Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 878 Cai Changting's thoughts

There was no major disturbance in the residence of Mr. Hirano.

Cai Changting is very calm.

Mrs. Hirano is crying, but she is holding the hand of the light boat. It is not like sadness, but like playing a sad card.

As for Hirano, the Japanese are passionate about the vast land of China, and have no basic feelings for his two stepdaughters.

Ah fan died, and he died very quietly.

"I will find the shooter and give him justice." Mrs. Hirano said to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou nodded in response.

Mrs. Hirano said: "ah fan is too headstrong. She actually wants to kill you with the Jin family"

this is to appease Gu Qingzhou.

For the Jin family, Mrs. Hirano has yet to say anything.

Will she fight with Mrs. king? It's her own business. She won't tell Gu Qingzhou.

"She's gone, so don't blame her any more. She's also taught a painful lesson." Mrs. Hirano's voice choked again.

Saying no pain is false.

Middle age bereavement is the biggest pain in life, right?

Gu Qingzhou said: "madam, I never blame her. Tonight, ah fan's position, from the point of view of the curtain, just aimed at governor ye, who might have blocked the gun for the governor. "

Mrs. Hirano bowed her head to wipe her tears.

Governor Ye's men all entered the church, and assassinated and lurked, which means that it was governor ye who deliberately let the water go.

Mrs. pingye did not know the plan of Si Xingfu and ye dujun. She was just another family in Taiyuan.

This revenge, Mrs. Hirano is estimated to be on the head of the Jin family.

"Death is like a lamp out. Your sister's whole life has passed." Mrs. Hirano said in dismay.

She didn't want to talk about it.

She just wanted to give ahui a funeral.

Mrs. pingye is dark in front of her eyes. She can't support her. Gu Qingzhou asks Cai Changting to send her back to her room.

Gu Qingzhou takes over from Cai Changting, kneels on the futon in front of ah fan's soul and burns paper for him.

When she arrived at the main courtyard of Mrs. pingye, she slapped Cai Changting in the face as soon as she entered.

Cai Changting has blood on his lips.

Cherry red blood falls on the corner of his lips. He is like a cannibal goblin. It's not half scary, but it's gorgeous.

Mrs. Hirano was extremely angry: "I trust you so much, how dare you betray me!"

It's impossible for Cai Changting not to know about ah fan's plan.

Mrs. pingye's messages are all delivered by Cai Changting, who is the most trusted person of the lady.

As a result, Cai Changting blocked the news.

He didn't tell Mrs. Hirano about ahun's behavior. If Mrs. Hirano knew it, she would never let ahun find his own way.

Cai Changting is responsible for 30% of the death of ahun.

"Why don't you know?" Mrs. Hirano's face was livid and her lips trembled.

She asked Cai Changting for her doubts again and again.

Cai Changting gave her wrong hints, which made her mistakenly think it was her own multi-minded.

"Ma'am, ah fan begged me, me." Cai Changting's voice was deep and regretful.

"Are you her or mine?" Mrs. Hirano was furious.

Cai Changting dare not say more.

He knelt in silence.

Mrs. Hirano smashed all the tea cups on the table, but she still couldn't let out her bad breath and strong sadness.

She was so angry and sad that she almost broke down.

She gasped and sat down with no strength in her voice. "What did she tell you?" she asked Cai Changting

Cai Changting said, "she wants a Qiang to leave Taiyuan. She said that you are her mother alone."

"Envy!" Mrs. Hirano was unable to hold her forehead, and her mood seemed to billow, which made her unable to support herself. "Her jealousy, to such a degree, killed her!"

Cai Changting was scolded for a long time.

She finally said: "you go to her wake up, not in vain you grew up together."

Cai Changting road is.

Half of his cheek is red and swollen.

When he entered the spirit hall, Gu Qingzhou saw it and asked him, "have you been beaten?"

"Yes." Cai Changting's face was expressionless. He took off his mask of tenderness, revealing his iceberg indifference.

"Why are you beaten?" Gu asked again.

"I don't know." Caichangting road.

Gu Qingzhou said, "you didn't tell Madame about ah fan?"

Cai Changting nodded.

"Why not?"

"Ah, I'm not allowed to say it." Caichangting road.

Gu chuckled, "lie."

Cai Changting's hand burning paper made a little meal.

Gu looked out of his eyes and saw several servants standing. There were other servants beside him, so he lowered his voice: "ah fan didn't discuss her plan with you at all, did he?"

Cai Changting lips.

He didn't answer.

Gu Qingzhou said: "if I had discussed with you, she would not have made such a stupid plan. What the Jin family wanted was a moth to put out the fire, and to use her to destroy me was to let us both lose. "

Cai Changting keeps silent.

"You know ahun's plan, but she didn't ask you to keep it secret. She must think you didn't know it. In that case, why don't you tell your wife in advance? " Gu asked again.

Cai Changting is still silent.

"You want her to die?" Gu said

Cai Changting suddenly turned around.

Their Futon is very close. Cai Changting turns to Yi. His eyes seem to be in front of Gu Qingzhou.

The candle fire is luxuriant, his eyes set off the candle light, there is a kind of faint yellow halo.

This halo is particularly charming.

He leaned back a little bit and said, "ah fan asked me to keep it secret. Don't let your guesses slip."

Gu Qingzhou stands up.

She guessed right.

Gu Qingzhou would even think, who is the benefit of ah fan and her snipe clam fighting?

"Once ah fan died, Mrs. Hirano's most trusted person was definitely Cai Changting, not me." Take care of the boat.

In this world, everyone is using limited resources to achieve the goal they want most.

Including Gu Qingzhou and Cai Changting.

Gu Qingzhou won. She won the battle. Mrs. Hirano's side, the situation will soon open up, she will slowly let Gu Qingzhou into the core.

As for Cai Changting, he is expected to benefit as well.

Gu Qingzhou always felt that Cai Changting didn't love ah fan. His love was false. Now, this is even more true.

"Tsai Chang Ting, you're mourning - if you're mourning." Gu Qingzhou road.

Then she moved the futon aside.

This evening, Gu Qingzhou was kneeling to burn paper for ahun.

Ahui's coffin is only dead for two nights. The day after tomorrow, it will be sent to the temple. Then it will be sent to Japan after reading the forty-nine day mantra.

Of course, whether to send it to Japan or not is a hindsight. Mrs. Hirano's words cannot be addressed to others.

In the night, when the wind blows, wulala with white flags makes a sound, like the roar of ah fan.

She must not be reconciled to such a failure, is she?

These days, every family in Taiyuan is very busy.

For example, the Kang family, all of them gathered in the old man's yard, and they didn't disperse at one o'clock in the morning.

They are talking about taking care of the light boat.

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