Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 899 the East leads to disaster

Governor Ye blew up.

Ye Wu felt it, and ye dujun even angered her.

When Miss Fang insisted on moving out, inspector ye said, "I promised your father to ensure your safety. I am not responsible for your injury. How can I make you angry again? "

Governor Ye insisted.

Miss Fang has a soft personality. Although she is on pins and needles, she doesn't propose to move out any more.

Ye dujun sent for ye Shan and ye Wu's sisters.

"If Miss Gu, the third miss's teacher, is here, ask her to come together." Governor Ye ordered the adjutant.

Just in time for the light boat.

Gu Qingzhou is called by Ye Wu on the phone, because ye Wu also smells the fear of wind and rain.

"Miss Gu, the governor, please." The adjutant said truthfully.

Gu Qingzhou steps slowly.

She deliberately delayed her time on the road before she got her thoughts straight.

As soon as he saw inspector ye, Gu Qingzhou asked, "Inspector, is Miss Fang your fiancee?"

Ye Wu and ye Shan look at her nervously.

If you ask directly, you will die.

The governor is already very angry.

Ye Wu hurried forward. If the governor is angry, she can stand in front of Gu Qingzhou.

Unexpectedly, governor Ye was not angry. He waved his hands and asked all three of them to sit down.

Ye Wu and ye Shan look at each other.

Gu took the lead in sitting down.

"You all want to know Miss Fang's identity. Why don't you ask me

Leaf Charm bowed her head, and ye Shan was silent.

"Ye dujun added:" especially you, Ashan, you are the administrator of the backyard. You don't know this little thing, and you make the family panic

Ye Shan also lowered her head and dared not speak much.

Ye Wu looks at the boat.

Gu Qingzhou didn't open her mouth, and ye Wu closed her mouth in silence, waiting for ye dujun to vent his anger.

When ye dujun finished scolding Ye Shan, he began to scold Ye Wu: "if you don't study hard, you will put things on these little things all day. I asked Miss Gu to help you with your homework, not to teach you gossip. "

Ye Wu also bowed her head.

The room quieted down.

Gu Qingzhou broke the silence and said, "governor, don't be too angry. Ashan and ah Wu just want to know if you will marry Miss Fang."

"I haven't talked about it yet," said Ye

Ye Wu and ye Shan look at ye dujun in dismay.

So Miss Fang is really...

"things are not what you think, and my relationship with Miss Fang is not as simple as you seem." Ye dujun said.

His two daughters look even worse.

Governor Ye is clearly talking about military affairs, but his two women want to be men and women.

It's not that simple... In their hearts, it's also complicated.

Ye dujun's laugh and cry were all different, but he also realized that Miss Fang's arrival really put great pressure on the family.

Where does the pressure come from?

The two daughters of Ye dujun are in charge, so he looks at Gu Qingzhou.

He coughed softly: "Ashan, ARWU, go out first. I have a few words to tell Miss Gu."

Ye Shan is slightly surprised.

Leaf Charm dare not disobey, stand up way: "father, I went out first."

After they left, inspector Ye sighed and asked Gu Qingzhou, "Miss Gu, do you know what happened?"

Gu Qingzhou said: "I don't know, there is only a restless mood in confusion, but I don't know who triggered it first."

"Why is there such anxiety?" Asked governor Ye.

This, Gu Qingzhou knows something.

"First, the governor, you have come back with Miss Fang. This ambiguity has been magnified infinitely." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Do I want to let the adjutant hold Miss Fang?" he explained? She fell and hurt her leg. It's night again. I can't let her walk at night

It means that Miss Fang may marry governor Ye.

This signal is enough to cheer up the whole house of the governor's mansion.

Gu Qingzhou didn't know what governor ye thought.

"So, as we all know, Miss Fang is unusual to you." Gu said, "at least, she may be your woman."

"That's it? This little thing makes them so scared? " Governor Ye couldn't believe it.

Gu Qingzhou said: "no, the real panic was spread after someone visited Miss Fang. Miss Fang is calm and dignified. In the eyes of women, this kind of person is unfathomable.

An unfathomable woman is about to become her own mother in chief, and she is very popular with the commander of the army, and her family is very prominent. How big is the panic behind this? "

Governor Ye suddenly understood.

He frowned a little.

In this moment, he doubted a lot of people.

Gu knew what he wanted to say: "you don't have to send someone to check. I already know. The first one to see Miss Fang is Ashan."


"When Ashan came out, her expression was solemn. Other aunts must have over interpreted her expression, and then they all went to visit Miss Fang. The consequences could be imagined." Gu said.

Then, this mood spread in the house, "you went to see Miss Fang that night, which added a firewood to the panic."

Ye dujun looks more dignified and his sword eyebrows are locked.

Gu took his tea slowly and took a sip.

At this time, governor Ye seemed to understand something. He asked Gu Qingzhou, "do you think there is a plot in the making?"

"Of course, otherwise, how could there be so many things?" Gu chuckled.

"Who is the mastermind?" Asked governor Ye.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't know. She still doesn't know what will happen.

She shook her head.

Governor Ye stood up and paced slowly.

He suddenly said, "Miss Gu, how about going for a walk in the garden?"

Gu Xiaozhou chuckled: "governor, now the whole Taiyuan government knows that I have not had such a deep relationship with Madame pinye.

If you want to divert women's attention to me, and then fish in troubled waters to find out the person who picks up the matter, it is neither virtuous nor effective. "

Governor Ye laughed.

Although he was scolded by Gu Qingzhou, he was in a good mood.

Gu Qingzhou can always catch the point at once. Governor Ye talked with her, never estranged, and the communication was smooth.

"What can you do?" Asked governor Ye.

Gu Qingzhou said: "there is no good way for me, but if you are willing to give me some authority, I should be able to help you find out."

Governor ye asked her what authority she needed.

Gu Qingzhou said: "I haven't thought of it yet, because I don't know what will happen. However, I'll ask you for an oral order. My family will listen to my arrangement for the time being. "

Governor Ye nods.

He also wants to see what happens at home.

At the same time, he didn't plan to move Miss Fang out.

Gu Qingzhou and ye dujun talked for two hours. Ye Shan and ye Wu were waiting anxiously.

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