Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 822 ask her out

Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu chat, during which she also urges Cheng Yu to cook for her.

Cheng Yu was afraid of the heat, so he had to cook some rice porridge.

Two people eat porridge, Gu Qingzhou Miss Si Xingqi very much.

She sighed.

Cheng Yu sighs.

"Gu Qingzhou, I stayed in Taiyuan for you." Cheng Yudao.

Gu Xiaozhou smiled: "nonsense, you clearly ask for help from the company, and it's not for me to deal with the aftermath of your actions."

Cheng Yu stopped and secretly scolded Gu Qingzhou for being disgusted.

At dusk, Gu went back to the residence of the fourth brother of Hirano.

As soon as you enter the door, the servant says to her, "the second lady is back. The lady wants you to go to her yard as soon as you come back."

Gu Qingzhou nods.

At Mrs. pingye's yard, Mrs. pingye is having dinner.

Cai Changting and a fan are also there.

Seeing Gu Qingzhou, Mrs. Hirano's face turned cold and asked, "where have you been if you don't come home at night?"

Gu Qingzhou said, "out of town."

"With whom?"

"Follow the company, Cheng Yu and Cheng Chong." Gu Qingzhou told the truth.

Mrs. pingye is slightly shocked. Cai Changting and a fan are also a little surprised.

Gu Qingzhou has never been so frank.

If she lies, where did she go last night? It's a big problem that I don't go home for two days and nights.

"What to do?" Asked Mrs. Hirano.

Gu Qingzhou said, "it's just going out to play. It's too hot in the city."

Mrs. Hirano has been talking for a long time.

Cai Changting drinks porridge with her eyes down, but she doesn't move.

Now, ah fan has always been able to take one step back and take two steps to take care of the light boat, without normal conflict with her.

"Not next time." Hirano man.

Gu Qingzhou road is.

Then they talked in Japanese.

Gu Qingzhou didn't seem to understand. She slowly scooped up porridge and drank it, completely indifferent.

After dinner, Mrs. pingye left them to say a few words. The discussion of the topic is nothing more than the major forces of Taiyuan government and the current situation.

"Ah Qiang, Gao qiaoxun hasn't come for many days. You should call him." Hirano man.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "Gaoqiao and Xunzi are also valuable?"

"His father is an expert in arms. It's good to make friends with him."

Gu Qingzhou said, "I'm sorry that my friendship with him is not good. I can't call him."

Ah fan looked at the boat and Mrs. Kano.

In the face of Gu Qingzhou's refusal, Mrs. Hirano has always been helpless.

She sighed and said, "you can't be so complacent."

Is to agree with Gu's refusal.

The restless seed in AHU's heart broke through the earth and sprouted.

It's not fair that those who should come first and then, but who can take care of the boat, are more than those who can take care of ahui's serious daughter!

After saying that, several people left, Cai Changting sent ah fan, Gu Qingzhou went back to his room alone.

She underestimated Mrs. Hirano.

The next day, xunzun, Gaoqiao, came to the door. Mrs. Hirano sent someone to call him.

She wants Gu to reach more people.

Including men.

Gao Qiao and Xun are very happy.

He used to be a handsome boy. He was wearing suspenders and combed his hair. He was very handsome. Because he is in a good mood, his face is ruddy and his eyes are bright.

"Have you improved your Japanese recently?" He asked Gu about the boat.

After the last train trip, he didn't come to the door for many days.

In fact, he was angry.

When he saw Si Xingfu, he was unwilling to wait for Gu Qingzhou to call him, but Gu Qingzhou forgot him, which made him very unhappy.

He bet that if Gu didn't call him, he wouldn't either.

However, he did.

After playing twice, it's a pity that Gu Qingzhou didn't receive it. Gao qiaoxun was disappointed.

After receiving the phone call from the fourth brothel of pingye, although it was made by servants, Gaoqiao Xun was very happy.

"Not yet." Gu Qingzhou road.

She turned her eyes and said to Xunzi, Gaoqiao, "all day today, you talk to me in Japanese. How about that?"

But Gao qiaoxun heard the previous sentence: will she be with him all day?

If Xunzi of Gaoqiao had a tail, he probably kept shaking now. Unfortunately, he didn't, so his full joy came out, and Gu felt that his whole life would be happy to bloom.

So she understood that the child had not found another hobby recently, and put a heart on Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou felt that he was in the heart of Xunzi, Gaoqiao, probably like the horse he used to be - a hobby he was infatuated with.

"Good." Gao Qiao and Xun Liluo changed their Japanese.

He kept saying, Gu Qingzhou listened carefully.

Every word she understood, she said, she understood. If she didn't understand, she asked him, "what does this mean?"

Gao Qiao and Xun translate it to her.

They went to a restaurant.

This hotel can have coffee and dessert, as well as a dance hall. Next door is the cinema.

Gao qiaoxun wants to go to the cinema, but Gu Qingzhou disagrees.

They sat drinking coffee and speaking Japanese.

During the question and answer period, Gu Qingzhou has mastered several good sentences.

Xunzi, Gaoqiao, took the opportunity to invite Gu Qingzhou: "come to Peiping with me, will you?"

"Are you going to Peiping?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Gao Qiao nodded.

"What to do?" Gu asked again.

Gao qiaoxun said, "invite you to play."

Gu didn't understand at first. He asked again in Chinese, and then he was sure that he didn't get it wrong.

She doesn't laugh or laugh.

"No." She said, "Takahashi, cars are fun. Why don't you try to fall in love with cars? You don't love horses, and you can't just find someone who likes to play. "

"That's not it," said Xunzi

Then he straightened out, "I don't like you! You look up to yourself too much. "

Gu Qingzhou smiled helplessly.

She talks with Gao Qiao and Xun, perceives that Youdao looks at her, and Gu Qingzhou turns around and sees Kang Yu.

Kang Yu is talking with several blonde middle-aged foreigners.

He saw Gu Qingzhou, then stood up and came to say hello.

"Why, talking about studying abroad? Are they all admissions directors? " Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Kang Yu nodded and said, "I asked you to come from Peiping."

"How is it going?"

"No big problem." Kang Yu said, "the third miss is not with you?"

"No, I came out for tea with Mr. Gaoqiao today." Gu explained.

Kang Yu is disappointed.

He said a few words and when he turned to leave, Gu stopped him.

"Kang Qishao, please take a seat." Gu Qingzhou said, "I have a few words to ask you."

Kang Yu hesitated.

When he had finished talking about the matter over there, he said, "OK, just a moment, please. I'll arrange for the directors to stay."

Gu Qingzhou says OK.

Kang Yu quickly arranged and came over.

Gu Qingzhou sat down with him and asked him directly, "I heard ah Wu say that you had a good relationship when you were young, but suddenly you fell out. Can you tell me why?"

Kang Yu's expression is slightly restrained.

But Xun, the high bridge beside, opened up.

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