. "Next time, I will kill you!"

Si Xingfu chuckled and laughed warmly.

His laughter tells Gu that it is impossible.

Gu Qingzhou seems to have been greatly stimulated, and she smashed the phone.

There was a loud noise, and Sima, who lived downstairs, could hear it clearly.

Soon, simu heard Gu go downstairs.

There's a movement downstairs over the bar.

Gu Qingzhou takes two bottles of whiskey and turns around to see Sima standing behind her.

Simmer took a bottle.

"What do you have to drink to drown your sorrows?" Asked Sima indifferently.

Take care of the boat.

She has always been a little guilty.

No matter what is necessary, she has done wrong today. She should not be in front of Sima, desperate to die for Sima.

She was silent.

"How about a drink?" said smooch

Gu Qingzhou looks up at him.

"I didn't eat," said simmer

Gu Qingzhou didn't eat either, but she had no appetite.

Smell speech, she knows this is Si Mu's offer. When something like this happens, Sima is still calm. It's not easy for him, a little puffer fish who always loves to be angry.

"I'll ask the servant to prepare." Gu Qingzhou rings the bell.

The kitchen has small dishes for drinking. The servants are very handy, and soon there is a table full of them.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Mu pour their own wine.

After two drinks at a time, the wine will come up, and Gu Qingzhou's heart will become more empty.

"What do you like about him?" he asked

Si Xingfu is rude and savage. He has no manners. What is the reason why he loves him?

Gu Qingzhou's eyes are fixed.

Simmer stares at her as if she wants an answer.

Gu Qingzhou said, "I went dancing with my brother. He misunderstood me. He called my brother a little white face. I slapped him and he didn't fight back."

Si muweileng.

He thought: can he do it?

I don't know. So far, no girl dare slap him in the face!

It's hard to say it can be done, isn't it?

"I've lived in the country for many years, and I'm used to seeing men beating their wives and some beating their wives to death. He didn't hit me. I think he was very good. Later, I was thrown out by the car and bruised. He drugged me and fed me.

My suckling mother never fed me. When I was very young, I ate by myself. Even if it is greedy for other people, the mammy will not allow it. She wants me to be strong, not arrogant. The first time I was fed, it was Si Xingfu. " Gu Qingzhou road.

These past events are clearly printed in her mind.

She didn't admit that she had loved her since then, but memory would not deceive her.

She remembers every bit of the company.

She is very hard to keep her heart, not to let herself sink, not to let herself become his plaything.

Gu Qingzhou insists and plunders.

She was also invading the company. She took the Playboy in.

She persevered step by step, and finally got Si Xingfu. He would kill for her and give up his ideal.

Thought of here, Gu Qingzhou's tears burst out.

Is love important, or affection important?

"I love him!" Gu Qingzhou cried, "I'm useless, I just love him! Why does he have to do it himself? He can find someone "

she's drunk.

Sima looked at her and was shocked to the extreme when he heard her say such a thing.

Can she even accept that Si Xingfu sent someone to kill her relatives?

Did she fall into such a situation for love?

"Be sober!" "I'm afraid I'm not," he said.

His voice, let Gu light boat return to God.

Her face was pale, and she knew that she was in a nightmare and had lost her original intention.

She became an ungrateful and ungrateful child.

Gu Qingzhou wiped his tears and said nothing more.

Smoothie also took a few sips.

"Why do you like me?" Gu asked

Sima sighed heavily.

"Your family took me back to the city just to get out. If the governor didn't like me and let your mother restrain herself, she would have killed me.

I betrayed you as soon as I met you. For the next two years, you kept away from me. Now why do you suddenly like me? " Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Simmer was speechless.

He doesn't want to admit that his feelings are too thin, but he likes to divide them into many situations, some of them are accumulating slowly, some of them are in love at first sight.

And he si mu, it seems that does not accord with these two points.

He is in a moment, the heart string is touched by Gu Qingzhou, very simple heart, he found that he could not get her, she has refused him.

So, under Gu's refusal, this feeling gradually became his obsession.

Does he care about canoes?

For the first time, simmer began to face up to the problem.

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