Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 890 do you want to be emperor?

Gu lived here for seven days until the eve of the Mid Autumn Festival.

She wants to go back to the residence of Mr. Hirano.

Cheng Yu rarely worries about her: "I think you may be stupid when you are alone in a wolf's den."

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "don't talk nonsense. That woman is my mother. I'm just going home."

Cheng Yu looks at Si Xingfu again.

Seeing that Si Xingfu didn't speak, Cheng Yu was in a hurry: "really let her go back to die?"

"You are a fool to die," he said. When a boat is launched, it's usually someone else's death. "

Gu Qingzhou laughed heartily.

Cheng Yu was so angry that he almost fainted. "Whatever you want, you bastards!" she said, holding her breath

She swung her sleeves and went back to her room.

Si Xingfu hugged Gu's waist and asked in a low voice, "are you afraid?"

"A little." Gu Qingzhou road.

His eyes were slightly tight.

"I'm afraid Mrs. Hirano is really my mother. I have killed Gu Guizhang. If she... Killed her father and mother, would she go to hell on the 18th floor? " Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Si Xingfu laughed.

It's fearless to take care of the boat.

"I'm not afraid." "My sin is deeper," said the minister

After making his speech, Gu Qingzhou returned to the residence of Silang pingye.

She didn't meet Cai Changting this time. Mrs. Hirano said he was busy.

"Ah Qiang, you always say that I don't give you a task. Now that you have a task, you may do well?" Mrs. Hirano asked her.

Gu chuckled, "madam, am I your daughter or your servant?"

"Of course, it's my daughter," he said

"So why should I do the task? I'll be by your side, can't I? " Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, looking lazy and charming.

"You have to help e Niang." Hirano man.

Gu Qingzhou pondered, and then said that she would like to help Mrs. Hirano.

Mrs. Hirano asked her, "don't you want to help?"

"No, I just don't want to help." "I know we haven't trusted each other yet," Gu said

Mrs. Hirano sighed.

Ah fan died. She should be more defensive against taking care of the light boat, but she is only left with taking care of the light boat, and should be closer to taking care of the light boat.

This makes Mrs. Hirano very contradictory.

Gu Qingzhou's strategy, ten ahun also can't keep up, Mrs. Hirano feel that she and Gu Qingzhou can get along better.

However, Gu Qingzhou still refuses to call "e Niang" to worry Mrs. pingye.

Mrs. Hirano has been held and grown up since she was a child. She is the noble legitimate daughter of the family. She is the queen of the world. Everyone demands her.

Even in the event of a disaster, the emperor's great wealth and loyal servants helped Mrs. Hirano to cross the vast ocean and go to Japan.

She's been very well up to now.

She either buys or kills those who cannot be tamed.

In the face of Gu Qingzhou, she has no way to start. Gu Qingzhou is very assertive. It's hard to tame her, but buying will only alienate their relationship, which can't achieve the effect. Mrs. Hirano doesn't want to kill her, nor dare she.

Gu Qingzhou is the only royal blood, at least according to outsiders.

If there is no royal blood, Mrs. Hirano can't respond at all.

Once upon a time, this task was a responsibility of ahun. Mrs. Hirano also believed that ahun could do well.

Ahun is the posture of the middle people. No matter it's wisdom or mental skill, it's not outstanding enough. It's controlled by Mrs. Hirano.

Gu Qingzhou is different.

Mrs. Hirano is not sure about her competition. In terms of strategy, Gu Qingzhou is the most powerful one Mrs. Hirano has ever seen.

After careful consideration, Mrs. Hirano finally made a decision: she should go down and make a flattering gesture.

Gu Qingzhou refuses to call e Niang, and can't force her to, so he can only please her.

Mrs. Hirano smiled: "ah Qiang, sooner or later we will trust each other."

"Then start at this point, will you?" Gu Qingzhou road.

"Which step?"

"Don't call me arqiang, call me a canoe. A name has no meaning, it's just a title. " Gu Qingzhou road.

She is fighting for her power.

She is famous all over the world for taking care of light boats. This is her position. She needs Mrs. Hirano to affirm her and even put her on the same position.

She is not anyone's pawn.

Mrs. Hirano saw through her mind and said with a smile, "OK, light boat."

After that, Mrs. Hirano began to explain her task.

She hopes to take care of the boat and go around more with Kang's family.

"There are six prominent plutocracy families in Taiyuan government, and we have received support from two families. The Kang family is the biggest of them. If we can take it, we will not worry about money in the future. " Hirano man.

Kang family always wanted to support ye dujun, but he refused.

Accepting the financial support of the plutocrats, they will control them. Governor Ye is so decisive and Leili. He can't stand being told what to do.

Therefore, in recent years, the strength of Taiyuan government is limited and the equipment is not the best.

All the money of yedujun was used for defense and military supplies, and a plane was obtained from the Jin family.

"Will Kangjia help you?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"It's hard. They can't see the world clearly. They think revolution can go far. It's really stupid. When a country is prosperous, decentralization is the most taboo. Congress and vice president will weaken the power of the president. This is a political taboo. " Hirano man.

Mrs. Hirano felt that the revolutionary party's government was just for fun. In a few years' time, there would be great disputes.

Imperial rule is the most mature political system in the world.

"Madam, I haven't read many books, but I also know that the powers are stronger than us, and they are also presidential." Gu Qingzhou retorted.

"It's not two or three sentences to say that." Mrs. Hirano smiled.

No matter how obvious the meaning is, it's a long time to ask Gu Qingzhou. Listen to her slowly.

Gu Qingzhou said, "I'd like to hear your wife's instruction."

Mrs. Hirano asked the servant to serve tea.

All day, from morning to dusk, there was no lunch in the middle, just some snacks. Mrs. Hirano is talking about current politics.

In her opinion, it is not the imperial power that the Chinese hate, but the Qing government's official power. Any change of dynasty means that the imperial power is the most suitable for us.

She said a lot, Gu finally summed up for her: "Madam means, do you want to be emperor?"

At this time, it was evening. The bright sunset came from the sky and fell into Mrs. Hirano's eyes.

Her eyes were stained with golden by the rays of the sun, so her face was particularly bright.

Her voice was low and she asked Gu Qingzhou, "why not?"

She said again, "light boat, I have only one daughter now. In the future, everything of e Niang will be yours."

Gu Qingzhou sighed, "madam, you are ambitious. I'm afraid I can't match you."

Mrs. Hirano smiles mysteriously.

Seeing her determination, Gu Qingzhou thought to himself how capable she was?

Kang family, is Mrs. Hirano's exploration of Gu Qingzhou, or is it really not related to the royalist party?

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