Gu Qingzhou knows that Cai Changting has encountered difficulties.

This is illustrated by Hirano's impatience.

He needs to take care of the boat.

"On what terms?" Asked Gu Qingzhou. She also speaks Japanese.

Every time she speaks Japanese, her voice is very soft, because she is afraid of losing the accuracy of her pronunciation.

The more uncertain things are, the more ambiguous they are.

Cai Changting felt that the Japanese speaking Gu Qingzhou was like a new person.

"What do you want?"

"List." "I want to know who the royalists are," she said

Cai Changting ponders.

He started the car in silence.

Behind them, the two children were still muttering, as if they were whispering something.

Cai Changting hesitated and said, "I can tell you who is not the royalist party. You say a name, and I'll tell you the truth. "

According to Gu, the deal is very cost-effective.

"And if so?" Gu asked, "if I guessed right, how would you answer me?"

"I will not answer." Caichangting road.

Gu Qingzhou thought for a moment and said, "what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to help me with ER Bao." Cai Changting said, "let's get out of the car."

"Is it dangerous?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"No, it's not dangerous at all." Caichangting road.

Gu Qingzhou said, "that's good. It's a deal."

Cai Changting smiles gently, the smile is particularly gorgeous, seems to be able to ignite the dark night sky.

His smile, which seems to contain few impurities, is always so light and bright.

Gu Qingzhou sat in silence, speechless.

The car soon arrived at Kang's house.

At the gate of Kang's house, Gu Qingzhou and Cai Changting get off the bus first.

Cai Changting whispered in her ear.

Gu Qingzhou nods at the sound of his words.

She understood.

Gu came over, opened the door and let the two children out of the car.

"Er Bao, go to my house." Kang Han refuses to let go and keeps holding the two treasures.

Er Bao asks Gu Qingzhou, "elder martial sister"

"go ahead and play." Gu Qingzhou road.

Kanghan's stepmother has arrived at the gate to meet them.

At the door of Kang's house, it's natural to go in and have a seat. Mrs. Kang San invites her again and again.

Cai Changting made an eye for Gu Qingzhou.

Gu agreed to Mrs. Kang San's invitation and said with a smile, "we're sorry."

When we got to Mrs. Kang San, the servant brought tea. Cai Changting asked with a smile, "where is the restroom, Mrs. Kang?"

"I have it in my house." Said the third wife.

"No, no, I'll go out and look for it." Cai Changting said with a smile.

As an outsider, he can't use the three room private bathroom naturally, which is the basic courtesy.

The third wife said, "there's a guest in the backyard. I'll ask someone to take you there."

Cai Changting thanks.

When he stood up, Gu Qingzhou asked Er Bao, "do you want to go too?"

Two treasure was asked, thought next way: "I also want to pee."

Cai Changting smiled: "then you go with me"

when they both went out, Gu Qingzhou talked to Mrs. Kang San about Er Bao's eyes.

Two treasure's eyes have been well, but there is no way to regain their sight, which makes Gu Qingzhou worried.

"Your aunts and grandfathers are well-informed. I wonder if they can have a look at Er Bao and recommend a famous doctor." Gu Qingzhou road.

"They do know a lot of people," said Mrs. Kang San. Well, I'll send someone to ask. "

Gu Qingzhou thanks.

The servant went to ask, the result is the uncle of Kang family and aunt come personally.

They all know that Gu Qingzhou is Kang Han's benefactor, and the old master attaches great importance to Gu Qingzhou. Therefore, they come here in person to give Gu Qingzhou face.

When it comes to eye disease, the uncle of the Kang family is very talkative and has a lot of experience.

He recommended many famous doctors to Gu Qingzhou.

There are not only traditional Chinese medicine, but also western medicine, and even monks and Taoists from Youfang.

"Next time I'm free, I can take my brother to see a doctor." Said the uncle of the Kang family.

Gu Qingzhou said: "he is here today"

"how about people?" Asked my aunt.

"I went to the bathroom, should I come back?" Gu Qingzhou doubts.

The third wife also thought that they had been there nearly twenty minutes.

She called the servants again and asked them to look for them.

Sure enough, the servant went to the toilet and found Cai Changting and ER Bao.

When I saw Cai Changting, my aunts and aunts of the Kang family all looked amazing.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Cai Changting said with a smile.

Mrs. Kang San said it was OK.

We chatted together. When Uncle Kang learned that Gu Qingzhou was a traditional Chinese medicine, she didn't cure Er Bao, so she recommended two Taoists to ER Bao.

"This is my famous post. Take it to visit the Taoist priest. They will meet you." Said the uncle of the Kang family.

Gu Qingzhou thanks again and again.

Night deeper, Gu Qingzhou and Cai Changting with two treasure back.

As soon as he got on the bus, Gu Qingzhou asked Cai Changting, "how is it?"

"Very well." Cai Changting said, "thank you very much. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gotten things so smoothly."

"You stole from the Kang family?"

"No, it's my people who stay in Kangjia. If they don't deal with it, Kangjia will find out." Caichangting road.

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

If Cai Changting dares to steal the treasure of Kang's family, then Gu Qingzhou goes to tell Kang's family. Kang's family can't spare him. He doesn't need to take risks.

"You're thinking about Kangjia, aren't you?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

The Kang family is a financial group of Taiyuan government.

Most of the warlords in the south are supported by consortiums. Otherwise, how can they maintain huge military expenditure?

Kangjiasu came to support governor Ye.

Cai Changting and ye Shirang are trying to make up for Kang's idea, which shows that they are not in the same mind with ye dujun.

"Yes." This time, Cai Changting is very frank.

He told the truth.

"How did you make up your mind?" Gu asked again.

She didn't expect Cai Changting to tell her, but she did.

He said: "our people have already entered the Kangjia financial group, but the core backbone has been found out. He has a secret newspaper in his pocket watch.

That secret newspaper can let us know the weaknesses of the Kang family, so as to better handle them. Unfortunately, when he was arrested, he secretly threw the pocket watch out, but we haven't got it yet.

It's because of this man's exposure and the fact that the secret hasn't been obtained, so general Hirano is very angry. "

Gu Qingzhou thought a little.

She thought the words were true.

"When the spy was arrested, it was the uncle and aunt of the Kang family who called him to their yard for dinner and set up a grand feast, so the things were still there.

They did not know the existence of the pocket watch, so they did not search it. The longer the delay, the easier it will be for the cleaning servants to find out. " Cai Changting said again.

After thinking about it, Gu Qingzhou immediately asked Cai Changting, "today's visit by Kang Han also has something to do with you? When you ask me, you have already made preparations, haven't you? "

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