Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 888 teaching plan

Gu began to buy his own room.

She added a whole set of new furniture, all the best rosewood.

"Do not choose western style?" asked Si Xingfu

"The old-fashioned ones are good-looking and can be saved for a lifetime. The more wood they use, the brighter they will be. The western ones are not good. They will be broken in a few years." Gu Qingzhou road.

"But the western style looks good." Si Xingfu said with a smile.

"What's the use of good looks? Our ancestors focused on inheritance. " Gu Qingzhou road.

When it comes to inheritance, she seems to have something to tell Si Xingfu.

Seeing that she wiped the furniture over and over with a rag, Si Xingfu hugged her waist from behind.

He put his head on her shoulder and finally found the feeling of living.

He would rather be eternal now.

"Si Xingfu, when my wife was ill, I called the doctors of nope hospital. Their Dean came in person, invited me to sit in the hall and gave me another department." Gu Qingzhou whispered, "you say, can I think about it?"

The look in the lady's eyes yesterday inspired the mood in Gu's heart.

It was a desperate mother who gave her last hope to Gu Qingzhou.

"West hospital?" The Secretary frowned.

"Yes, the Department of traditional Chinese medicine in the West hospital." Gu Qingzhou road.

"You have to know that the atmosphere of the past few years has made traditional Chinese medicine look bad, and ordinary people won't believe in traditional Chinese medicine," said Shi. Most of the people who go to find traditional Chinese medicine are those who can't be cured by western medicine and are seriously ill. They hold a dead horse as a live horse doctor.

You are not an immortal. There are many patients. Many times when you cannot cure them, you will have self doubt. Especially when you compare other departments with you, it makes you doubt yourself. This kind of self doubt, will let you fall into despair, that is the end of traditional Chinese medicine

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

Think about it. It makes sense.

"I want to use the West hospital to teach some apprentices. Now, talented people have gone to learn western medicine. Who would like to learn Chinese medicine? If I go to the West Hospital, the students will think that this is two-way preparation, maybe I can recruit several apprentices. " Gu Qingzhou road.

She went in the spirit of healing and teaching.

Spreading one's own medical skills is to inherit the culture of traditional Chinese medicine. She has also done it in Yuecheng, and there are some students in he's pharmacy, which is far from enough.

"Do you want to see more doctors or teach more?" Si Xingfu asked her in a low voice.

Gu Qingzhou thought, "teach."

She can only save a few people by herself. If she had taught a group of people, they would have saved more people in three or five years.

"Then I will discuss with governor ye to set up a department of traditional Chinese medicine in the medical school of Taiyuan University. Would it not be proper for you to teach directly?" "Last time, governor ye said that ye Wu was about to graduate. He didn't want her to marry in the back house early."

"Will it be too much trouble?" Gu said

"No, I will." "As for the treatment, don't mix it with the western hospital. In the early years, when they scolded traditional Chinese medicine, those Western doctors did not give less effort... "

" they scolded traditional Chinese medicine, which did not conflict with their efforts to save lives and help injuries. I still respect them very much. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu looks at her straight.

Gu Qingzhou did not understand and asked, "what can I do?"

"When it comes to doctors, your feelings are merciful. But I'm glad you're not weak for people other than doctors. " Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou said that this was taught by the great doctor and her master.

"The only kindness, kindness and patience in my life have been used in medicine. Fortunately, I have some medical skills, or I'll be like a butcher. " Gu Qingzhou sighs.

He bit her on the neck: "think I'm a butcher?"

"You are not?"

Si Xingfu's hand was suddenly dishonest. Gu Qingzhou was tickled by him. He smiled first.

After changing the furniture, Gu added a small sofa and a lamp.

She changed the curtains of the room into emerald green flannelette, which was very textured, but it was a little hot.

On the cabinet at the head of the bed, in addition to a few books, she also put two bouquets of flowers.

The whole room is lively and warm.

Si Xingfu looked at the room and hugged Gu Qingzhou in his arms. He said, "that's great!"

He was very moved, and said, "unfortunately, I can't live for long. It's just for nothing."

Gu picked up his face and said, "it's no pity. Wherever we live, we are home. If you live here now, you have to arrange it. I will arrange it for you when I go back later. "

He laughed.

Gu Qingzhou will do these things, which is very novel to him.

His impression of Gu Qingzhou is that she is a woman with excellent mental skill, excellent medical skill and other aspects.

She can't do laundry and cook.

However, it's very capable to decorate the room so beautifully.

Si Xingfu doesn't plan anything. Anyway, he can do everything. Gu Qingzhou is right beside him.

"My wife is right about everything." Si Xingfu said with a smile.

Two people frolic for a moment.

Ye Wu came directly after school.

"... can you make me another one of that drunk shrimp last time?" Ye Wu asked Si Xingqi.

"Do you like it?" However, he asked Gu Qingzhou.

"I like it very much," Gu chuckled

Si Xingfu said to Ye Wu, "that's OK. You have drunk shrimps in the evening."

Ye Wu cannot laugh or cry.

"You are a northwest person, can you get used to my cooking?" he asked

The taste of Gu Qingzhou is sweet, so is that of Si Xingfu. Therefore, sugar is essential for the cooking of Si Xingfu.

"I'm used to it. It's delicious." Ye Wudao.

She felt delicious.

Of course, it may be that seafood is delicious.

The Secretary nodded.

He asked the adjutant to pick the seafood.

Taiyuan mansion is not close to the seaport, so seafood is not easy to buy, and the price is high. The adjutant went for a long time before he came back.

Si Xingfu received some messages. While he had time, he went upstairs first, leaving Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu to talk downstairs.

"Teacher, when will you go back to live?" Ye asked.

"In a few days," Gu said

"Will you go back?"

"Of course, the purpose of my coming to Taiyuan is to get close to Mrs. pingye and Cai Changting. Isn't it in vain that I don't go back?" Gu Qingzhou road.

But when she was ill and in poor health, her brain also turned slowly. She was afraid of being harmed by Mrs. Cai Changting and Mrs. hepingye, so she was willing to live in the side of sixangpu.

"Leaf Charm relaxed tone:" then you still continue to accompany me to read

"I don't think so." Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye Wuzheng wants to ask why, but sees Si Xingfu to go downstairs again.

He handed a telegram to Gu Qingzhou.

"Canoe, here you are." He laughed.

His smile is very gentle and bright. Ye Wu has never seen him smile like this before, so she knows it's good news.

Gu Qingzhou immediately picked it up.

She read the telegram carefully.

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