Young General's Escaping Wife

904 it's not necessarily the hero who saves America

When Gu Qingzhou woke up, he found that he was tied firmly and stuffed with coarse cloth.

The coarse cloth is sour and smelly. Gu Qingzhou feels sick for a while, but he can't get rid of it.

She saw the next leaf charming, also by the colorful tie.

Gu leaned back with his hands and feet tied up, half seated.

She gave Ye Wu a kick.

Ye Wu woke up after a while, humming incessantly in her mouth, but she could not make a sound.

It was very dark in the carriage. I couldn't see anything clearly. Gu Qingzhou pushed Ye Wu again.

Leaf Charm almost yelled, but in the dark turned face, see clearly is Gu Qingzhou.

The car is very bumpy and drives fast. I don't know where to go.

"Teacher." Ye Wu uttered a few words from her throat.

Gu Qingzhou shakes her head again, and signals her not to speak.

It's dark in the car, and the smell is strange.

Gu Qingzhou saw that there were pockets everywhere, filled with rice and bran, and the air was full of bran dust.

Across his pocket, Gu Qingzhou saw another person on the opposite side, who was also in a coma. It was the fourth aunt of Ye dujun.

Gu Qingzhou knew that she touched the foot of the next leaf.

Ye Wu could not see Gu's eyes, but felt the touch. She silently recalled the signal Gu told her.

At the moment, Gu Qingzhou is telling her that everything is in the plan.

The car stopped abruptly.

Gu Qingzhou also worked hard and moved his wrist.

The ropes on his wrists are firmly woven. Gu Qingzhou learned how to tie and untie people in the military. He nearly broke a nail before loosening his rope.

After loosening, she pulled out the block in her mouth again, moved the lower jaw and closed it for a long time. Fortunately, her jaw was not pinched down.

She goes to help Ye Wu untie again.

"Teacher." Ye Wu tightly hugs Gu Qingzhou and whispers to him, "are we too adventurous? My father will surely kill us when he knows it. "

"No harm, no one dares to hurt us." Gu Qingzhou said, "besides, I have sent fifty people to follow me all the way. If they don't do it, it means the car hasn't left the city yet. "

Ye Wu hum.

Just then, the car stopped abruptly.

Ye Wu heard the sound of military boots.

The car is made of iron. There are only some small holes on the top. Other places are airtight.

Gu Qingzhou stood up, put his ear to the hole, and then said to Ye Wu, "it's the patrol of the police station."

"I hope these are the starting points." Ye Wudao.

Gu chuckled and said, "let's see."

The car has been parked for a long time. There are people talking outside. It seems that they are talking about something.

Gu counted the time little by little.

After about two minutes, someone opened the car door.

Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu were originally put in the carriage. As long as they can't get up, they can't be seen.

The flashlight took a random photo inside. Gu heard the young man say, "Jun ye, it's rice bran indeed."

The car was closed again.

"The inspection of the people in the police station is too perfunctory," said Ye

"When they give money, the police station will naturally perfunctory." Gu said.

Ye Wu nodded.

Two men lie in the dark.

Ye Wu was confused.

When the car was restarted, ye Wu asked Gu Qingzhou, "teacher, can we really wait for that man? If we don't wait, we'll lose money. "

"My people and Cai Changting's people follow us all the way. How can they make you suffer?" Gu chuckled. "We're trying to catch the evidence."

Ye Wu no longer talks much.

The car is rickety. Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu sit up.

The fourth aunt is still in a coma.

"Teacher, it seems that Aunt Si is not an accomplice, but is used by others." Ye Wudao.

"Yes," Gu said

"Why is she so stupid?" Ye Wu asked, "she has put on a green hat for my father. My father will not let her family go."

"Sometimes people are greedy. Without money, you want money, without position, you want position. When money and status are satisfied, they want love again.

When you can't resist the temptation of love, you will go astray. The wiser the aunt is, the more she mistakenly thinks she can hide the truth from the world. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye Wu thought so.

It's hard to fill a man's desire.

She was a little discouraged and unworthy of her father. If I had known that, I would have married fewer aunts.

Gu Qingzhou gently holds Ye Wu's shoulder and asks her not to be sad.

Just then, the car stopped again.

Gu got up again, put his ear to the hole in the roof, and heard a young man's voice.

Not just that one.

"Here we are." Gu Qingzhou says to the leaves.

Leaf Charm also lies over, listened to a few words carefully, then to Gu Qingzhou way: "indeed, is Gan in the quilt."

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

She covers Ye Wu's ears because she knows that she will shoot next.

Sure enough, there was a gunshot outside the carriage.

Two in all.

Fourth aunt is too in the dark, suddenly sat up, she was just awakened by this gun.

She struggled hard to get out, but she couldn't. for a while.

The door of the carriage was opened slowly.

The handsome Ganzhong quilt, wearing a striped top, has a white face illuminated by the steam lamp at the back of the carriage, and a little blood on the cheek.

Four aunts too see, and constantly struggle.

Gan Zhongmian didn't care about her, but got on the car directly.

His expression is gentle, want to cross the sackcloth that piles up, come in to save Leaf Charm, but suddenly in front of a black.

He passed out after a heavy blow to the back of his neck.

When Gan Zhongmian woke up, he found himself in a dark prison, surrounded by blood stains and no light.

He was stunned and stunned.

"How..." he felt strange, why?

It doesn't seem to be planned.

Gan Zhongmian wants to sit up, but finds that his arm and leg joints are all under people, he can't move, a move is the pain of heart drilling.

In the cell next door, there was the sound of whips and the shrill cry of men.

"I don't know anything. I just went out of town in the middle of the night. Why, can't I leave the city in the middle of the night? " The man said in a loud voice.

Gan Zhongmian knows the voice.

He began to shiver for some reason.

He knew that there seemed to be a mistake in the plan and that he was not perfect.

But... Why is it wrong? Gan Zhongmian carefully deduces everything, but still can't think of the reason for failure.

He wanted to stand up in his heart, but in vain.

At this time, the door of the cell was opened, and two slim figures, under the leadership of the C.O., entered the cell of GaN Zhongmian.

Dim light lights up, Gan in the quilt saw the leaf charm.

"Three young ladies, three young ladies!" he said! What's going on? "

"I'd like to ask you, Mr. Gan, what's going on?" Ye Wu asked with a smile.

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