Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 916 persimmon forest

Ye Shan is upset.

All the way in, there were twice as many adjutants on guard, but the servants disappeared, and the whole governor's office was in a state of panic.

"Nothing serious?" Gu Qingzhou asked her.

Ye Shan looks at her carefully.

"If you know the light boat, you should bear the responsibility even if you are afraid, or don't know the subtlety." Ye Shan said, "it's not that I don't trust you."

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

The more secrets you know, the more responsibility you have.

Ye Shan doesn't tell Gu Qingzhou. It's just that Gu Qingzhou stays out of the business and doesn't feel ashamed.

It's a kindness to her. Don't you know if you care about the boat?

"Well, I won't ask." Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "when will ah Wu leave school?"

"Almost." Ye Shan didn't breathe a sigh of relief, but she still screwed her brow tightly. What happened in the governor's office made her very worried.

Gu Qingzhou wants to comfort her, but she has no choice but to go to Ye Wu first.

After school, ye Wu knows that Gu Qingzhou is back, almost trotting back to her yard.

"Teacher, teacher!" She cried before she came in.

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

Her eyes were full of smiles. She stood up and opened the door for ye Wu.

Leaf Charm pours into her arms at once.

"Teacher, you've come back. I've been struggling with my latest calculation. I can't even learn it well without you at home." Ye Wu said excitedly.

She wished she could stick to the boat.

Gu Qingzhou patted her on the back and said with a smile, "you are strangling me."

Leaf is enchanted this just hurriedly released a hand.

She asked Gu Qingzhou what she was doing when she went back these days, and Gu told her one by one.

When it comes to the serious injury caused by the inspector general, ye Wu feels very sad and thinks of her father.

"My father has also been assassinated many times." Many people hate warlords. If we give some people benefits, we will harm others. "

Gu Qingzhou nods.

After a long conversation, the maid came in with supper.

When Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu had dinner, ye Wu said to Gu Qingzhou, "my father has gone to Peiping. My family is not safe these days. You must have seen it."

Gu Qingzhou said: "I saw it as soon as I came. By the way, is your father sending Miss Fang back? "

"No, it's business. Miss Fang is still in our house. Her leg is broken. The doctor said it's better not to ride bumpy in three months." Ye Wudao.

Ye Wu bit her lip and said to Gu Qingzhou, "teacher, you know..."

"Shhh, your sister doesn't let me know. You are going to kill me for fear of my involvement?" Gu chuckles.

Leaf Charm also smiled, immediately stopped the topic, do not want to let Gu Qingzhou also follow difficult to do.

After dinner, ye Wu said that she was very happy to eat. If she wanted to go out for a walk with Gu Qingzhou, she would be digested.

They walked slowly along the path.

"Teacher, Su Peng was on holiday yesterday. He came to see me." Ye Wu takes care of the boat road.

Su Peng is one of her fiancee's choices. Governor Ye's favorite.

"Oh, how is it?" Gu asked with concern.

Ye Wu thought: "although he is a soldier, he has read books and graduated from the military academy. Like Kunan oak, he has no parents, and only one aunt is the relative within five clothes.

His aunt is only thirty this year. It is said that she was sixteen when she married to the Su family. At that time, the Su family man died. She raised Su Peng alone and sent him to study. "

After hearing this, Gu Qingzhou was quite moved: "it's amazing."

Ye Wu thought so.

"Su Peng said that his aunt now lives outside the city. He bought the land. His aunt hired someone to grow it. She usually grows some vegetables herself. There is also a persimmon tree at home. Now there are ripe persimmons. I'd like to play with them. " Ye Wudao.

It seems that ye Wu really wants to go.

She is either curious about the manor, or she wants to eat persimmons, or she wants to see Su Peng's aunt.

Meet Su Peng's only family, maybe you can better understand Su Peng.

Although Su Peng looks strange and a bit like a foreigner, he doesn't feel ugly after a long time.

Especially his eyes are very beautiful.

When I saw him for the first time, I was a little scared. Now I can't see him again.

"Are you free to see it?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"I'm free." Ye Wu said, "it's home..."

GU Qingzhou said: "go back and ask your second sister."

The two returned to governor Ye's mansion.

Ye Wu goes to see ye Shan. Ye Shan is talking to the governors and asking what's going on.

Hearing this, ye Shanli said: "just in time, you go out for a walk, don't live at home at weekends, I want to search home."

Ye Wu bit her lower lip and asked, "second sister, would you like to send a telegram to her father?"

"No, it's impossible for such a big thing to leave the house under our eyes. It must be at home. I'm going to turn my house upside down. Don't bother your father with these trifles. " Ye Shandao.

Ye Shan's eyes were almost red.

Seeing this, ye Wu was a little afraid of her. She thought it would be a good thing to go out for a weekend.

So she told Gu that she would go to Chuang Tzu this weekend. Please accompany her.

"Well, I want to go out and play too." Gu chuckled.

Ye Wu calls Su Peng.

Su Peng understood and asked, "what time shall I pick you up on Saturday morning, miss three?"

Ye Wu asked Gu about the boat with her mouth.

Gu Qingzhou rowed an eight o'clock for her.

Ye Wu tells Su Peng.

After hanging up the phone, ye Wu was stunned, and said to Gu Qingzhou, "will people just talk about it?"

"What's the matter?" Gu Qingzhou doesn't understand.

Ye Wu said: "I told Su Peng that I promised to visit his manor. His tone was heavy. Although I'm happy to hear that, I always feel that he's pretending. "

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

"Are you sensitive?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Ye Wu shakes her head.

She is very determined about her feelings.

Gu Qingzhou didn't answer the phone. He didn't know what Su Peng's reaction was at that time. He didn't say anything rashly. He said, "do you want to go?"

"Go, it's all said. How can a man break his word?" Ye Wudao.

Put down the microphone, she was a little hesitant, the heart seems to have a thousand pounds.

Gu Qingzhou comforts her again and again, so that she doesn't think much about it.

"Teacher, Su Peng may really just talk about it." Ye Wu said, "I shouldn't have called..."

"now that I have all called, let's have a look. Wouldn't it be better to know him better? " Gu Qingzhou said, "this is a good thing. You can know his attitude better."

Ye Wu is obedient to what Gu Qingzhou said.

On Saturday, ye Wu got up early.

For going to the countryside, ye Wu specially changed her simple riding clothes.

The riding suit is dark blue, long pants and long sleeves. It's very simple and fashionable at the same time.

Gu Qingzhou is still a cheongsam.

Seeing this kind of Leaf Charm, Gu Qingzhou exclaimed: "it's really sophisticated to dress like this!"

Leaf Charm also laughs: "thank you teacher praise."

At half past seven, Su Peng arrived.

Seeing ye Wu, he also praised her for her beautiful clothes, and then the group got on the bus.

Ye Wu did not take Su Peng's car, but her own, which was driven by the driver. Su Peng's car led the way ahead.

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