Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 895 not wet feet

In the section of VIP,

Ye Wu is fed up with Kang Yu.

Ye Wu suffered a lot from his attitude. She couldn't guess. She was always in a panic.

It's a sad taste.

So she refused and said, "Kang Qishao, you don't have to do this next time."

Then she turned and went on.

She didn't want the feeling of panic. The contact with Kang Yu is very strange, a little sour, a little palpitation.

When facing other men, I don't feel very much, but it's quiet.

Ye Wu is afraid of the uncertainty. She refuses Kang Yu's invitation.

Kang Yu stood there, his face more and more ugly.

He turned out of the banquet hall and left directly.

Kang Nuan went to catch up, but he didn't catch up for a long time.

Gu Qingzhou saw this scene.

Maybe it's because his feelings are in a mess. Gu Qingzhou never dare to point out the love of others.

The love between her and Si Xingfu cannot be copied. She has little experience to teach Ye Wu.

"What are you doing?" Someone sat next to her, with long legs outstretched, and the body languid as if it had no bones, sitting in a casual but elegant manner.

It's Si Xingfu.

Gu Qingzhou said, "what did you do just now?"

When the banquet went down, the chief executive disappeared for a while, and the governor Ye left.

"Military secrets, consult with governor Ye." Si Xingfu leaned close to her ear and kissed her earlobes in public.

Gu Qingzhou is shocked.

She glared at Si Xingfu and said, "are you crazy?"

"What is it?" "You're not my wife?" he said

"Damn, your wife's grave is three feet long." Gu Qingzhou road.

He laughed.

Laughter attracted the eyes of countless people.

Gu Qingzhou's expression remained unchanged, still smiling as if nothing had happened. They were really just talking.

Naturally, they are also talked about.

Speaking of them, there are rumors. Of course, they can't stand it. After all, when Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu got married, both Si Mu and Si Zhujun attended in person.

As for the death of Sima, let alone Taiyuan mansion, it is the most exciting time for the people in the south of the Yangtze River, and now they feel full of holes.

The disturbance of the matter is completely over.

"Are they still husband and wife?" Someone asked.

"It's hard to say. However, they are not people of Taiyuan government. We will not have a deep relationship with them. Let's treat them as two guests. "

Taiyuan, a vast and rich city, is used to seeing all kinds of people, but also in a spirit of indifference, full of tolerance for foreign visitors. Coupled with the changes in the world, strange things emerge in endlessly in recent years. It's really drizzly to take care of the things like the light boat and the manager's office, which can't cause waves.

On the contrary, they are more interested in the medical skills of taking care of canoes, even the legendary "goddess".

The fourth aunt of Ye dujun, who was slim and graceful, came to Gu Qingzhou and handed him a glass of red wine.

Seeing this, Si Xingfu got up and left, making room for Gu to communicate.

"... my mother has had a stroke for more than a year. I don't know how to treat it?" Fourth aunt asked Gu Qingzhou too much.

The concubines who took care of the boat and the governor ye were not familiar with each other. On weekdays, they don't communicate with Miss San's teachers. After all, they are not in the same circle.

The fourth aunt is the most beautiful and reasonable among the seven aunts of governor Ye.

By chance, I heard the gossip of servants. In recent half a year, governor Ye has lived in the fourth aunt's house every time he returns to his official residence.

The servants are concerned about whether the fourth aunt will give birth to a son to the governor, which will threaten the foundation of the third lady. Therefore, they often chew the tongue with Ye Wu. Gu Qingzhou also heard about it.

Gu Qingzhou said: "if you have just had a disease, you may be able to alleviate the symptoms. Now it's more than a year, and it's very difficult."

Fourth aunt sighed too much.

She didn't bring hope.

If Gu Qingzhou says she can be cured, she will doubt Gu's ability.

Aunt Si is too concerned about another question, which is concerned by other people. She asked her to ask. She said, "Miss Gu, are you the goddess of Jiangnan? Where did you go, there was no war? "

"Nothing!" Gu Qingzhou immediately straightened his face, "I don't know how to tell you this, it really scares me."

Mythological rumors are told to those who believe.

For those who believe, even if you deny it, they will still believe it.

Those who do not believe will not believe even if the evidence is conclusive.

Gu Qingzhou's denial is to tell the wise that she is not a miracle stick, but also a rational person. It is also to tell the superstitious people that she is unfathomable, and she will not admit it when asked.

In this case, the ambiguous answer is not very good on both sides. It is the best policy to deny it in a solemn manner.

This is what Si Xingfu taught Gu Qingzhou.

He is more skilled at playing tricks on people's hearts than in light boats.

"How can military affairs be so playful?" Gu Qingzhou said, "one side is stable, relying on the wise command of the commander, and the soldiers are desperate. What kind of ghosts and gods can control?"? In this way, do not the soldiers who are fighting with blood feel cold? "

Aunt Si was moved by Gu Qingzhou's awe inspiring words and said again and again, "Miss Gu, you are really thoughtful."

Gu Qingzhou is not happy.

Is it a beautiful talk if you have thoughts? Don't other women have ideas?

This kind of the feud, Gu Qingzhou will not be with the, she said with the a smile: "vulgar talk, four aunts too laugh."

Ye Wu deals with a large circle of people and returns to Gu Qingzhou.

I was a little surprised to see Gu Qingzhou and aunt Si talking too hot.

"And my father?" Ye Wu asked aunt Si.

Aunt Si scanned too much and shook her head when she didn't see it.

Seeing that ye Wu is still looking at her, aunt Si realizes it and says, "miss three, I'll find the governor."

Then she turned and left.

She left, leaf charm just asked Gu Qingzhou: "how to talk too much with fourth aunt?"

"When you are in love, I try to make a few overtures to Aunt Si. She is a transparent person, so she grabbed my offer and came over. " Gu chuckled.

Leaf Charm frowns.

Gu Qingzhou asked her to listen: "aren't you always worried about Miss Fang? This kind of thing is not honorable, but also easy to offend your father.

In this way, we need allies. In this family, not only do you care about it, but also the aunts. Let them do it.

Say something specious, let them think you are their back, they will rush forward. At that time, you will stand on the shore clean and dry. "

Leaf charm is clear.

The teacher said he would help her, not just to comfort her, not to bump headless flies, but to have an idea.

When the teacher went to Miss Fang's yard and saw that all the seven aunts had arrived, he had an estimate of the form of Ye's family.

With the teacher, ye Wu doesn't need to worry about anything.

"Aunt Si is so smart. You should be careful when you talk to her." "What do you want her to do, teacher?" said Ye

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