Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 862 hard work division seat

Out of the orphanage, the man who came to take care of the light boat was Si Xingfu.

Looking after the boat, his face was sad. He asked, "in such a short period of time, I had feelings with those two children?"

"No, it's just sad." Gu Qingzhou road.

She is not a good person. She likes two strange children more. She even wants to support them, but she can't do it.

Her own life is hard enough, and she will raise her children in the future.

The responsibility of nurturing is too great to support without full love.

"There are so many children in the orphanage." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

Not only taking care of the boat, but ye Wu also has no intention of raising the two children. She probably wants to wait for their relatives to pick them up.

Gu Qingzhou is just a little compassionate.

She asked the manager, "are those components useful to you?"

"Useful, of course, but also limited, I am now in the process of overcoming one item." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

She doesn't need to worry about the manager. He can always do everything well.

When Gu Qingzhou thought of the two children, he could not help putting his hands on his belly.

Her menstruation was delayed eight days ago.

In those eight days, she felt her own pulse every day. It was a happy pulse, but it was not. She was immersed in joy and worry every day.

If she had a child, it would be a great joy; at the same time, she was worried that it was not true.

In the end, good things didn't happen, but worry came true.

Gu Qingzhou comes to the moon. She is not pregnant, but her menstruation is irregular.

After that, she knew how much she wanted to have a baby.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that she was suddenly silent, Si Xingfu put her hand on her belly, and was shocked.

His heart almost jumped up. "Boat, isn't it"

GU Qingzhou returned to his mind, but smiled: "no, I'm not pregnant."

There is nothing wrong with that.

However, the driver stopped.

He smiled at Gu Qingzhou and said, "don't you think I'm not hard enough?"

Gu felt that he had fallen into the wolf's mouth.

She shivered all over.

"Didn't you say that you have to wait for the north and south to unify and have children?" Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu took her over and easily sat on his leg.

Gently brushed the hair on the side of her face as if to see her more clearly.

Si Xingfu kissed her on the forehead and said, "if you can carry a boat, it's best. There's no need to wait. You know I'm looking forward to having a child and a home. "

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

She leaned over and kissed his lips.

All the fire on Si Xingfu's body was ignited.

He pressed goo on the steering wheel.

"No, this is the way." Gu Qingzhou breathes, her voice is out of her control.

She held Si Xingfu's face firmly: "Si Xingfu, it's not good here, it will be seen."

Si Xingfu is confused and confused.

"Boat, I'm lighter." The manager coaxed her.

Gu Qingzhou repeatedly refused: "really not, Si Xingfu!"

Si Xingfu takes a deep breath.

There is a restaurant not far away.

The driver pressed the horn twice.

The car not far behind him, someone got off and entered the hotel.

About five minutes later, the man stood at the door and made two gestures.

Gu Qingzhou didn't understand, but Si Xingfu understood.

He said, "go, get out of the car."

Gu Qingzhou follows si Xingfu and enters the hotel directly. He goes to the guest room on the third floor.

Just walked two steps, Si Xingfu thought that she was too slow to take care of the boat. He picked her up and went upstairs in three or two steps.

Gu Qingzhou felt that he was moving very fast. He was dizzy and bumpy in his hand.

Falling into the pillow mat, she smelled the smell of hotel bedding. The smell of perspiration was indefinable and went straight into people's sense of smell.

Especially at the end of summer.

Gu Qingzhou held his breath and was kissed by the secretary.

Don't expect him to be gentle and gentle with his desire.

"Si Xingfu, bastard" Gu Qingzhou felt that he had broken the shelf and could not scold him.

He never stopped, but smiled and sped up.

Gu Qingzhou couldn't do it. He almost fainted in the extreme feeling.

She was sweating all over.

The sweat on Si Xingfu's forehead also dripped on her face. He leaned over, kissed her on the cheek, and whispered, "if you don't mess with me, will you give it to me?"

Gu Qingzhou is drowsy.

She didn't know the time, as if she had passed out, but she also knew that Si Xingfu picked her up, bathed her, and wiped her sweat a little bit.

Gu said to himself, "sleep for a while, don't sleep too long, but go back."

it's dusk when you can open your eyes.

She sat up abruptly.

Next to the man, breathing evenly, in the moment she woke up also opened his eyes, and then slowly closed, expression soothing, low whisper a "canoe.".

Gu Qingzhou slowly lies back.

She and Si Xingfu didn't know that in the opposite teahouse, there was a bamboo curtain put down by Yajian, and a figure stood behind the curtain for a long time.

The setting sun shines in through the gap, and the bright sunlight reflects on his gorgeous face, which is expressionless.

Cai Changting stood for a long time.

His legs were numb and he was still motionless. He wants to see when sixingfu and Gu Qingzhou leave.

It's been three hours waiting.

His heart was skin and wood, as if all the bitterness and bitterness were gone.

Until the setting sun falls, he is submerged in the dark.

Someone entered his elegant room.

Cai Changting did not look back.

The visitor was Japanese. He spoke Japanese fluently and mumbled a lot.

Cai Changting is still expressionless.

"Let's call it a day." After a long time, he said slowly.

It may be that he has been standing for too long. He didn't get up after he sat down.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou left the hotel. Cai Changting's people had already left, and he did not follow them.

He still sat in the gloom, motionless.

A little time passed, Cai Changting didn't know what he was thinking.

Man told him it was closed.

Cai Changting turned on the flashlight and took a picture of his watch. It was already 9:30 p.m.

He got up and left.

The driver asked him, "go back to the general's house?"

Cai did not answer.

The driver asked again.

"No, out of town." Cai Changting said, "go to the shooting range."

There is a shooting range outside the city. It's operated by the Jin family. Many people love funny guns but can't afford them. They often patronize them.

The Jin family is the royalist party. Their business and Mrs. Hirano are all involved. Cai Changting can naturally go in and out at any time.

He played a lot of equipment by himself.

The long and short guns, which kept firing, passed overnight, and the shells under his feet piled up like mountains.

When a ray of sun rose in the East, Cai Changting fired his gun and said to the driver, "go back."

He had been informed of the night's movements by some people of Mrs. Hirano and ah fan.

AHU has a woman's inborn sharpness.

Hearing this, her mood plummeted to the bottom.

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