Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 814 dedication

Gu Qingzhou did not speak.

What did Kang Yu say? What did ye Wu say? She heard it, but she didn't interrupt.

There are many things that can't be done for you.

Only through their own experience can they get experience and know how to cherish it.

"Like your big brother, will you stay in France to teach?" Ye Wu straightens her mind and asks Kang Yu.

Kangyu didn't seem to want to answer.

He said vaguely, "almost"

"that's good, too. Our Taiyuan mansion is now peaceful, but it is not even ready for war, and we have no mind to study. " Ye Wudao.

Kang Yu said.

"Do your parents agree?" she added

"Agreed." Kang Yu Road.

Leaf charm is no longer more words.

After dinner, the dessert was ice cream, and ye Wu dug it up.

When she had finished eating, she got up and said, "let's go back."

Everything was as usual and in perfect form.

Gu didn't say much. He got up.

Kangyu just sent them to the door of the hotel and said goodbye to them.

At the end of June, the moths under the streetlights lingered, and the light sprinkled on the ground, adding to the heat.

Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu go home by car.

"Will you be reluctant?" Gu Qingzhou asks Ye Wu.

Leaf charm is surprised: "who is reluctant to give up? Kang Yu


"No, we don't have that deep friendship." "Ye Wu said," he should be very clear, stay in Taiyuan to inherit the ancestral property, after leaving, his grandfather's family will not be given to him, he is willing to go, quite ideal. "

Gu chuckled.

Ye Wu added that Kang Yu's elder brother, who was dissatisfied with his family's engagement, went far away from France with a gold bar. Now he has married an overseas Chinese, and his marriage and career are very successful.

Kangyu probably wants to learn.

Back home, ye Wu went back to her room.

She sat and waited, pondering for a long time. Tomorrow is the final exam. She should have gone to bed earlier, but her thoughts are like the tide, which keeps raising waves.

She heard the sound of the wind in the distance, but her mood could not be lightened.

She thought of her mother.

Once upon a time, she was tortured by her mother. These memories make ye Wu wrap herself tightly.

"I'm the third miss of the governor's mansion, the most distinguished lady in Taiyuan mansion." She said to herself, "I don't have to worry about anything."

Thinking about it like this, I didn't sleep all night.

The next day's exam, ye Wu barely passed.

Fortunately, other academic achievements are very good. The poor performance of this course does not affect Ye Wu's overall ranking.

She was ninth in the school.

The first time he entered the top ten of the whole school, governor Ye soon got the news and was very surprised.

"This semester, great progress." Governor ye called his daughter to him and said to her.

Ye Wu said with a smile, "father, thanks to the teacher, she helped me with my homework, which really helped me a lot."

"The teacher has credit, but also your own hard work. What gift would you like? " Asked governor Ye.

What did ye Wu think of.

She drooped her eyes and then raised them.

"Father, you told me last year that I would like to stay at Ye's house and recruit my son-in-law to be a burden in the future. I said yes. Do you remember that?" Ye asked.

Governor Ye nodded.

He looked at his daughter and seemed to understand her mind: "why, ah Wu has a favorite person?"

"No, no, I didn't." Ye Wu hurried.

Looking at her expression carefully, she was not shy, and her eyes did not dodge. She was indeed the object of no interest.

Governor Ye was a little disappointed.

His wife died, his business was busy and his family was overwhelmed.

He loves both daughters very much, but they all have their own ideas.

In their marriage, governor ye had no way to start. He even hoped that they would have their own favorite people. As long as they were about the same, he agreed with a wave of his hand and accomplished two major tasks.

It's a pity that other celebrities make boyfriends, but they seldom get along with boys.

"Father, I don't like people. I'm sorry." Ye Wudao.

Governor Ye was stunned.

Ye Wu lowered her eyes and dared not look at him.

For a moment, he thought the conditions were harsh, and said, "don't you want to recruit a son-in-law?"

"I want to see for myself. Can you give me a year? Today is the deadline. If a year later I don't understand what kind of marriage I want, I will promise you that I will not regret recruiting my son-in-law again. " Ye Wudao.

Governor ye thought for a moment.

When he was thinking about it, ye Wu was uneasy.

Finally, governor Ye agreed.

He said: "according to you, take today as the deadline, give you a year"

Ye Wu nodded, not showing joy.

Ye dujun asked her again, "if you have any thoughts that you don't understand, you can tell your father."

Ye Wu shook her head again: "thank you very much. I have no problem before. Besides, the teacher will help me "

governor Ye looks at her.

He pointed out a little and asked Ye Wu, "ah Wu, how do you think of her character since you have been in contact with miss ah Qiang for a long time?"

"Teacher, she has discretion and knows how to advance and retreat." Ye Wu thought carefully and said, "she is not just kind, nor cruel.

She has done things of great importance, with a mind and a plan. Many times, she would like to see more, think more and speak less. As a friend with her, you never have to doubt her loyalty. I'm very relieved to make friends with her. "

Ye dujun tasted the words carefully.

Ye Wu is full of adoration for taking care of the boat.

Such feelings are far better than good feelings.

"If she is the hostess of our family, can you accept it?" he asked

Leaf Charm was stunned, then shocked.

"Father" she was shocked and looked at inspector ye, "father, how can you teach her that she has a husband?"

"It's different. When she married Si Xingfu, it was Miss Yan, an overseas Chinese from Singapore, but she was dead. " Ye dujun said.


"you don't want her to be your mother?" Asked governor Ye.

"No, of course not," said Ye

"You don't like her very much," he said

"I like her, so I hope she can marry the man she loves. Father, she has a manager, that's the marriage she wants. " Ye Wudao.

Ye Wu is in a hurry and says nothing.

After all, she suddenly introspected, which would make her father ashamed.

Unexpectedly, governor Ye was not angry, but rather very happy.

"Ah Wu, Gu Qingzhou really taught you a lot. Your mind is open and bright, you have great feelings, you are loyal and faithful. My father is very pleased." Ye dujun said.

"That you" Ye Wu is uneasy.

"I wanted to think about it for you. If you want to stay at Ye's house, your mother and daughter should be harmonious. Now that I understand your mind, I will not think about her any more. " Ye dujun said.

Ye Wu breathed a big sigh of relief.

For the sake of safety, she went to Gu Qingzhou and told her about it.

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