Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 824 shameless patronage of light boats

Gu Qingzhou's remaining light falls on Jin Qianhong's face through the beautiful lights in the dance hall.

The smile on her lips is charming, and her eyes are slightly up, like a enchanting beauty snake.

"Can Jin Qianhong, who loves snake meat, suffer losses?" Thought Gu Qingzhou.

Jin Qianhong lost his face about the incident on the train. Although she was pressed down by her mother, she should be annoyed that someone pointed out.

The Jin family spent a lot of money to appease the governor Ye.

Is it a deep hatred to destroy people's reputation and rob people's money?

The dome of the ballroom is very high, and the curtain is pulled thick. The sunlight can't shine in. There are ice everywhere, which is cool and refreshing.

Crystal chandeliers are full of complicated branches, flowing bright light, which can be seen from the ground light. The men and women in royal robes shuttle among them, trancing in the fairyland.

The luxurious dance hall has a sense of time and space disorder.

Gu Qingzhou didn't enter the prosperous area at all. She looked on coldly.

She has been watching Jin Qianhong.

After pondering for a moment, Gu Qingzhou said to Xunzi, Gaoqiao, "I'll make a phone call."

"I'll go, too." High bridge Xunzi horse road.

I'm afraid I'll run in the light boat.

Gu Qingzhou said, "let's go."

Together, Gu Qingzhou called Cheng Yu and said to him, "we are in the ballroom. Do you want to come?"

Cheng Yu was surprised: "think of me for fun, you will be so kind?"

"Of course." Gu chuckled.

She gave the address.

Cheng Yu hangs up the phone, ponders for a moment, and decides to go out.

When she arrived, she learned the word "kind hearted", which was not related to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou secretly tells Cheng Yu what he thinks.

"I know you lied to me!" Cheng Yu clenched his teeth, "you are too bad"

"nonsense, the real bad people are over there." Gu Qingzhou points to Jin Qianhong and his brother and sister.

See Jin Qianhong, the light of Cheng Yu's eyes is cold.

She said to Gu, "my father has helped the Jin family many times, and even helped Mrs. Jin. After our family's accident, the Jin family did send people to visit us, so that my brother mistakenly thought that the Jin family was still in love.

Now judging from Jin Qianhong's style and Mrs. Jin's attitude, they probably want to use us to find my mother, so as to take a share of Yunnan. If it is not for you and Si Xingfu, we "

all of them will fall into the trap of Jin family.

Gu Qingzhou took her hand and whispered, "it's not too late for a gentleman to revenge for ten years. I asked you to ask you, is your hypnotism really working? "

"Of course."

"Don't be so sure. You didn't hypnotize Si Xingfu." Gu Qingzhou stabbed her.

Cheng Yu touched his nose and said, "I need to borrow tools, or even relax my vigilance."

It's quite demanding.

That is to say, only those who are hypnotized voluntarily can Cheng Yu hypnotize them successfully.

"Well, I understand." Gu Qingzhou road.

Xun, Gaoqiao beside, has been sitting in silence.

He dared not interrupt, for fear that he would be driven away by the light boat, so he was very clever.

After Cheng Yu finished speaking, he paid attention to Gao Qiao and Xun, and said to Gu Qingzhou, "your new boyfriend?"

"No, he's Japanese." Gu Qingzhou road.

Gao qiaoxun heard the words "boyfriend", held the water glass tightly and went to look after the light boat.

He did not see the bashfulness of Gu Qingzhou, and his heart sank slightly, a little sad.

He was also a little reluctant to ask Gu Qingzhou, "what happened to the Japanese?"

"Alien." Gu said.

"You are too narrow," Xunzi said

"Why, do you really want to be my boyfriend?" Gu Qingzhou suddenly leaned over and asked.

This sudden approach made Xunzi in Gaoqiao totally confused and confused. He said in Japanese, "who wants to be your boyfriend? You don't deserve me at all. "

Gu chuckled and asked him, "what do you say?"

Gao qiaoxun translated it to her.

He said that he didn't take care of the boat at all. He asked Gu not to be amorous.

"I'll tell you." Gu Qingzhou smiles.

Gao qiaoxun stood up and looked around angrily. Seeing several girls sitting alone, he went to invite others to dance. He glanced at Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head and smiles.

Takahashi Xunzi was born with a handsome, Japanese accent, and soon won the favor of the girls.

After he left, it was more convenient for him to take care of the boat and Cheng Yu.

"In fact, Jin Qianhong just wants to deal with you and ye Wu today, but you want to pull me into the water, don't you?" Cheng Yu asked her.

Gu Qingzhou nodded: "that's right."

Cheng Yu called her "shameless", but he didn't want to leave.

Jin Qianhong went out halfway. When she came back, she saw Cheng Yu. She came up with a smile on her face: "ah Yu, is your smallpox ready?"

After that, she looks at Cheng Yu's face.

There are not many pockmarks on Cheng Yu's face, but some on his arms. They are scabbing.

The pockmarks in the scab forming period are hard to see.

Jin Qianhong thought to himself, "how can you lose a pockmarked face?"

Her mind turned slightly, and she asked Cheng Yu, "how about Xingfu?"

"He went back to Pingcheng." Cheng Yudao.

Cheng Yu looks at Jin Qianhong.

Last time, such a life and death event, she looked like a nobody in a blink of an eye, as expected, she would play.

Cheng Yu thought in his heart, but he didn't move.

"You're good, and he's gone?" Jin Qianhong laughed and asked Cheng Yu, "is Pingcheng fun? Last time I was invited by Xingfu, I promised him. How can I leave without saying a word? "

"Where do I know that?" Cheng Yu sighed, "I can't control him."

Jin Qianhong's heart is inexplicable.

She didn't plan to let go of the light boat, but she didn't want Cheng Yu to come.

Just right!

Now that we meet, we'll deal with it together!

Jin Qianhong's smile was calm. She spoke slowly to Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu stood up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Gu Qingzhou said, "then go."

Jin Qianhong talks with Gu Qingzhou alone.

In the dance floor over there, what did ye Wu say to Kang Yu? They left the dance floor.

After the two of them went out, Gu Qingzhou was not too worried. She knew that ye Wu had an adjutant with her.

Gu Qingzhou is at ease with Jin Qianhong.

Speaking Kung Fu, Jin Qianhong's brother and their deskmate went out.

Everyone seems to be very busy.

"What's the difference between Japanese food and ours?" Kim asked Gu

"It's so different." Gu Qingzhou is a treasure. Take your time.

She said it carefully, and Kim seemed to be interested.

Fifteen minutes later, Cheng Yu is back.

As soon as she came back, she said, "I don't feel very well."

And Jin Qianhong's brother and her partner, also came back, made a look at Jin Qianhong.

After Jin Qianhong left, Gu Qingzhou asked Cheng Yu in a low voice, "how is it going?"

"You have a good estimate. Jin Qianhong did." Cheng Yu said, "it's done. You can rest assured of my hypnotism. "

Gu chuckled, "OK, I'm relieved."

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