Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 852 unspeakable Secrets

Recently, it is often heard that the first doctor in the south of the Yangtze River is mentioned, just like when Gu Qingzhou arrived at Yuecheng, people mentioned muzong river.

The mood of Gu Qingzhou is undoubtedly very gratifying, even a little complacent.

Of course, she also knows that the world has made her.

She is famous for her publicity. Unlike her master, she has been unknown to the villagers for more than ten years and saved countless patients, but she is just a rural doctor.

Gu Qingzhou also understands that there are many doctors like Shifu in the world.

When I think of it, I feel like I'm in vain.

Gu Qingzhou did not take Wang Jing's words, but silently felt for him.

The pulse check this time is a second visit.

After the second visit, Gu Qingzhou made sure that there was no problem with the child. He didn't need to take any more drugs. He said, "take care of yourself slowly."

"Miss Qiang, do I have anything to pay attention to?" Wang Jing asked urgently, "will it recur in the future?"

"I don't need to worry about it. If you are not comfortable in the future, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Don't delay until you get sick. According to my estimation, if you eat well, exercise well and take care of yourself, there will be no more big problems. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Wang Jing was completely relieved.

Ye Yan, Wang Jing's fifth sister-in-law, said with a smile, "little ten, is the doctor strong in my wife's family?"

"Of course, what's not so bad in the governor's office?" Wang Jing said sincerely and positively.

It made yeyan laugh. She was very proud.

Ye Yan tries to invite Gu Qingzhou to dinner, and calls her two younger sisters to come. It's considered to accompany Gu Qingzhou and to be a reunion of her sisters.

Ye Wu said it was too hot to come, but ye Shan came.

"I thought Ye Shan would try to avoid Wang Jing and the Wang family. Unexpectedly, she was the one who would like to come." Gu Qingzhou is confused.

It's a little strange.

Generally speaking, Gu Qingzhou doesn't need the company of others, and the Wang family also has its own women's family. If ah Wu can't come, ye Shan will be even more unnecessary.

In addition, Wang Jing likes Ye Shan, and ye Shan can't avoid it. How could she be so keen on the Wang family?

She thought in her heart, but her face was silent.

"Little grandma, what about your watch girl?" Gu Qingzhou asks Yu Liange.

Last time, Yu Lange tried to paralyze Wang Jing.

As soon as she mentioned this, Ye Yan said coldly, "her cousin has come to pick her up. It's time for such a big girl to get back and marry. "

The Wangs all know Yu's plot.

To treat the four bedrooms of the king's family who have nurtured them, Yu Liange's return to them is really heartless.

Wang Youchuan made the matter public. In addition, he contacted the relatives of Yu's family, found an honest and reliable family, and sent Yu Liange back.

This time back, eat a little bitter is inevitable, after the marriage is also estimated to have no big ups and downs.

At that time, Wang Youchuan said: fight rice to raise grace and bear rice to raise hatred. Wang family gave Yu Liange so much that she didn't know how to be grateful. Instead, she took pains to want more.

Since that's the case, the Wang family will break up with her later. No one is allowed to help her. It's as if all the kindness in her body was given to the dog.

Yu Lange has been in the Wang family for many years. Wang Youchuan and Wang Jing's father and son take her as their close relatives. They have always been very supportive of her, resulting in her bullying and causing other houses to be dissatisfied with her. Therefore, no one pleads with her, and they are all eager for her misfortune.

"It's hard to know." Ye Yan tells Gu Qingzhou, "if you don't meet me, think about the end of Xiaoshi! At that time, I will make some small moves at random and change the medicine. Xiaoshi will be paralyzed in bed for his whole life.

Yulange's appearance is just to marry Xiaoshi, without her close service. The Wangs can afford servants, so they have to be grateful to her. "

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

She probably didn't want to mention it again. She didn't like it anymore. Ye Yan stopped.

Yeshan is here, too.

When eating, Wang Jing is very warm to Ye Shan, but ye Shan is very cold.

When ye Shan came in, she saw the people at the dinner table with a look of disappointment.

Gu Qingzhou thought at that time that ye Shan didn't want to accompany Gu Qingzhou or see Wang Jing. She wanted to see someone else.

Who is this man? Gu can vaguely guess.

Gu Qingzhou didn't show half of what he said. He ate slowly. After dinner, he left the Wang family with Ye Shan.

"The disease is finally over." Ye Shan breathed a sigh of relief and seemed to care.

She is really concerned, but not for Wang Jing.

"Yes." Gu chuckled.

Ye Shan told her about the Wang family again, and the topic immediately came to Wang Youchuan, the leader of the Wang family.

"If the Wang family can have today, it depends on the four uncles. They are called the Wangs of a hundred years, but the Wangs are the Wangs of a thousand years. Since ancient times, the Wangs of Langya and Taiyuan have been famous for a while. Now, where is there any aristocracy?

Wang's heart is higher than the sky. If it wasn't for four uncles to turn the tide, how could there be such a huge industry of Wang's family? It's more difficult to do industry than finance Ye Shandao.

She mentioned the family background of the Wang family and looked very proud. However, she belittled other Wang family members and only praised Wang Youchuan.

Gu chuckled and said, "Lord Wang is so young and promising."

Ye Shan nodded, and her ears were inexplicably red.

Gu Qingzhou looks in his eyes and sighs softly, thinking, "love is strange"

Ye Shan is clearly in love with Wang Youchuan.

If she is good with Wang Jing, and her sister-in-law is not in line with the Ye family's strategy of marrying her daughter, but there is nothing wrong.

But she fell in love with Wang Youchuan.

Gu Qingzhou has seen Wang Youchuan. He is healthy and looks like he is only thirty-one or twelve years old. But he is Wang Jing's father in the end.

Wang Jing has been infatuated with Ye Shan for many years. Ye Shan's sister is Wang Youchuan's nephew's daughter-in-law. Her sister married her uncle and nephew. That's a mess of seniority.

The gossip mixed in is enough to submerge the Ye family and the Wang family.

"Ashan, you admire Master Wang Si very much." Gu chuckled.

Ye Shan's suddenly a stem.

She stopped talking, as if afraid of looking at the light boat.

It seems that she also knows it's hard, and she doesn't want to be known by governor Ye.

Gu Qingzhou pretends not to know.

She knew the unspeakable secret, which could not be broken.

Gu Qingzhou keeps her reason, talks with Ye Shan about nothing, and returns to the residence of Hirano Shirang.

Mrs. pingye, Cai Changting and others have come back and are having dinner.

"What happened to the Wang family's child?" Mrs. Hirano asked Gu Qingzhou.

"It's OK. I can move freely." Gu Qingzhou road.

Mrs. Hirano nodded.

At the same time, she said, "in this case, invite them to dinner and make more friends."

Gu chuckled and said, "I will invite them."

The meaning of the words should be clear with Mrs. Hirano.

Mrs. Hirano smiled helplessly, thinking that the child was very vigilant, so she didn't speak any more.

Gu went back to his yard.

Suddenly, a man jumped out of the room and scared Gu Qingzhou to the core.

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