Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 906 replacing

Mrs. King realized late at night that her son was gone. It was the servant in the son's yard who came to tell her.

"... three shaos are very happy these days. They say who is good-looking and what is the Revenge of the gentleman. In a word, it's not right. It's eleven o'clock and he hasn't come back yet. I'm always insecure. " The old servant is garrulous.

This servant has been working in Jin's house for more than ten years. He has watched Jin Qiantong grow up.

The Jin family has family rules. If there is no official business, you must go home before 11 p.m. or you will break your leg.

Jin Qiantong dare not violate the family rules.

When he didn't come back after eleven o'clock, the old servant went to Mrs. king at once.

"How can you tell me now?" Mrs. king said angrily

The old servant was submissive.

Mrs. king sent for them immediately.

The Jin family also has a foundation in Taiyuan, but within half an hour, I heard that Jin Qiantong was taken away by the police.

Mrs. king sent a steward to the police station, but the people in the police station said: the director is not in Taiyuan, but in Peiping; the deputy director is not.

In a word, all the people in charge of the police station are hiding from the Jin family.

The police station is a military police force. If there is no order from the governor's office, they will never dare to make such a mistake.

And Mrs. king came to the governor's house.

The governor's people also said: the governor is in the camp.

Mrs. king was so angry that she sent for Miss Ye's to see who was still up.

What came out were ye Wu and Gu Qingzhou.

Mrs. king must be very restrained so as not to show her ferocious face.

These two women are the ones who killed her daughter.

Everyone said that Jin Qianhong committed suicide. Even the members of the Jin family thought so. But Mrs. Jin insisted that Jin Qianhong was killed.

She knew her daughter. Even if she wanted to die, Jin Qianhong would bite a piece of the enemy's flesh.

The daughter's hatred has not yet snowed, and the son has taken it in again.

Listen to Ye Wu's tone. What Jin Qiantong wants to deal with recently is indeed ye's family.

"... nonsense. Would he want to hurt you? Miss ye, please stop the torture at once and wait for your father to come back. " Mrs. king thought about the causes and consequences, and made a quick decision.

We should wait for governor ye to come back.

The interests of the Jin family and the Ye family are entangled. The children can't understand it, but the Ye governor is very clear.

Ye dujun dare not move Ye's family for the time being.

Ye Wu is safe, and everything can be saved. If ye's family holds on to it, it will appear that they will report and press others.

"Well, wait until my father comes back." Ye Wu stood up. "Mrs. king, no delivery."

After that, she and Gu went back to the inner court.

Ye Wu is a little lost in thought.

"What's the matter?" Gu asked with a smile

"Worried about my father's attitude. This matter, if the Jin family is to give benefits, the father for the sake of Shanxi and Taiyuan's peace, will certainly painlessly deal with it. " Ye Wu said.

Gu Qingzhou said: "it's good to get benefits without forcing the Jin family to make trouble? Your father is committed to peace on one side, which is very rare. "

Leaf Charm smiled: "teacher, I am afraid that you are not comfortable in your heart."

"I won't, you forget whose wife I am." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si family is also a warlord family.

Gu Qingzhou follows si Xingfu. She is no less influenced than ye Wu.

"Teacher, what should I do now?" Leaf Charm smiled and asked again, "really wait for father to come back to deal with it? "Auntie Siyi is her..."

"ah Wu, this is called responsibility. Whatever you do, you have to take responsibility. Four aunt too dare to do with her cousin at the beginning of the matter, the heart will think of the consequences. " Gu said.

Gu Qingzhou tells Ye Wu that it's hard to be perfect in the world.

This is the original words of Si Xingfu.

You get one thing, you have to pay.

Aunt Si is just paying back the love she got without paying.

"Then I don't care?" Ye asked.

"What do you care? It's not embarrassing enough for your father." Gu chuckled, "it's OK, you don't have to worry."

Two go back to bed.

On the third day, the general staff came to find Ye Wu, hoping that she could temporarily release Jin Qiantong.

"Miss three, I'll talk to the governor." General staff.

Ye Wu nodded.

Jin Qiantong returned to the Jin family.

On that night, governor ye received the news that someone had attacked his little daughter, so he spent four days arranging the military affairs for half a month and went back to Taiyuan.

Four aunts were sent away that night.

As for whether she left alive or dead, ye Wu dare not think.

She doesn't want to think about it. She will feel bad if she thinks about it more.

At the same time, governor ye went to Ye's house.

According to the adjutant, governor Ye slapped Jin Qiantong's two big mouths and knocked his teeth off.

As for the GaN Zhongmian, he was a spy of the Jin family. He had a good dormancy.

According to his words: "three young people said that Miss Ye didn't like the two extra sons chosen by the governor for her. If I could take their place, I could enter the gate of Ye's family..."

governor Ye seized the handle and threw the confession to the Jin family.

Mrs. King's hands trembled a little.

When she offered compensation, governor Ye refused.

The Jin family and ye family have a cross ditch that can no longer be made up.

However, Hirano soon appeared, using the children's nonsense to persuade ye dujun for nearly an hour, and ye accepted the compensation from the Jin family.

The GaN Zhongmian, which was not killed by governor ye, was sent back to the Jin family.

The Kim family disposed of him.

"He didn't hurt me at first, but he approached me purposefully, and the crime is not fatal." Ye Wu talks with ye dujun about the sweet quilt.

Ye dujun thought that she had come to plead, and he was a little upset.

Hearing Ye Wu go on: "but, in order to get close to me, he would not hesitate to use a child. It was so dangerous that my driver almost killed the child.

How innocent a child is, she only got some benefits, just a few sugar money, and took the risk to cross the road.

If a child is killed, it's a life; if a driver can't live, the military government will engage in military law, and it's a life. "

Speaking of this, she paused and said lightly, "so Gan Zhong's quilt will die later."

Ye dujun's face, slowly floating up a little smile.

He reached out his hand, touched the head of Leaf Charm, and said, "I've grown up and learned a lot of truth."

Leaf Charm droops Mou smile: "these are all the teacher gives me."

"Well, Miss Gu is a good teacher." Ye Shoujun laughed.

Gu Qingzhou can personally teach Ye Wu, and ye dujun is very satisfied.

In the past six months, ye Wu has almost changed her face. She used to be cold, alienated, and slowly disappeared. Those disguises disappeared, she became an ordinary girl.

Governor Ye prefers this ordinary girl. She has flesh and blood, love and righteousness.

"My good teacher also said that if you have any questions, you should ask them directly instead of guessing them." Ye Wu said with a smile, "father, I have a problem."

"What's the problem?"

"You and Miss Fang, are you getting married?" Ye asked.

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