Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 826 happy love and hatred

The whole ballroom was in a state of chaos.

Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu sit alone and never stand up to watch the bustle.

The people of the Jin family scold the onlookers loudly and make them turn their faces.

However, the family of Taiyuan mansion is not only the Jin family. Most of the families who can come here for consumption are well-known.

Now it's not the evening. Everyone has money and leisure. Who will be in awe of the Jin family?

"You do your own dirty work, and no one is allowed to see it?"

"That's it."

"We didn't tear the clothes of your young master and miss."

It's even more noisy there. Jin Qianhong and Jin Qiantong got into the car for a while.

Two Englishmen were also arrested by the Kim family.

Gu Qingzhou asked Cheng Yu, "you hypnotized the waiter, not only let the waiter give you the medicine?"

"Yes, I divided the waiter into two parts, one for me and the other for brother and sister Jin Qianhong." Cheng Yu said lightly.

The tone is plain, but the bottom of the eye is hard to hide the pleasure.

Cheng yuhen can't kill Jin Qianhong.

Jin Qianhong takes a fancy to her "boyfriend" and starts to kill Cheng Yu. If it wasn't for Gu Qingzhou, Cheng Yu would not survive now.

Besides, why does Jin Qianhong hook up with other people's "boyfriend". If that's Cheng Yu's boyfriend, how can Cheng Yu deal with it?

She has lost one marriage and love. Is there another?

The resentment is too great.

Gu Qingzhou frowned.

When Cheng Yu saw her look, he couldn't help sneering: "I didn't expect that you should be so soft hearted at this time and be such a woman!"

"I'm not soft hearted." "I don't like this kind of means," Gu said

Without waiting for Cheng Yu to open her mouth, she added, "but it's a proper way to treat people in their own way."

Cheng Yu was satisfied at last. His eyes curved with laughter, showing a beautiful arc.

"Yes, she prepared it herself, and we didn't intentionally harm her." Cheng Yudao.

Jin Qianhong can't kill people with a knife.

Seeing blood, she can't explain to Mrs. pingye. After all, where is the relationship between the Jin family and Mrs. pingye. Once she had taken care of the boat in public, it would be hard to end it.

There are too many ways to harm a person.

Jin Qianhong and her brother had a banquet today. It was her brother's companion when he was studying abroad. His surname was Hu.

Mr. Hu knows that the English people in the church are the most restless.

He bribed the waiter to take care of the boat and Cheng Yu. At the same time, he said to the British man, "those two beauties are going to die."

With this saying, British men come forward to chat up, but Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu don't know the inside story, and of course, they don't have a cold face.

Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu can't control themselves as long as the medicine takes place, and the two Englishmen are willing to accept it because they come with the purpose.

They may kiss in public.

At the same time, the young master of the Jin family called the newspaper office and anonymously provided an online newspaper so that the people of the newspaper office were present.

Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu are not celebrities of Taiyuan government, but the photos that are out of shape in public can still provide some sales volume for the newspaper, which the newspaper is willing to take and publish.

When everything was ready, he waited for Gu to enter the urn.

Gu Qingzhou recently studied Japanese with CAI Changting. She always kept trying to figure out Cai Changting's mouth shape.

She could see the meaning of other people's words by her mouth.

Far away, Gu Qingzhou could not hear Jin Qianhong's words, but she saw the words "scandal", "newspaper office" and "dedication" in her mouth.

Once you're committed, you need drugs.

This is the dance hall. It's better to put medicine in the wine.

Gu Qingzhou immediately called Cheng Yu.

Waiters are often patient with customers, and when customers make an unreasonable request, waiters will cooperate willingly.

Now there are only five waiters entering.

After a little screening, Cheng Yu probably knew the waiter in charge of their area, and then hypnotized him.

Sure enough, the waiter said, a man gave him the medicine to do as he was told.

The waiter is greedy for money, so he will.

"The classmate of Jin Qianhong and Jin Qiantong has probably left Taiyuan mansion. He was passing by, right?" Cheng Yu asks Gu Qingzhou.

Today is a good plan for Jin Qianhong.

With the help of a friend's hand, we can finish this series of tricks, and then send the friend away.

Their friends were meant to leave. Now they take the opportunity to leave. No one doubts.

Therefore, the mastermind behind this matter disappeared and could not be found any more. Jin Qianhong and Jin Qiantong were clean hands.

As for the online newspaper of the newspaper office, it was Jin Qiantong who called by himself. He deliberately lowered his voice. How can the newspaper prove that he is?

Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu destroyed the original plan without fail.

"If we were torn apart in public, Taiyuan mansion would not be able to stay." Gu chuckled. "The taste of being ruined is worse than death."

"Yeah, the taste of being a loser. I really need to taste it." Cheng Yu laughs.

She felt very happy.

She and Gu Qingzhou drugged the two men's glasses, which made them unable to support themselves, so they first attacked the brother and sister of the Jin family.

The rest of the wine, Gu Qingzhou splashed on the side of the ground, now has been trampled by the onlookers no trace.

Like Jin Qianhong, they don't stick to their hands.

"How about another drink?" Cheng Yu asks Gu Qingzhou.

"Of course," Gu chuckled

The waiter brought them back the wine.

They two clink glasses.

After a lifetime, Gu Qingzhou thought, "Jin Qianhong will stay away from Taiyuan for the time being."

She doesn't want to fight with Jin Qianhong, but the other side won't let her go.

She was destroyed in the hands of the medicine and people she had arranged. She was not proud of the boat, and even had no sense of joy. She just handled it calmly.

At this time, Gao qiaoxun also came back to them.

Xunzi escorted several girls out of the house and left in her own car.

He said to Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu, "were you scared just now?"

"No." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu teased Takahashi: "did you just see it? Does it look good? "

Xun's face was red.

Jin Qianhong's body is seen by many people, not just him.

Of course, it was a beautiful scene.

Can not recall, a recall will not hold. Xunzi, Gaoqiao, stealthily looks at the light boat and turns his eyes to her chest.

Gu chuckled angrily and hit him with his hand. "What are you looking at?"

Gao Qiao and Xun Huishen are extremely embarrassed.

He tried to make up for it and said, "yours must be better looking than Miss King's."

After that, it's even more embarrassing. Xunhi, Gaoqiao, can't find a hole to drill in.

What is he talking about?

But Gu Qingzhou, slightly sinks the face, is also quite embarrassed.

Cheng Yu was overjoyed and laughed.

The happiest thing today is Cheng Yu.

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