Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 855 competition

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu went around to the back of the flag tower.

Si Xingfu takes her hand and tries to let her walk in the shadow.

Gu Qingzhou said to him, "the other day, I heard the conversation between Mr. Hirano and his wife, and 90% of them can understand."

"So fast?"

"Cai Changting is very attentive. He told me that I would never give a hand to his wife and a fan, which is his condition. I agreed, so he taught me very carefully. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Cai Changting worried that Gu Qingzhou would kill Mrs. Hirano and ah fan?

"He's a bit of a visionary." He said proudly.

I know the power of Gu Qingzhou. I really have a vision.

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

"Did he teach it right?" The Secretary asked again.

"Gao Qiao and Xun have helped me to check them several times," Gu said. "Cai Changting is an old honest teacher, whether it's grammar or words."

"His purpose, that's all?" "It's not good for them to teach you Japanese."

"Who said that?" Gu chuckled. "If any senior Japanese officer looks up to me and sends me out, wouldn't it be a beauty plan?"

The face of Si Xingfu suddenly became gloomy: "does he have this idea?"

"Do you think Mrs. Hirano has a mother daughter relationship with me?" Gu Qingzhou almost laughed, "the others don't say, just leave me in the countryside for more than ten years, it's not a mother can do it.

Now that I'm back, I won't be allowed to have nothing to eat. It's one of the ways to win power, or why do you think you want to destroy my marriage? "

Jiangnan is not what Mrs. pingye wants. Mrs. pingye looks down on the strength and financial resources of the Secretary's family.

Otherwise, they would not be in the business of destroying their marriage.

What is Cai Changting's purpose? Maybe Gu Qingzhou can't guess, but his unsettled kindness is true.

"I'll kill him." Si Xingfu's cold way.

Gu Qingzhou hugged his arm and said with a smile: "it's easy to kill him, but to kill him is to cut off Mrs. Hirano's right arm. Then the royalists and the Japanese will attack each other, and you will be miserable.

Besides, I came to Taiyuan with them voluntarily, not under duress. Now even if they regret it, it's not all their responsibility. "

His expression did not improve.

He looked cold and gloomy.

Gu Qingzhou came closer to him: "Si Xingkai, when I get the royalists together, you will kill again. Now, stay rational. "

Si Xingfu raised her chin and kissed her.

He is in a little better mood.

Gu and he paced slowly and turned to the manger.

He picked out a red horse and said to Gu, "you will ride this one later."

Gu Qingzhou strolled all over the manger, looked at this one and looked at that one, and said to a brown horse, "this one is beautiful."

After patting the horse's back and looking at his teeth and eyes, he said to Gu, "it's not as strong as the one I chose. It's useless in the middle."

They discussed that Cheng Yu brought Cai Changting and ah fan in, followed by Kang Han and ER Bao.

Seeing Cai Changting again, Si Xingfu took the initiative to walk forward with a kind attitude and asked him, "Mr. Cai, can you shoot?"

"A little."

"How about a competition later?" The Secretary asked.

Gu chuckled and asked, "is there a bet?"

"Of course." "The bet is ten big yellow croakers," said Si Xingfu

"I can't afford to bet." Cai Changting smiled, "I have no money."

His smile is very beautiful. Even if he says such a thing, it's hard for people to look down at him.

"Don't be modest." Si Xingfu road.

Ah fan stood out and straightened the neckline for Cai Changting, saying, "since I'm out to play, it's OK to gamble with the governor."

Cai Changting said "yes" gently.

"I'm tired of you sweetness." Cheng Yu laughs at Cai Changting and ah fan.

She deliberately made fun of ahun with exaggerated words.

A fan's expression fell slightly.

Gu Qingzhou looks at this and that, silent.

She picks the line horse for Kang Han and ER Bao.

Regardless of the hot competition over there, she just asked Er Bao, "do you want to ride a horse, too?"

"Two treasures to ride." Kang Han said busily.

"I want to ride." The two treasures take Kang Han's words, anyway, what Kang Han says is what.

"Well, I'll choose a more docile horse for you two. Just remember, don't run too fast. It's up to the groom. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Kang Han is busy nodding.

The steward brings two horse trainers to pick a pony for kanghan and Erbao.

Kanghan is so happy that she will climb on the horse immediately.

Gu Qingzhou told the horse trainer not to let the two children's horses run too fast and let them play.

Kang Han and ER Bao's horse are led to the racetrack.

Although he was eager to ride a horse, he really sat on the back of the horse. Kang Han was still scared. He grabbed the saddle nervously and didn't move.

Gu Qingzhou is at ease.

When she settled down the children and came to see Si Xingfu and Cai Changting, their bets had already been made, and now she was picking up a line of war horses.

Gu Qingzhou went to Si Xingfu's side: "don't cheat."

"I need to cheat?" "Don't worry, I won't let him die so easily."

Gu Qingzhou gave him a white look.

She went to Cai Changting again.

A fan and Cheng Yu have gone to the flag tower to watch the battle.

"How do you want to play?" Gu Qingzhou asks Cai Changting.

According to Cai Changting's character, it is impossible to be irritated by Si Xingfu.

"It's a big bonus." Caichangting road.

He grew the fingers of Yun ting and brushed the horse hair gently. There was a little scar on the back of his hand.

"You want to win, too?" Gu chuckled.

"Of course." Caichangting road.

"Not afraid to lose?" Gu asked again.

"Not afraid." Cai Changting smiled and said, "if you lose, it's just a little money. What if you win?"

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

She looks at Cai Changting, her expression is indisputable, and at the same time, she secretly gives a look to Si Xingfu.

Si xingxu blinks at her.

"Canoe, I'll win later. Let's go for a drink?" Si Xingfu led the horse and asked.

He did not shy away from Cai Changting.

How can Cai Changting know that he has not lost his memory?

"If you can win, you will be congratulated." Gu chuckled, "come on."

Then to Cai Changting, "Changting, come on."

Cai Changting nodded.

Si Xingfu leads the horse to the horse farm, and Gu Qingzhou arrives at the flag tower.

As soon as she entered the door, she heard Cheng Yu asking ah fan, "he is so beautiful. Do your mother and daughter want to raise him to make a face?"

A fan's face rose purple: "Changting is an assistant."

"Really? Can't the staff sleep? " Cheng Yu asked.

"Disgusting!" Ah fan's face suddenly turned grim. "Are you still a woman? You can also say such a libertine thing? "

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