Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu stay in the courtyard of siyitai and eat the delicacies of siyitai.

But the fourth aunt is too much herself, and she eats less.

She talks to Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu from time to time to distract them from her loss of appetite.

Naturally, she did not dare to poison the governor's office. Moreover, ordinary poisons or kitsch can be identified by Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou eats sweetly, and ye Wu has no scruples.

"Today's face is very strong." Gu Qingzhou said to Aunt Si.

Fourth aunt too said: "this is the new cook knead, the governor and two young ladies like."

"Yes." Ye Wu said with a smile, "teacher, how come you are the only one who likes noodles when the dishes are all over the table?"

Gu Qingzhou also laughed and praised aunt Si's dishes one by one.

At this point, the topic can be spread out almost.

Fourth aunt too low voice, period AI way: "three miss, Gu miss, I... I may be pregnant, can you accompany me to the hospital to see?"

Ye Wu is astonished.

Gu Qingzhou's mind has been clear for a long time. She looked at Auntie Siyi's face before, and thought she was pregnant.

Seven aunts came in at the same time. Several years later, the only four aunts were pregnant. How much pressure did she bear?

The other six aunts are more and more incompetent because of the four aunts.

At the same time, they are also worried that Aunt Si is too much of a mistress, and it's on their heads.

If a high-ranking young lady marries governor ye, they can accept it, but they can't accept the equal status of aunt suddenly.

People are envious of people who are on the same level but are rising.

Such jealousy and anger, full of six, can completely engulf aunt Si and her children.

Her restlessness comes from this. Both Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu can understand it.

It's just that...

Gu is used to vigilance, she still keeps her own inertia and doesn't believe it all.

"That's a good thing, aunt Si." Ye Wu is in a good mood.

If aunt four can give birth to a son and her father marries Miss Fang, then she can give her son to Miss Fang.

In order not to be scolded by the world, Miss Fang will take good care of aunt Si's children.

Four aunt too, Miss Fang and son, three aspects of containment, the inner court will be in a stable.

Perhaps, leaf charm can leave home, married out.

She has two years left, and she can refuse to hire a son-in-law in both years.

"Aunt Si, did you tell the governor? The governor will be very happy. " Ye Wu said with a smile.

Fourth aunt is too full of tears.

As expected, Gu Qingzhou showed concern when he saw her perform so hard: "what's the matter with you, aunt Si?"

Leaf Charm also asks: "four aunt too?"

"I'm afraid." Fourth aunt too cried, "really, I'm afraid. The overseers are stationed all the year round and can't go back several times a month, and most of them are in the front yard.

Besides, how much can a man really understand about the backyard? I'm in such a mess that I'm afraid that neither mother nor son will die before the baby is born. "

Ye Wu looks after the boat.

Gu gave her a wink.

Ye Wu goes to Aunt Si and holds her hand: "aunt Si, my second sister and I hope to have a younger brother as soon as possible. The dowry that my father gave to our two sisters has already been fixed. With my brother, we will not reduce our share.

With my brother, my second sister and I have more freedom and less responsibility. So, my second sister and I hope this child can live well.

Aunt Si, you don't have to worry about it. Just tell me. With me, you and your children will be fine. Tell me what you want. "

The fourth aunt's eyes were wet, and she seemed to be only frightened. She said timidly, "I want to move to another house to raise a baby. The house is noisy and military. I..."

she is afraid that the blood in the house is too heavy for children to bear.

"Well, I promise you." "Ye Wu way," this trifle, I still can make a decision

Fourth aunt is very happy.

She asked Ye Wu, "do you want to tell the governor?"

"Do you want to say that for the time being?" ye asked

The fourth aunt's eyes turned slightly, and said, "why don't you wait three months, and then tell the governor how it is? In case of a slip, the governor will be disappointed. "

"Yes. You are now a double person. You are right about everything. " Ye Wudao.

Out of the fourth aunt's yard, ye Wu asked Gu Qingzhou in a low voice, "teacher, is it appropriate for me to do this?"

"That's right. Listen to me."

"Don't you really tell my father about such a big thing first?" Ye Wu asked again.

Gu Qingzhou said, "tell your father, he will be disordered first."


"the governor entrusted me to deal with the panic caused by Miss Fang, stabilize the governor's office and gave me some authority. I will say at that time that the governor will not be angry about the fourth aunt's incident or the influence of Miss Fang. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Leaf charm is still pondering.

Aunt Si is pregnant.

Take pregnant woman to risk, in case of failure, the father must pick her skin.

"Ah woo, I will not miss." Gu chuckled, as if she could understand Ye Wu's ventriloquism.

The leaf charm just then unfolds Yan a smile, collects the mind.

They did not tell governor Ye.

Gu Qingzhou goes back to the residence of Hirano. A maid stealthily slips a note to her.

Gu Qingzhou was slightly surprised. He opened the note and wrote an address on it.

This is the word of Si Xingfu.

Gu picked up the light boat and went to the teahouse behind the governor's mansion with a smile. Her intelligence personnel were running the business there. Gu Qingzhou keeps them dormant, so Cai Changting and Mrs. hepingye don't know.

The secretary came by chance.

"I'm going back to Pingcheng. This time, I'm going back to join forces with Yunnan. I want to practice for thousands of miles. I'm afraid I won't be able to come back for a month. " "When I come back next time, maybe it's going to snow, isn't it?"

Gu Qingzhou said: "the next time I come back, it's late September....... It's possible..."

Si Xingqi said: "then I'll come back and enjoy the snow with you."

Gu chuckled, "I thought you wanted to say, let me give you a sweater."

"You typed me one." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou remembered this time.

The past has been a long time. It has become some irrelevant memories. In her mind, it's old and dark, a little unclear.

"... isn't it not finished?" Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu smiled and said, "is my life and yours complete? I've done too many evils in the canoe. I dare not pursue perfection. I'm afraid it will backfire. "

He went after a perfect wedding and something happened.

He wanted to give her a carefree life, which provoked the royalists, who now split the two sides.

These major events made Si Xingfu timid.

His sweater, lack of a small arm, did not play completely, it is a kind of defective beauty. He has the whole sweater, why should he make up for the small missing?

Like now, he can be around his boat, why do we have to stick together every day?

"I like things that are a little defective." "The sweater you gave me is the best one. It doesn't need to be made up again," he said with a smile

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